Pythagoras' psychomatrix by date of birth
Destiny Map
Pythagorean Square

Find out your strengths and weaknesses!
Character - |
Health - |
Luck - |
Energy - |
Logic - |
Debt - |
Interests - |
Work - |
Intellect - |
Additional numbers: -
Destiny number: -
Determination: -
Family life: -
Stability: -
Self-esteem: -
Finance: -
Talents: -
Temperament: -
Spirituality: -
The classic Pythagorean square includes:
- Character, willpower.
- Energy, charisma.
- Interests, knowledge, creativity.
- Beauty, health.
- Intuition and logic.
- Hard work, skill.
- Luck, good fortune.
- Responsibility, sense of duty.
- Intellect, intelligence, memory.
The psychomatrix takes into account:
- by rows (purposefulness, family, stability);
- by columns (self-esteem, performance, talent);
- by diagonals (spirituality, temperament).
According to numerologists, the meanings of numbers from 1 to 9 should be interpreted as follows:
- 1 - egoist, 11 - self-satisfied person.
- 2 - sport helps maintain energy, 22 - normal.
- 3 - studies according to mood, 33 - scientist.
- 4 — average health, 44 — strong immunity.
- 5 — developed intuition, 55 — excellent intuition.
- 6 — not a fan of manual labor, 66 — likes to tinker.
- 7 — relaxed life, 77 — developed talent.
- 8 — will support, 88 — always ready to save.
- 9 — brain exercise is needed, 99 — good mental abilities.
A character trait is considered sufficiently developed if its value consists of 2–3 digits rather than one. Excess (>3) or deficit destroys harmony. If the cells are empty, the quality is completely absent or very weak.
Analysis of psychomatrix numbers by date
CHARACTER, Strong-willed qualities
Character "1": a weak and selfish person. We can say that this is one of the most complex characters. It belongs to people who are contradictory by nature. This means that, having a weak-willed character, they avoid making any decisions, trying to shift this responsibility to other people. Running away from making decisions, they desperately imitate activity and exaggerate their volitional qualities. That is why they always start a quarrel in any situation. You will be surprised to know, but these people do not really care about the subject of the dispute. All they care about is winning, as they desperately need success, trying to demonstrate to everyone the strength of their character. Striving for victory, they often act selfishly and ignore other people with their needs and problems. Such people never make hasty decisions; they give ambiguous answers to questions, which subsequently allows them to refute their own statements or promises, and even better, not to make any decisions. Do not try to accuse them of weak-willedness. You will only offend them, and they will simply not believe you, once again showing a desire to argue.
Advice on Marriage
The ideal marriage combination: if the symbol "1" belongs to a woman, then she needs to marry a man with a strong character, for example "1111" or "11111". With other types of character, she may face the following problem: a woman values strength of character in a man and will demand this in a relationship, and most importantly, she will always continue to test his will and initiate disputes. Remember that if a man begins to give in, this is the beginning of the end of the marriage, since a woman will not forgive him for weakness, since she values him for his strong character. If the symbol "1" belongs to a man, then it is best for him to create a family with a woman who has the symbols "1" or "111". If a man has no willpower at all, he can marry a woman with the letters "1111" or "11111" (but this is rare). With his lack of willpower, a man expects obedience from a woman, because he always strives to assert his leadership. Such men most often would like to have a "weaker" wife, because this way they feel safe. They also always control their behavior, what they say and do, so as not to flaunt their lack of willpower.
Recommendations on energy
This is one of the most difficult characters, as there is a contradiction in its definition. Think about whether you believe that a person can be both selfish and weak-willed. A selfish nature, egoism implies the ability to defend one's will and opinion, and weak-willedness implies submission to the opinions of others. Let's try to figure it out. Having a weak-willed character and realizing this, a person will try with all his might to hide such a character flaw from others. To do this, he will put on the mask of a determined person, trying to convince others of his exceptional willpower. Take a closer look at such a person, and everything will immediately become clear to you. He never imposes anything on anyone, but always acts as a fanatical conductor of someone else's opinion or order. The language of the law for him is a monopoly on the truth. If he was given a document defining his powers and authority, do not even think of arguing with him, unless you have another document limiting or canceling these powers. Such people are executors by nature. If you are interested in finding a way to talk to this person in order to win the argument without taking the "victory" away from him, just look at the sequence of the conversation:
- I agree with you...
- But here's how I would do it (short outline)...
- But I agree with you. Decide for yourself...
- Then you pause until he offers his own course of action.
If your child has this type of character, then you should teach him to make decisions. Never try to suppress his desire to lead, since without you, he will lose this ability. Remember: you can change his character with the help of strong lines, for character “1” this is row 1, column 1, spiritual diagonal (“1, 4, 7”; “1, 2, 3”; “1, 5, 9”).
People with two ones in their psychomatrix are characterized by a sweet and gentle nature; they need praise, and try to earn it in every possible way. That is why they help others a lot, easily enter any social group and become noticeable there, because they strive to attract attention to themselves in order to receive gratitude for a pleasant meeting in the future. They are good listeners, especially when the other person does not put pressure on them. Very rarely do people of this type put pressure on others. They often lack firmness in defending their opinion. They usually choose professions in which they do not depend on other people, but the need for praise pushes them to the path of doctors or teachers. They often lack purposefulness and high self-esteem, which prevents them from setting bold and daring goals. If they are lucky enough to have “22” or “2222” in their psychomatrix, then their initiative is sharply activated. Marriage Advice
With this type of character, you should not worry about what kind of character your partner has, because you can build a relationship with almost anyone. The only thing you need to check (especially women) is whether your potential partner can give you the praise you need. For this, he or she must have the energy of "22" or "2222 or more". Pay special attention to determining the leadership in your family. If you do not have a need for power, then look for a spouse who is stronger than you, and if you want to be the main one, you should find someone who can give in.
Energy Recommendations
Remember, the main thing that a person with an "11" character needs in life is praise. If you give your child (who has the "11" symbol) a list of tasks for the day, then know that after completing one task, he will expect praise and only then will he move on to the next task and get to work. further down the list, receiving praise for each task separately. It is best to use the following plan. You should tell him that he must complete one single task, since he does it better than anyone else, and then tell him about all the things you will undertake and name them. When you return home, you will be pleasantly surprised to learn that your child has completed several of your assignments only to receive additional praise; and be sure not to punish him if he has not yet found time to complete the assigned task. Praise your child often, and you will never have problems. Don't overdo it with praise if your child is 88 or 55, in this case he does not tolerate lies, because he is a "truth lover".
This character has a rather bold nickname "golden mean", which immediately distinguishes him from other types of characters. These people can find a common language with anyone. The thing is that they can, if necessary, make a concession in an argument with anyone (even with the character "1"). The main thing you need to know is that such a person cannot be pressured, because if necessary, he will defeat any despot.
A person with the character "golden mean" makes a natural transition to a new character: "1 and 8". (it is believed that 8 does not exist). It corresponds to a soft and flexible character. This external deceptive softness pushes those who like to control others to splash out their power on those who have the character "111", which turns into an unexpected explosion of emotions, and this leads to the suppression of the despot.
Advice on marriage
The main criterion for entering into marriage for a person with the "golden mean" character is an assessment of his tolerance and desire to obey another person or, conversely, unwillingness to be "under the thumb". If you have clearly defined what you want, then you can get married and start a family. If you do not want to be a leader in the family, then a stronger character "1111" (very rarely "11111") will suit you best; if you are a leader, then you should look for someone with the character "11". You can start a family with someone with the character "111111 and above", because these are very tolerant people and they do not like to lead in the family.
Recommendations on energy
It is important not to allow a person with this type of character to become bitter, angry, vindictive and aggressive. The reason lies not in the person himself, but in his environment. If parents have suppressed a child with this type of character since childhood, then we can say for sure that this child will grow up with a small sense of duty to parents. Remember: everything in life goes in a circle. If a person forgets about his duty to parents, then he himself must give birth to a child who will lose the sense of duty to him.
If you have a "golden mean" character, do not try to convince yourself of false tolerance, because kneeling is not your destiny. Remember the words of A. Green: "Never do something you will regret later." Having given in to a person out of pity, you will then explode, because the pity will pass and disappointment and regret will follow.
This is a strong-willed and charismatic character. These people know how to set goals for themselves when they have the energy for it. They do not like to give in to arguments, but at the same time do not cross certain boundaries, since they are not despots and always take into account the feelings of the opponent and try not to offend him. This type of character is best suited for men to take leadership positions or join the army. When communicating with these people, never forget that this is the character of a leader who strives to be better than others. At the same time, you should not think that they always need to be assertive, because in their calm state they are actually very similar to people with the character type "11" - they also love praise, but do not tolerate sycophants and flattery. Also, never try to humiliate a person with the hieroglyph "1111", as this will end in disgust on his part. These people have the ability to quickly make decisions and stick to them. Marriage Advice
The choice of a marriage partner is determined by the strength of the character itself. The guiding principle is quite simple: if one person strives for power, then the other partner must be able and willing to follow him, and therefore must have a softer character: "1", "11", "111" or "111111". and more". You should not experiment with bringing two strong characters together in marriage, as this will lead to conflicts. We do not recommend creating a family with the letters "1111" and "11111".
When talking about a leader in the family, it is necessary to determine him first of all by the strength of character, and not by gender. Some men will certainly be touched by this, but if you have a softer character than your wife, then do not try to take the initiative in the family - this will only lead to the collapse of your union in the future. Resentment accumulates gradually, but this is a fact. It is best to determine who will be the leader in the family at the very beginning of the marriage.
Recommendations on energy
Having a character type of "1111", never deceive yourself that you are able to easily give up the leadership role to another person - this is not true. You were born with the qualities of a leader, and this means that even if for some reason you did not become one (weak energy or something else), then you should not allow yourself to even humiliate yourself - this is unacceptable for you. The main thing you need to know is that every person is unique, and if you have not managed to become a leader in your career, then you have a chance to reveal your talents and skills in another area of life, and you can always become someone significant. Learn to fight your own laziness. You know how to set goals for yourself, and if you still do not do this, then you just do not want to. One day you will regret your laziness and idleness, but it will be too late, and you will feel defeated and disappointed. Your character gives you everything: tolerance, determination, high self-esteem and firmness. It is unlikely that there will be anyone who can prevent you from getting what you want - you are the only obstacle that can arise on your path to happiness.11111
This is the type of character who loves power the most. These people go to their goal, paying no attention to anything or anyone (provided that there is no "8" in the psychomatrix of this person and the person strives for power). These people are rightfully considered despots. Unlimited power or lack thereof. Few of them will ever be able to stop in their pursuit of power and there is no limit to their desire for power and thirst for power. This desire for power creates a hostile environment around these people. It is safe to say that the outcome for any despot is known in advance: he himself gives birth to his successor, who will eventually cut his own throat. The only way to save yourself is to give up the desire for power before it is too late.
Advice on Marriage
A strong marriage is possible only with the weaker character types "1" and "11". You should not start a family with an overloaded character "111111 and more", as this will lead to constant quarrels and fights that will destroy the family. All other combinations are also undesirable. Now we are talking about potential families. Many families have already been created, people have gotten used to each other, but this does not mean that such families do not have problems. Two types of characters who should never marry are "1111" and "11111" - their union is like going to war.
Energy Recommendations
It is most difficult to give recommendations to those who will never follow them, because they do not take them seriously due to their overconfidence and complacency. Time will tell if this is the right philosophy. Running away from power is your downfall, a potential failure. Develop your talents. If you live with a person who has a despotic character, then you have only two options: not to let the despotic character flourish or submit to it. If you do not tolerate humiliation and control, then never start a family with such a person. The best recommendation for a person with a despotic character is to always take into account the desires and feelings of other people. If your psychomatrix has a lot of numbers 2 and 4, then it is best to take up sports that will direct your energy to the desire to be first, to win. So as not to repeat yourself, but still - do not seek power.111111 or more
As soon as the number of units exceeds five, we can immediately talk about the "overload" of the despot, which means a sharp change in character. The person begins to fear his hidden nature and need for power. Realizing his extreme thirst for power, he also clearly understands that he will never be able to have what he wants (to be a king or a president). Smaller goals do not interest him and do not excite him. The realization that he cannot get unlimited power makes him completely abandon his search. Such people can reveal their secret plans only at the moment of strong intoxication. They are very tolerant and calm, and their emotions explode only after a long accumulation of grievances. When such a moment comes, one wrong word can provoke a huge explosion of accumulated energy. Close people need to be aware of this and strive to release the accumulated negative energy sooner than later, when it is not so critical. The determination of people with this type of character is greatly underestimated, as is their self-confidence. The choice of career is determined not by one's interests, but by the degree of freedom that makes it possible not to depend on the boss or anyone at all.
Advice on Marriage Issues
The extreme nature of this character type means that these people cannot tolerate partnerships with leaders and influential people. That is why it is desirable for these people to be combined with the symbols "111", "11", in some cases "1111". Other combinations for the "overloaded"; despots are not very suitable. Remember that the basic regulation of the family will affect those who marry a person with the character type "111111 and above". In any family, it is necessary to create conditions when a person with an overloaded character will feel needed and important, but at the same time, leadership will not be required of him, because this is not what he wants.
Recommendations on energy
What is recommended for people with the character type of an overloaded despot? To be patient? Well, this was the simplest and most unsuccessful recommendation. It is best to understand the obvious thought coming from the following question: "Who ruled the country during the time of A. Pushkin?" The Emperor's name was first, and Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was not even remotely second to him. The significance of a particular person in his time and in the future is not determined by his title or social status, much less his material wealth. Talent is the only measure that history will determine. If there is a person with an overloaded character in your family, then help him understand this simple concept. Find the strength, courage and desire to help him reveal his talents and realize his potential. You need to find and develop his talents and protect him from humiliation and insults.ENERGY
2 no
The absence of the number 2 in the psychomatrix indicates very weak energy. These people can be considered vampires, but do not be afraid of this word. Any person (even a donor) begins to suck out the energy of another person when it is depleted after stress, quarrel, fear or illness. People with weak energy or no energy at all are distinguished by laziness in work and study, excessive physical mobility, fussiness and fear of conflicts. Usually they always try to avoid disputes, but do not mind being witnesses.
Advice on marriage
If you do not have the number "2" in your psychomatrix, then you should take the choice of your future spouse very seriously. You need to follow a simple rule: if one person has weak energy, then the other should replenish it with their excess energy. It is not desirable for both partners to have the same energy levels - this leads to conflicts (repulsion of similar charges). If spouses have the same energy levels, then when separated - they are drawn to each other, and with constant contact - they are repelled. This can be called a "love and hate relationship." Lack of energy, like its excess, leads to conflicts: in the first case - to feed on another person, and in the second - to spend excess energy.
A person's lack of active external energy does not mean that he will always be like this. Energy can be grown. There are many ways to do this. You can use the transitions of numbers that give you energy (11 goes to 8, with additional 22; 6 goes to 7, with additional 22), you can increase your health, which also increases energy (transition of numbers - 4 goes to 22). If you do not trust these numerical transitions, you can use ancient systems of strengthening and increasing your energy: qigong, wushu, yoga, tai chi, etc.2
The presence of one number 2 in the psychomatrix means that a person has an energy deficit. The presence of the number 4 will slightly increase the energy level, but the qualities inherent in a weak character will still not change. These people have all the qualities of those who do not have twos in their psychomatrix: laziness, excessive mobility, fussiness. The only difference is that all these qualities in people with a character of "2" are manifested selectively, in waves: a person suddenly becomes restless; he can be selectively lazy, as if picking and choosing "lazy zones" for himself, where he can afford to relax and do nothing.
Advice on Marriage Issues
The principle of choosing a marriage partner here is the same as for the energy type "№2". These people cooperate well with those who have "22" or "2222 or more" in their psychomatrix. If you really want to, you can start a family with a psychic, provided that a person with the character type "2" has two or more fours or the psychic has a lot of them in his personal psychomatrix. You should not try to go into a relationship with people with weak energy: "no 2", "2" or "222" (when they also do not have fours). If a woman has weak energy, remember that she loves praise, and if your husband has weak energy ("No. 2", "2", "222") - he will not be able to praise you, since he himself is experiencing an energy deficit.
All the recommendations that were given for people who do not have twos in their psychomatrix are also applicable here. In short, the following can be recommended: transitions of numbers 11 to 8 and 4 to 22, as well as 6 to 7; praise from other people, proper nutrition and breathing, qigong, yoga or wushu classes.
When working on increasing your energy level, you need to remember a simple rule: before trying to increase your energy, you must first learn to save it, and not waste it. It should be remembered that most often we waste energy during conflicts, when we try to suppress another person, when we do work that is not interesting to us. In Chinese medicine, there is one simple rule: "You can get tired, but you should not overexert yourself and do not overexert yourself." If you are tired, take a break. If you feel uncomfortable being around someone, move away from them. You can get a good result in increasing the energy of the family by getting a dog. Naturally, if there is a significant energy deficit in the family, then the dog should be larger. You should not get a cat, because geths are energy "vampires" and this will only worsen the situation.
If you have two twos in your psychomatrix, you can definitely say that you are lucky. This is the norm, which any person would be happy with. The energy type "22" means that a person has good energy, which is most favorable for communicating with others and for work. These people are sociable, get along with anyone. People with this type of character are good storytellers, lecturers and speakers. From an energetic point of view, they are healers. You can set quite big goals for yourself and you can achieve them, because your energy allows you to do this. People with good energy are not prone to laziness; and if you notice that such a person is lazy, then look for explanations not in the energy sphere (low self-esteem, weak determination or other reasons). If the psychomatrix also contains the number 4, you should be good at everything related to handicrafts or needlework. These people easily cope with monotonous and routine work if they have not found their true purpose in life or are forced to do monotonous work. If you also have two or more threes and fives, then you are born an engineer and easily cope with any machines and devices.
Advice on Marriage
This is the most optimal energy that can be suitable for any other energy. The only thing that is not very desirable is a complete match in energy, but even in this case it cannot be said that the marriage will be unsuccessful. Most of all, you should pay attention to the compatibility of characters - they should conduct a more detailed analysis of the compatibility of energies. If you are a leader by character, then you are also recommended to look for an energy that will give you a good chance to become a leader without problems. In this regard, it is best when your partner has a weaker energy: "no 2", "2" or "222". If you are weaker in character than your partner, then everything will depend only on you. If, having a weak character, you do not tolerate being overcome, then you should look for someone with weaker energy - then he will give you a place (from time to time) for the energy that you provide in exchange. If you easily transfer power into the hands of your future spouse, then you should look for a person with stronger energy: "2222 and more" or "22". Let us repeat once again – energy does not play a big role in such marriages.
The recommendations here do not concern the issues of preserving or increasing energy, but its correct use. Remember: a person with good energy can set goals and achieve them. Developing purposefulness in yourself or your child, increasing self-esteem – this is what is most important to us if you have such energy. You should not allow this valuable energy to be wasted and fulfill your purpose in life, fully realizing your potential. This is why you were initially given good energy.222
You have the number "222" in your psychomatrix, which means that you have psychic abilities from birth, or, to put it simply, you are a psychic. However, before we start conducting "incredible healing sessions, hypnosis and reading the future", let's figure out what a psychic is. The fact is that the answer to this question is quite simple: a psychic is a person with special abilities that manifest themselves depending on extraordinary circumstances. Yes, these are unexpected circumstances that lead a person with this type of energy to psychic talents. In other cases, he is practically no different from someone who has only one "2" in his psychomatrix, i.e. you can put an equal sign between "2" and "222" when there are no special circumstances. A psychic is also characterized by all the characteristics of the energy type "2": laziness, agility and fussiness. In addition, this type has new qualities: introversion, unwillingness to share their problems, explosiveness in stressful situations, willingness and ability to help another person when needed. It is for these reasons that many psychics strive to become the center of attention, as they intensively absorb energy from others and only fully “charged” are they able to transfer it to another person if they deem it necessary.
For this type of energy, it is recommended to look for a job that is not related to people, since due to the instability of energy, complications in communication are quite possible. The most suitable professions are those that do not involve heavy physical labor (due to inherent laziness) and where contact with people is limited (driver, archives, warehouses, museums, etc.).
Marriage Advice
When choosing a partner for marriage, you should be especially selective, because your only choice and our only recommendation is the energy type "22" - other energy types are simply not acceptable and are not recognized by psychics, regardless of whether he is stronger or not. weaker than them. Only "22"! If you cannot find such a partner, then try to use the following principle for your marriage: if you are a leader by nature, then your future partner should be weaker than you in energy - "2" or "22". If, on the contrary, you are a softer person, then you can use "22" and "2222".
Recommendations for Energy "222"
The main thing you need to understand is the peculiarities of the psychic's energy. This allows such a person to constantly control his body, preventing any illness (even the evil eye): the psychic gets sick only when he wants to rest or he was "persuaded" to catch the disease. These people must be sure of their absolute health. If the psychic declares an approaching illness, then he simply needs to rest for no reason. You should never allow this type of energy to even think about getting sick, otherwise these thoughts will actually make him sick, driven by his own negative thoughts. You also need to know how the psychic heals other people. His methods are very simple - personal attention, kindness, generosity, care - everything that the psychic willingly gives to his "patients". However, do not expect that this can last long - no more than 2 days, after which he will again become withdrawn and hot-tempered.2222 or more
If you have four or more twos in your psychomatrix, this means that you are a donor - a person who has an excess of energy and can afford to spend any time on it that he wants. You have a problem with the correct use of the energy you have. The thing is that this type of energy can waste a lot of valuable energy watching meaningless TV programs instead of doing anything for their personal development. This can also be considered laziness, but in this case it comes from an excess of energy. Sometimes these people can be overly calm, bordering on indifference to everything. It is best to try your hand at sports, medicine, teaching or physical labor - all these activities require a lot of energy and therefore are best suited for donors. If donors do not find ways to expand their energy, they may develop a need for conflicts that will "neutralize" donors and bring them relief. Well, this is not the best way to get rid of excess energy.
Excess energy is well used by cats (but only female cats, since male cats are able to absorb much less energy). If your psychomatrix also contains the number 4, then you can try yourself in professional sports. Having a sufficient number of fives and nines (two or more), you can take up science. If you have the sign "66", then try to find your calling, where you can reveal yourself as a craftsman (cabinetmaker, designer, cook, etc.). A large number of twos gives people physical strength, and sports will be useful for them (work in the military police for men).
Advice on marriage
Since you have an excess of energy, you should enter into a partnership with a person who has weaker energy, preferably belonging to the energy types "No. 2" or "2". These types of energy are optimal for your future spouse when it comes to a long and happy marriage. Energy types "222" or "22" are much less suitable for you, and the energy of the donor does not suit you at all. Two donors will inevitably have many conflicts, because the excess energy cannot be spent in any other way. The only acceptable scenario for the existence of two donors in a happy marriage is when these people effectively expand their energy outside of marriage: professional athletes engaged in intense physical labor, etc.
If you have received such a generous gift of strong energy from Mother Nature, then you should try to use it for the benefit of yourself and others. The main thing you should do is set goals and start moving forward. Do not forget that energy that you cannot expand will not bring you anything except irritability and unnecessary stubbornness. You are gifted with good health, which depends on your energy, so getting sick for a donor is not the norm, but rather a shocking surprise. So, if you get sick, you need to immediately identify the cause of such an unusual phenomenon for the donor. Usually it will be the evil eye or voodoo (if the disease came suddenly, unexpectedly). You can also get sick by losing the sense of duty to your parents - in this case, the disease is your punishment. And the last reason for illness is the inability to manage your energy and use it.INTEREST IN SCIENCE, KNOWLEDGE
3 no
The absence of threes in the psychomatrix means that the person must be very good at the humanities and art. When talking about the interests of a child, especially a boy, we face a problem: almost all fathers believe that studying the humanities, and especially art, is not a "man's" business. Therefore, such interests are aggressively suppressed in boys by these zealous fathers who try to forcibly instill in their sons more "masculine" interests, for example, in technology. This is not very smart, because nature itself forms the child and determines his purpose in life. It is thanks to the diversity of people's interests that humanity as a species still exists on this planet, otherwise it would have destroyed itself long ago. Nature does not know such concepts as pity, compassion - it only knows the principle of survival of the fittest. However, this principle does not work for people, even when we see how some individuals shake their fists - they never determine the progress of humanity. Philosophers and writers give us the opportunity to understand the non-aggressive way forward. If your child does not have threes in his psychomatrix, then let him fulfill his duty to the people, because he was born to create new aspects of philosophy, art and culture. He perceives technology purely externally, based on its visual complexity and beauty.
Considering that the number 3 can be part of different lines, we can talk about the instability of such a person's interests, underestimation of his capabilities and talents, which subsequently leads to a delay in personal development. Many people who do not have threes never get the opportunity to fully develop their personality, because by the time they discover their purpose in life, they are already burdened with families, children, unsatisfying work (the third column 7, 8, 9 speaks of talents).
You must understand one very simple thing: everyone determines the threshold of aging for themselves. If at 20 a person considers himself quite mature, with established habits, then do not be surprised when by 30 you have a lot of wrinkles on your face and you look 5-10 years older. Our thinking determines our reality. Therefore, you should never try to age forcibly - otherwise you will age much faster. Trying to find yourself does not necessarily mean changing your profession or leaving the job that feeds you. It means the need to find your hidden talents and you should definitely try to do this. If you are interested in arts and humanities (no threes, no sixes and many numbers in the third column), then start drawing, sculpting or composing music. Do not be surprised by such advice - you need it, just trust us. Every person at the end of their life tends to look back to evaluate their choices, so think today what you would like your life to be like tomorrow. It is not enough for our children and grandchildren to remember us when we are gone. It is far more fruitful to leave behind something tangible, something meaningful, something that was created after you discovered your true talents.
You have one three in your psychomatrix. Is it good or bad? Well, it all depends on you. If you have set a goal to develop your abilities, then you are definitely lucky, since you are engaged in various sciences - you have not yet lost interest in the humanities, but you have not yet joined the club of exact sciences. You can choose the optimal solution and go into sciences located between these branches of knowledge: natural science, economics, legal practice, etc. The main thing to understand is that you need to choose a type of activity without doing yourself a disservice by scattering your interests. This is the negative side of the type of interests "3", since it makes them scatter their attention instead of directing it to one specific interest. This leads to the fact that even people who are strong in science cannot clearly define their interest and, having scattered their activities and knowledge, leave science disappointed and unfulfilled. Let us emphasize once again: you need to clearly define the direction of your interests. If this does not happen, then we can say that the person has no real interest in any of the fields of knowledge, especially if he has weak energy ("no 2", "2" or "222").
You should not exaggerate your skills and merits and try to develop those abilities that will not give good results. It is much better to reveal your talents in those areas of human knowledge where you are especially strong. Think about it: you can become a good engineer or economist, but at the same time disappear from the world as a talented artist, writer or an exceptional expert in other areas of human knowledge. Do not try to convince yourself that you have done a lot in this particular field of science, because you do not even imagine how much you can do if you truly reveal your natural talents. The main reason for such improper use of human capabilities is that parents do not notice and do not help develop their child's natural talents.
If you have two threes in your psychomatrix, it means that you have an interest in the exact sciences and technology, but this does not mean that you can safely take up these sciences. First, you need to determine how you can develop such an interest, or, if this is not possible, then it will become clear in which direction you should direct your threes. For example, if in addition to your 33 in your psychomatrix there are two fives (or more), 22 and 6. In such a combination, these numbers show that with your abilities you also have strong logic, good energy and you are a person of a changeable nature. who can sometimes do physical work for your own pleasure. Based on these numbers, you can potentially become a good engineer or designer, since you are well versed in complex technological processes.
If you have 5 (or no 5), 22, 6 (or no 6) in your psychomatrix, then we can say that even with 33 you have no logic. This leads to the fact that by working with technology, you accumulate experience and, using it, begin to understand the technology that you have mastered - but this does not mean that you are a good technician. You should not try your hand at industrial design, because the lack of logic will lead to the fact that you will become a search designer who can only fantasize. Sometimes it is impossible to actually implement your ideas, because they are unsuitable or unrealistic. It is better to take up visual design or graphic design, because in this case all the technical aspects will be taken over by your colleagues with analytical skills. In this case, the lack of numbers 5 and even one 9 is not a hindrance, because the designer should actually design the creation of more aesthetic machines. The designer should not be limited by what is possible today, he should be able to become a pioneer in what will be possible tomorrow.
Sometimes an obsession with technology, technology and devices can become a disaster for the family, because any attempt to fix household appliances leads to the need to throw them away. This happens when a person has a lot of energy, a strong character or type "1" and at the same time has no fives, but one nine. Knowing that your husband or son has these numbers, do not give them a reason to believe that they are strong techies. It is best to recommend a profession to a child when, being associated with technology and machines, he does not have to repair them, because he does not have the logic and memory for this.
The presence of two threes is reflected in other lines, especially relevant for love life. This person shows a keen interest in sex techniques, which is his need, and this fact is also useful to know when creating a family. Do not forget about the ancient books "Kama Sutra" and "Secrets of the Jade Chambers".
You have three threes in your psychomatrix, which means that your interest in science is unstable and can manifest itself in different ways. Having a strong interest in the exact sciences and technology, this personality type also has a craving for other areas of knowledge, which often leads to a change in interests. It is better if one interest becomes a continuation of another, then there will be no gap in the accumulated knowledge, which could potentially lead to a complete departure from work. The most suitable branches of knowledge for this type of people are those that use the exact sciences (mathematics, physics, engineering); and you should strive to apply your knowledge in the areas of merging other sciences with the exact sciences: mathematical linguistics, computer technology, bionics, etc. Such transitions occur in people who have in their psychomatrix, in addition to three threes, 55 (and more), 99 (and more), 22 (or donors). As you can see, we are talking about people with strong logic (5) or strong memory (9) and at the same time - positive energy. If the numbers 5, 9, 2 are barely expressed in the psychomatrix, then the change of interest occurs in other areas associated with the lines containing the number 3. Therefore, this person can show interest in intimate life when the necessary need for intimacy arises. arises, an acute manifestation of various habits is possible (morning jogging, reading books at night, etc.). It is not ideal when a person suddenly becomes too self-critical, but it is even worse when this person begins to show his ambitions. It is necessary to prepare for such crises in advance, since they usually arise as a result of fatigue, emotional breakdown or conflict.
It is quite difficult to prevent such a crisis, but it is quite possible to minimize its potential damage. Friends or relatives should come to the rescue, they should understand the person's state of mind and help him get out of a difficult situation: the attention and care of a wife, support of a friend in his endeavors, etc.
The main thing you should remember is that three threes always correspond to an interest in science, which means that a person should reveal his talents and abilities. Very interesting results can be obtained if you combine different interests into one channel. Very rarely do we get to observe an interesting synthesis of sciences, since each of the combined disciplines strives for leadership, and as such, synthesis does not occur in the end. Another thing is when different sciences are combined in the head of one person who is equally interested in each of them separately - this is what leads to the emergence of completely new disciplines and knowledge. The only thing that can prevent a person from realizing his full potential is his doubt in his strengths and abilities, laziness and admiration for "authorities" who always deny everything new, simply because it threatens their prestige and their power. Any person has the right to create his own hypothesis, and time will prove it or make adjustments to it.
3333 or more
This is a very rare type at the moment, but it does exist. This type of interest means a strong interest in science and technology. We can say that a person is born to become an inventor and developer. If the psychomatrix also has active 5 and 9 (two or more), this means that a person should go directly to science, that is, work in a research institute or laboratory.
If 5 and 9 are poorly represented, then you still should not give up trying to realize the potential of your number 3. There is a fairly simple but reliable way to do this - write a science fiction novel in which you can express all your ideas and thoughts. Who can condemn a writer for the fact that all his ideas are unrealistic? Science fiction is exactly the genre of literature where a person is free to express his wildest ideas. When analyzing the psychomatrix of any person, always correctly evaluate the numbers 3 present in it, because it is this that will determine the choice of profession and interests of this person. Let me remind you once again that in order to become a good technician or go into the exact sciences, a person must have two or more fives in his psychomatrix. If there are none or there is only one number 5, then it is not recommended to work on repair or assembly of equipment, since the lack of logic will lead to many mistakes. If the fives are weakly expressed, but there are a lot of numbers 3 (three or more), then it is better for a person to take up design or start writing science fiction novels, which also makes it possible to realize this particular interest.
4 no
Your psychomatrix does not have fours, which means that you are not born with good health and it needs to be strengthened and especially protected. It is difficult to develop a strong body and good health, because it requires a lot of energy and effort. It is not recommended to engage in professional sports (especially strength training), since the wear and tear of the body from training will significantly exceed the energy and health benefits that a person receives from such a seemingly healthy lifestyle. People who do not have the number 4 in their psychomatrix are not created for physical labor, since they initially have health problems, and if such a person does choose physical labor, he will look for sources of energy replenishment elsewhere - alcohol, drugs, disputes and conflicts in the family.
It is important to strengthen your health, and we recommend looking into ancient health systems: wushu, qigong, yoga and others. By improving your health, you give yourself the opportunity to set big and bold goals. It will be easier for you to provide for your family, you will have more strength for your career. Health can be improved by changing numbers: 11 changes to 8 with an additional 4, or 6 changes to 7 with an additional 4. To do this, you need to develop flexibility and tolerance in yourself or choose some kind of artistic hobby. Do not confuse drawing lessons that your child likes with music lessons imposed on the child by parents who pay dearly for them and then demand genius from the child in return.
There is only one number 4 in your psychomatrix. This means that you are relatively healthy from birth, but not so healthy that you completely ignore disease prevention measures and self-care. If you have four or more twos at the same time, you can try your hand at sports or physical labor. Just like people who do not have the number 4 in their psychomatrix, a person with the number 4 begins to avoid conflicts, because they make him lose health and energy. All the recommendations for strengthening and increasing your energy that were given in the article Health "N4" will be equally applicable here.44 or more
If you have two or more fours in your psychomatrix, this means that you were born with good health, and with it a beautiful and strong body. You can safely even go into professional sports. Physical labor is also acceptable, but here you should also consider other numbers, for example, the number 6, which is responsible for interest in physical labor (two or more sixes). In addition to good health, you are a fairly goal-oriented person, you know how to set goals and how to achieve them. Keep in mind that too much attention to providing for your family can harm your success. With such strong numbers, a person should rarely get sick, but if this happens (we mean serious diseases), then it is necessary to find the cause of the disease, which was discussed above. The main problem, and it will inevitably arise in your life sooner or later, is your physical strength of spirit, which is given to you from birth and which is often used as the last "argument" in an argument. Try to avoid its manifestation. Remember the saying: "You can't bring a knife to a gunfight." This will serve you well. Confidence in physical strength pushes people to get involved in fistfights, especially those who have three fours. Having a strong body, they often harm their health, since they do not show endurance in work, sports, or physical labor. Now imagine that he has a lot of numbers 4, which gives this person a beautiful body, but his sensual diagonal is weak, which means that he may have problems of an intimate nature if one person has a stronger libido than another. When choosing a partner, do not rely only on their appearance - it is often deceptive: strong arms and broad shoulders do not always mean sexual strength or a strong libido. The number 4 has nothing to do with a person's intimate life, so you will have to look at the sensual diagonal before deciding whether you are compatible. This is especially true for women who have a strong diagonal (3, 5, 7). Optimally, the man should be stronger than the woman by 1 digit or have the same number of digits in the diagonal.
5 no
The absence of fives in the psychomatrix means that the person does not use logic. This is the so-called dreamer, who is constantly in the clouds. That is why you should never make long-term plans with such a person, because even the nearest plans often fail. This is a person who never makes plans, but writes down his dreams in a certain sequence, while taking his desires for reality. Such people build their castles in the air and live in them, without thinking or analyzing how real they are. You should never waste time changing the mind of such a dreamer - let him be in his dreams, in his "rainbow bubbles" of hope. When these bubbles burst, he will create new ones for himself, not regretting the past. If you start giving unsolicited advice, the castles in the air will collapse, and you will become the one who destroyed them, which means you will lose the dreamer's trust. When there are no numbers 5 in the psychomatrix, a person should not actively engage in technology and exact sciences, but choose the humanities or art. Everyone who is associated with such a dreamer should understand that it is these dreamers who move our civilization forward, constantly generating plans in the form of their utopian dreams. No matter how unrealistic or even pathetic it may seem, there is always a certain result. Even a negative result can become a good and meaningful experience.
There is no need to go into detail when explaining something when you are talking to a person who does not have fives in their psychomatrix. He does not care. Just tell him what he needs to do, and he will be happy with it, because this person does not like to go into details himself, which cannot be said about the emotional side of the story. The emotional side of each story is always more significant for him than the logical explanation of the subject.
When thinking about providing for their family, these people always count on the salary that they should be paid for a job well done, because they deserve it. Going to work, they always believe that for a good job they will be paid much more than those who do not work as well and hard as they do. Do not try to win this argument - you will only offend them, but you will not be able to change their minds. Very rarely, people who do not have fives worry about how to provide for their family, but they tend to complain about their problems louder than anyone else. It is better if they are not the main breadwinner in the family, but in reality this may be true only for women, not for men.
Is it possible to improve their logic? Only by accumulating even more unsuccessful decisions, which gives them experience, can we hope that in the future they will not repeat their own mistakes. It is impossible to stop their dreaminess, and it is not necessary. Do not ruin their lives with your tediousness, especially since they believe in their castles in the air and other constructions made of clouds.
There is one number 5 in the psychomatrix, which means that there is logic, but it is very weak and practically does not differ from the quality of "number 5". This person is also a dreamer. The only difference concerns those people who have many threes and nines at the same time (two or more). A persistent interest in technology and exact sciences pushes people to study these subjects, and a strong memory acquires examples of logic, which gives a solid chance to improve it over time. Over time, a person can grow an additional number 5 (transition: 99 gives an additional 5).
Before sending a child to exact sciences, based on the resulting number 5, carefully review his entire psychomatrix and make sure that he has the energy for this (22, 2222 and more), has a character for studying sciences (111 or 1111), has a good memory (99 or 9999 and more). The most important thing you need to understand is that each person is unique. Don't try to shape your child's interests based on your preferences or what is popular or in demand - this way you can completely destroy his natural talents and abilities. You can become a good economist, but you can also become a brilliant writer.
If there are two fives in the psychomatrix, this means that the person has strong logic, which allows him to understand the exact sciences and technology well. Such people can plan their future very well. This does not mean that they never make mistakes. These mistakes can be considered the consequences of the risk they have taken. I am sure that they can foresee almost all of their mistakes, but they cannot always insure themselves against them, because very often the final result does not depend on them, but on other people or circumstances.555
Good intellectual abilities, a tendency to work with one’s head, and in terms of everyday life, everything should be in order.5555 or more
Logic overload, so a person may have obsessive thoughts, fatigue due to too active brain work. Strong natural intuition, but critical thinking prevents him from developing this ability - he tends to question everything.ABILITY TO WORK, WILLPOWER
6 no
If there is no number 6 in the psychomatrix, this means that the person is not inclined to do physical work: he does not enjoy it and does it either out of necessity or out of a sense of duty to another person. These are people of art and science. Do not even try to introduce them to physical labor - they will never make good workers. Whatever task they are assigned at work, they first try to imagine the final result - amazing and complete - and then very carefully, without any haste and with special zeal they will complete the task. These people are slow and do any work in the hope of a beautiful result. As far as the numbers allow, they are best suited for art and science.
There are some recommendations for choosing the areas of art for professional activity. If, in addition to the absence of the number 6, a person has no twos, at least one 4, 9 and no 5 - it is best to try your talents in dancing (ballet), because such people are very dexterous, strong and flexible bodies. If this set of numbers is slightly changed, we can recommend the profession of an actor: no 6, no 2, at least one 4, 99. In the case when a person is given strong energy, he can try his luck in music: the energy type should be 22 or 2222 and more. Drawing requires energy and determination, so a person will need 22 and more, 111 and more if he wants to succeed. Regardless of our recommendations above, it should be remembered that if a person does not have sixes, he can choose any field of art.
Do not forget that these people are also good in various sciences, but, as a rule, not technical. Depending on the numbers a person has (5 and 9), either the humanities (without A's) or the exact sciences (55 and above) can be recommended. If you see that your child is interested in sports, you need to assess the strength of their number 4 (health) to understand the seriousness of such interests. Professional sports are recommended only for those who are 44 and older.
Let's assume that your child (especially girls) has been interested in handicrafts (knitting, sewing, boys - carpentry) since a young age. Is it worth and can you do something with this interest? There is definitely no need to forbid anything, because a solution can always be found. You need to motivate your child to become a Master in his craft to such an extent that his level of academic performance will be comparable to art. Think about tapestries or carpets - making them by hand is extremely difficult, but the end result is a form of art, because each creation can be compared to a painting or sculpture. Carpenter's work can also become art, if it is an intricate carved panel, beautifully carved furniture, mosaic, etc.
Never try to get away from the interests of your children, because the most important thing is to reveal the artist in each of them, who has all the makings to create real works of art. You should not avoid such professions as musician, actor, dancer, singer, director. Think, for example, about Meryl Streep, and you will understand that these professions occupy a solid place in the universe.
The presence of one number 6 in the psychomatrix means that a person does physical work when he is in the mood for it, when he wants to. This should be taken into account by others. It is better not to ignore the importance of this personal trait. You cannot evaluate the result only by the fact of its completion. A person can complete any task, but it is also important how well he does it and how he feels when he finishes. If you try to force a person with one six to work when he is not in the mood, everyone will have problems. You will spend a lot of energy to push him to work, but even if he agrees to start right away - this does not mean that he will do it, so you should also be ready to control the entire process.
If a person with one six in the psychomatrix also has two or more numbers 7, then this person is recommended to avoid physical work and instead take up science, sports or art (the latter is especially important). Let's say a person has the following combination in their psychomatrix - 6 77 - then they have a problem with 6 and 7 fighting each other, because they are opposites when moving from 6 to 7 and vice versa. One thing is certain: anyone who has at least three numbers 6 and 7 (together) will definitely have either a transition from 6 to 7, which will give them additional energy or better health, or a reverse transition from 7 to 6, which will drain their energy and health and lead to irritability, imperiousness and bitterness. We recommend: if your child has a similar set of numbers 6 and 7, then teach them to do music, dance, draw, write poetry, read books - all this will lead to the transition of the number 6 to the number 7, which is optimal.
The sign "66" is called "golden hands", because a person who has it can do everything - he is truly a master of any craft when it comes to working with his hands. These people make wonderful architects. Nowadays, unfortunately, artisans are no longer in great demand, since many crafts are being replaced by technology: glass making, wood carving, etc.
Before deciding what to do with a child who has two sixes in his psychomatrix (and no sevens, which is very important), it is necessary to assess his capabilities as a future master. In order to work well with his hands, a person needs to have good energy and good health, and this is: 22 (or 2222 and more) and 4 and more. If there are no such numbers in the psychomatrix or there are not enough of them, you should not force the child to follow the path of mastery, because he will be too lazy and will not become a master, and his poorly used numbers 6 will direct him. to look for ways to gain power over people (black knowledge). It is in this case, when the child cannot become a real master, that it is necessary to actively develop his interest in art, science or low-energy crafts: making jewelry, crocheting, etc.
If a child has one number 7 (or more), then he will be able to become a real master only if he has retained a sense of duty to his parents, which means that his parents should also remember their duty to their parents, since the child is inclined to imitate the behavior of adults. It is not recommended to choose a profession associated with power, since this makes a person tough and indifferent to the fate of other people.
The sign "66" can be called a sign of slowing down (or grounding). The fact is that people with this sign do not like to read books, since they would prefer to watch TV or do any other work that interests them at the moment. If this sign is suppressed by the child's developed interest in art, he will grow up reading a lot and avoiding physical labor.
Let's talk a little about how to make sure that in an era when all children dream of becoming businessmen, lawyers, policemen, millionaires, a child with the "golden hands" sign in his psychomatrix could fully realize his potential as a skilled craftsman. . Before giving a child tools and making him master them, you need to understand a very simple idea: first you need to instill an interest in the craft, then help him set a goal and determine his place in life. Take him to a museum and show him the works of old masters: embroidery, lace, jewelry, carved furniture, handmade ceramics, etc. After that, let the child choose his niche and help him direct him to where he can get the proper education and training. in the craft he has chosen. Only after this should he be told that he will become a Master with his own mark (signature).
666 or more
So, finally, we have the famous "number of the beast - 666" according to the Bible, or the so-called "number of Satan". An even greater number of sixes can be called the "number of the sorcerer or witch" - this is an even stronger sign. Do not rush to light the fires of the Inquisition, because the presence of these numbers in the psychomatrix does not mean anything, especially since the presence of numbers 8 and 7 in the psychomatrix restrains the sixes. Let's assume that a person has the following numbers in his psychomatrix: 666, 7, 8. Then you can cross out two 6s and, accordingly, 7 and 8, you will have only one 6 left, which corresponds to "Sign 6" - a capricious person (this exception is only true if both 7 and 8 have not made the transition. Otherwise, we are dealing with a person who, after a conflict with his parents, received a new quality: 666, 7, 8 went into 6666 and 11 with the loss of 4 or 22, which leads to irritability and imperiousness).
Let's try to figure out what the sign "666 and more" means in real life. Let's assume that a person has the number "666" in his psychomatrix, which means that if he is surrounded by three people with strong or active sixes (two sixes or more, or the person has a grudge against his parents, or he is authoritative and angry), we get a dangerous union, united by a common desire for power. The leader will be the one with the most sixes or the strongest character. Thus, we have a group of four people. A square figure is formed, so beloved by Pythagoras, which is no coincidence. This is the first figure that has diagonals, and therefore the point of their intersection, which is also precisely fixed in place, the same as the vertices of the square. Do not be surprised that now you are getting acquainted with a small course in geometry, because this is necessary in order to understand the principle of operation of sixes.
7 no
The absence of sevens in the psychomatrix means that a person is not under the control of higher powers (Nature, the World, the Universe). He does not have a specific task that would be relevant for the development of the world at the moment. Freedom, which does not determine any specific direction, leads to the fact that this person makes constant attempts to find himself in various spheres of human knowledge. However, many of his undertakings can be wrong, erroneous, which brings this person a large number of various troubles and trials. He is not insured against failures and accidents. Usually we say that such people are losers who will have to overcome many difficulties in their lives.
Is it worth falling into despair because of such an unenviable fate? We believe that everything in life has its advantages and disadvantages. The fact is that these people can be called "free artists" in search of those truths that they are to reveal. Nature has endowed them with many wonderful qualities: a sharp mind, good memory, logic, imagination, a penchant for art and science, and many others. It is by using such qualities that a person can find that area of knowledge about Nature where he can discover the truth. Probably, marriages are concluded according to this principle. Let's assume that the wife has many sevens in her psychomatrix, and the husband is unlucky in everything. At the same time, there is complementarity in the remaining numbers, allowing the wife to navigate faster and more reliably in search of truth. For example, if the husband has such strong numbers in his psychomatrix as 22, 55, 333, this gives him the opportunity to spend a lot of energy on studying any sciences related to the logic of thinking, and the presence of good energy allows him to "feed" on his wife, if necessary.
We believe that misfortunes will leave any loser when he can find his direction in the search for truth. It is best to have a person with a lot of sevens in their psychomatrix next to you. Then you will have a merger of goals and objectives, which for the “lucky one” increases the chances of quickly revealing their abilities and talents, and for the “loser” will give a way out of constant suffering and failures. Obviously, in such a couple, the main attention should be focused on the person with a lot of sevens. However, it is also possible that a person without 7 in their psychomatrix becomes a beacon guiding the “lucky one” to their goals.
No matter how much you convince yourself that everything is very simple, you need to earn the right to find a life partner with a lot of sevens through personal development and searching for your truths, regardless of the difficulties and trials that you encounter along the way. Yes, this is quite a heavy cross, especially since “hints” from Mother Nature come only through obstacles that you will have to overcome. The more resistance you experience, the more likely you are on the right path. The whole point is that the resistance comes from people who have the destruction sign “666 and above”, and they do not allow such a person to fully reveal his potential.
If there is one 7 in the psychomatrix, this means that the person has very little luck or, as was said earlier, he is partially protected from failures and unpleasant accidents. You can’t hope for great luck, because the sign “7” is too weak.
When you have one 7 in your psychomatrix, the situation with the search for directions in which you can fully realize your potential changes dramatically. A person is now obliged to find his calling in a certain area, and with 7 the territory of research is very vast. However, as soon as a person takes the wrong step in the wrong direction, he immediately gets into trouble, and this is a sign that tells him that he is exploring the wrong area of knowledge. Since the area of realization of his potential is quite wide, it will be difficult for a person to discover his true calling. The dispersion of efforts does not allow you to concentrate on the most important and significant, especially when the “signals” of failure stop coming, when the direction is correct, but the goal is not formulated clearly enough.
If it so happens that your child has one 7 in their date of birth, then you need to help them find their calling in life. To do this, you first need to determine the area of interest where they should apply their talents and capabilities. It is best to use an analysis of their psychomatrix to find out their abilities, talents, capabilities, as well as weaknesses that can create additional difficulties and obstacles. It is important to immediately note one obvious point in choosing the direction of developing your abilities: you should not waste time and effort on developing or improving weak qualities as the main direction of self-improvement. You can try to mitigate your weaknesses, but only when they interfere with or stop your personal development or you have already found your direction and are improving further.
When you have one 7 in your psychomatrix, you should not calm down and hope that now fate will not “hit” you on the head. Everything depends only on you. Do not forget that the transition from 7 to 6 occurs when a person loses not only luck, but also energy (22) or health (4). Constantly monitor yourself for a sense of duty to your parents, tolerance and kindness. Remember that luck does not extend to such areas of human activity as the desire for power, accumulation of money and material well-being. You can get all this if you help other people in life and you are appreciated as an intelligent person. Very often, fate deliberately pushes a person into a difficult financial situation in order to activate his mental abilities, when a person is forced to show all his best skills and talents.
If one or more numbers 6 are present in the psychomatrix, then do not forget that there will be a confrontation between these numbers and the qualities for which they are responsible. Therefore, we remind you once again that preserving the number 7 depends on your tolerance and the memory of your parents. Most importantly, there is a chance to increase your luck by increasing the numbers from 6 to 7.
If there are two sevens in the psychomatrix, this means that the person is lucky. He has the opportunity to take risks and set fairly high goals for himself, which he can achieve, since there is a very high probability that he will find exactly the direction that will reveal his full potential. In this case, the range of possible directions for a person is much narrower than for people with one seven, but it is also easier for him to make the right choice, since fate itself will push you to the right choice. We can say that the sign "77" denotes priorities and people who are able to solve these problems.
Failures in life with a lucky sign can only be caused by the wrong behavior of a person with two sevens. Imagine the following situation. A wizard comes to a person and says that all his wishes will come true, since he is lucky. The person believes the wizard and begins to dream, but all his dreams are connected with his previous experience and the experiences of people close to him. When the time comes to start a family, he (or she) begins to look for a suitable candidate. After a simple analysis, a person comes to the following conclusion: I am not attractive, so I cannot choose a beautiful wife; I am not rich, so a rich woman will not look in my direction; I am not educated enough, so I cannot choose a smart man either, and so on. Having completed the analysis, he chooses “his ideal woman”; for himself: ugly, stupid, from a poor family. So, his “order” is accepted and processed, and he finds exactly the woman he “ordered”, the one he asked for. A year passes, and he curses his fate for being unfair to him and making him a loser. No matter how strange it may seem to you, few people believe in luck and try to find their own path, but having such a sign in your psychomatrix, it is enough to simply move forward and follow the lead of fate.
The second reason for the loss of luck can be the same transition of numbers 7 to 6 due to the loss of a sense of duty to parents and tolerance. It often happens that talented people fall out of life because of their weaknesses, especially in relation to such personal problems as drunkenness, laziness, drug addiction. Think again that we have a huge responsibility for the fate of the whole world and many generations. Let us give you an example. Einstein is said to have discovered his special theory of relativity when he was playing with a children's puzzle. There were four balls in a flat box that had to be placed in four corners at the same time (along the guide lines). The solution is quite simple: you need to rotate the box around its center, and the balls will roll around the corners under the action of centrifugal force. Millions of people have solved a similar puzzle, but only one asked himself the question: "What must be the mass of matter around these balls so that they can roll around the corners?" The result of the calculations stunned the scientist, because the masses of all the visible stars in the Universe are not enough for this. Then he began to study the problem of hidden masses in the Universe. Now imagine that the master who created this puzzle had instead drunk himself to death – the theory of relativity would never have been born!
777 or more
If a person has three or more sevens in their psychomatrix, quantity turns into quality, and in this case, it is no longer possible to talk about luck. People with such signs can be called engineers or designers of life. They themselves determine what happens to them. Mother Nature has marked them with a special sign, which shows that the brain of these people contains a very large layer of information about Nature (the Universe and the world). Without suspecting it, such people begin to interfere in the lives of other people through desires, premonitions and feelings. Many may perceive this as clairvoyance, but this is a completely different matter. A person builds his life around himself. Having such a sign, he gathers strong people around himself, as if analyzing the situation in his environment through people actively working on developing their best abilities. After conducting such an analysis, the "engineers" draw conclusions and make decisions. One day their plans and ideas will come true. All the failures of such people are their own mistakes or lack of self-confidence. If such a person loses tolerance or a sense of duty towards his parents, he immediately loses the quality of an “engineer of fate” and becomes a loser with great claims to power. The main thing for such people is to find an application for their skills and abilities, to find the most interesting and suitable area of knowledge. There are universal laws in the world that are applicable in any area of knowledge: the struggle of opposites, the transition of quantity into quality, etc. Such patterns become a privilege of people with a large number of sevens, so they can apply their knowledge in any area of human activity. The best advice is to ensure that they do not reduce their goals and objectives to minor everyday problems, because their innate capabilities go beyond what they consider to be the truth, and there are no people or special commissions that could give a real assessment of the talents and abilities of these people. The only obstacle to greatness is themselves - laziness, drug or alcohol abuse.
8 no
Your psychomatrix does not have eights. Is this good or bad? We will not be surprised if many of you say that such a person is deprived of a sense of duty from birth, and therefore this is bad, because this means that at the same time he does not have tolerance and kindness. To some extent, you are right, but only in the general description of this case. Yes, this person is born without a sense of duty, as well as tolerance and kindness.
Let's conduct a psychological analysis of this situation. Firstly, we can say for sure that this person has his own character in its pure form. In other words, the strength of his character is determined only by his ones. For example, if a person has one or two ones and no eights in his psychomatrix, then we can say that these characters are similar in many ways. These people are weak-willed and selfish; they always try to defend their point of view at any cost and never want or know how to take responsibility for their actions. The only difference between them is that in the presence of two people he begins to demand praise and attention, which very often determines his future profession as an environment of people where he is given the opportunity to brag about himself and demand the praise he so needs.
The presence of one 8 in the psychomatrix means that a person is given a sense of duty from birth, but this personality trait is not strongly expressed there and a person needs to constantly remind himself that he must take care of his loved ones and show tolerance in his relationships. behavior.
The presence of one eight in the psychomatrix begins to strongly influence a person's character, because there is a possibility of transition of 11 to 8 or, conversely, 8 to 11, which is more important in this case. For example, a person has a character of 111. Let's assume that he has no eights in his psychomatrix, then there is a transition of character 111 to 1 and 8 and then (when protecting his interests) again to 111, which causes an explosion of emotions and conflict in this person, which quickly fades away. Now let's assume that there is one 8 in the psychomatrix, but the character remains the same. We get a new chain of transitions: 111 and 8 transitions to 1 and 88 (kind and tolerant), but when pressed, this person explodes and his character goes into 11111, which is the character of a despot, and a new wave of conflict can arise. take a very extreme form.
At these moments, this person is no different from the worst despot, which shows the instability of the number 8 and its negative impact on a person's character when protecting his interests. It can be said unequivocally that in the case of such a set of numbers in the psychomatrix (111 and 8), a person should not have power over other people, because he will always be in two different states of mind - lack of will and compliance. at 1 and 88, as well as irritability, anger and emotional explosiveness at 11111.
It is very difficult to cultivate a sense of duty in yourself if your parents did not pay enough attention to your parents. A feeling of resentment towards parents arises, which always acts as an irritant in relationships. The only thing that can be recommended is to think about your children, who will copy your behavior, and learn to build healthy relationships with parents for the sake of the future of your children. Very often we encounter situations when parents insult their children and even beat them in childhood, which, naturally, causes resentment in the child, and sometimes even hatred.
You will probably ask how it is possible to tolerate such parents who treated you badly when you were little. Here is the answer. You have a unique opportunity to find out the deep reasons for their behavior. Try to uncover those hidden reasons that caused such crazy behavior of your parents towards their children. Only by understanding the root cause of your anger, you will be able to understand how to change your behavior. Think of this example. A person whose parents beat and insulted him in early childhood usually promises himself that he will never be a parent like them, that he will be better and kinder to his children. Unfortunately, you can predict his behavior with children quite accurately - he will most likely spank and insult them too.
88 or more
If a person has two or more eights in their psychomatrix, they are born with a sense of duty. These people are usually very kind. Kindness becomes the norm for such people; they are very tolerant, always attentive to their loved ones. These are people of duty, because helping others becomes a necessity for them. In this sense, anyone can use them, but do not confuse them with the fact that they are easy to deceive. Such people are seekers of truth: they always sense lies and do not reveal them to others only because of their natural high tolerance and compassion for others. People with many eights in their psychomatrix are best suited for professions related to helping people: doctor, teacher, rescuer, etc.
Separately, it is necessary to highlight the sense of duty of people with the sign "888". If you remember, three numbers always cause instability of the quality for which they are responsible. In this case, we are dealing with a person who is kind, tolerant, treats his parents well, but at the same time becomes an extreme seeker of truth. These people will go against their family in search of truth. However, everything is good in moderation. Sometimes it is very difficult to assess the reality of a particular situation. For murder, a person can be sentenced to death, but during wars, people received honorary medals for killing others. Years pass, and it turns out that the executed person was innocent, since he was defending his family from a maniac who tried to kill his wife and children, and the war hero shot those who walked with their hands up to surrender.
Usually, parents themselves instill all the negative qualities in their child, convincing him that he is stupid, stubborn, evil, annoying, aggressive, ruthless, etc. Remember the saying: "Tell a man a hundred times that he is a pig, and he will grunt." The underlying causes of a child's behavior should always be sought within yourself. Perhaps this is how you behave towards your parents, and your child simply copies your behavior patterns. Finally, the reason for such a distorted sense of duty and kindness could be a bad spell that the child has had since birth, which needs to be removed.
Before we start analyzing the case when there is only one nine in the psychomatrix, let's agree that the absence of nines in the psychomatrix calculations will be considered an impossible case, and therefore this number 9 must be created by lines, because any person needs some amount of memory for normal life. So, if there is only one digit 9 in your psychomatrix, this means that you are a forgetful person, but never hold a grudge against other people. For those people who are not familiar with the physiology of the brain, we will tell you a very interesting fact. Any information that a person was able to reproduce within 30 seconds after memorizing it is stored in his memory for an indefinite period. The problem with poor memory is not in memorizing information, but in finding this information in your head later. This is the weakness of a person who has one nine in his psychomatrix. It takes him a lot of time to find the necessary information in his memory. There are several useful tips that will help improve your memory and increase the speed of finding the necessary information. It is best to have a card index with all the necessary information. In everyday life, it is very useful to write down important information in several different places. When memorizing something important, try to also remember many accompanying details (background information), then when you need to remember it - you will quickly restore the full picture. It is best if you use emotions of joy, laughter or just a good mood as background information. Most importantly, never clutter your memory with grievances against family members, friends and loved ones. These grievances are deeply etched in the memory due to a very emotional background and displace other information.99
Two nines in the psychomatrix indicate the presence of a strong memory, allowing its owner to quickly and without loss reproduce the necessary information. This gives such a person remarkable abilities for studying science. If a person with this sign is forgetful and complains of poor memory, then it is necessary to find out the reasons for such a discrepancy.
One of the most common reasons for weakening memory is the "capture" of nines by lines, especially the third line (stability): when, instead of developing their mental abilities, a person burdens himself with all sorts of small, routine matters. problems and responsibilities, many of which can hardly be considered necessary.
Particular attention should be paid to the fact that people with a strong memory also remember every offense, every offense, which can also eventually lead to a loss of the ability to remember the necessary information. It is very important to get rid of grievances and resentments, especially when it comes to parents. The best way to do this is to understand the reason for the behavior of a loved one, which led to an explosion of his emotions.
Can we say that two nines are a stronger sign than one nine? Yes, if we compare the ability to reproduce information and remember it to a greater extent. Naturally, such people are better suited to professions and sciences related to memorizing and reproducing large amounts of information (linguists, writers, translators, warehouse workers, statisticians and bank employees, etc.). As for those people who have only one nine in their psychomatrix, we can say that they are best able to realize themselves as discoverers of something new, because the main information is lost in their brain. For example, if a person draws and paints well and has two nines in his psychomatrix, then he will best draw from life and from life and make reproductions of other paintings. He can also become a talented restorer. If there is only one in the psychomatrix, then such an artist does not reproduce objects well, he is inclined to create something of his own. Even when he begins to imitate the style of another artist, he will eventually move on to his own style of painting. The same applies to musicians, poets and writers.
If there are two nines, a person with some other sets of numbers (55, 777 or 666) may have the ability of clairvoyance based on the combination of signs. This clairvoyance is characterized by the ability to foresee possible events that are completely determined by the numbers complementing the nines.
Having accumulated a sufficiently large amount of life experience, a person gradually begins to strengthen his logical abilities due to the accumulated situational models, which he can subsequently compare with newly emerging situations. Logic strengthened in this way cannot, however, provide an intuitive understanding of the problem and, therefore, cannot create a fundamentally new idea or solution. A person with two nines improves what already exists.
999 or more
Many (three or more) nines have appeared in the psychomatrix — this means that the memory characteristic should give way to a new quality, for which nines are responsible — clairvoyance. Let's try to figure out the process of clairvoyance itself. Two types of clairvoyance can be distinguished. Firstly, if a person has strong energy (22 or more), then he can join the information field. It is accessible to him due to a strong memory, since the amount of memorized information must turn into quality. Information accumulated over many generations must be organized, but it must not disappear from the information field. That is why only those with a strong memory and energy are allowed to enter it. If a person has many nines in the psychomatrix, but weak energy (no more than one two), then we can talk about comparative clairvoyance, when he selects a similar situation from his memory and makes an assumption about the completion of the current event. Such clairvoyance is not very reliable. When comparing the signs “99” and “999” in terms of memory power, preference should be given to the two nines, since clairvoyance dissipates a person’s memory, sometimes tearing him away from reality. Clairvoyants who enter the information field can make mistakes in their predictions, since they are able to see (or perceive) the outline of an event, its vague silhouette. Sometimes they cannot determine the time of completion, but they know how the situation will end.
Clairvoyance is more strongly represented by the signs “9999 or 99999”. In this case, they talk about the sign of the prophet, when almost all forecasts come true with a high degree of accuracy. Naturally, we are talking about people who have developed their abilities and have not allowed their nines to be “absorbed” by the lines. If your child has such a sign, then know that you have a huge responsibility for revealing the clairvoyant. How can such a disclosure be made?
The main thing is to identify the range of his interests and direct it to his own improvement in this area. As soon as his potential in mastering this area of knowledge reaches a sufficiently high level, a qualitative change in the situation will occur, the person will gain access to the information field, where information of all people with a similar interest is accumulated. As soon as a person first receives information in a dream or vision, it is necessary to begin to compile his dictionary of symbols that will appear in dreams or visions. Very often a strong clairvoyant or prophet suffers because he cannot understand the meaning of the information that appeared in a dream - the information is encoded in symbols or images. You should not resort to the help of various dream interpreters, it is best to compile your own dream book, more accurately reflecting the essence of possible events. The main thing is to learn to believe and trust your own premonitions, dreams, visions, feelings. If a child has these qualities, then trust him, he knows a lot.
Analysis of psychomatrix lines
In order to assess the influence of a line on a person's fate, we need to count the total number of numbers included in it. The strength of each line depends on the total number of numbers included in this line, but does not depend on their position. It is not true that the qualities that are set by lines (columns, rows, diagonals) are stronger than those set by a single number. It is important to understand that the strengthening of any line occurs only due to the strengthening of the quantitative characteristics of the numbers that make up this line. This fact allows us to say that the characteristics given by single-digit numbers are stronger and more significant, since they serve as the foundation, the basis for the characteristics of the lines.PURPOSE-ORIENTED
The value is responsible for a person's purposefulness, ability to defend their views, set goals and objectives.
0 or 1
Purpose-orientedness is practically absent.
This person has a normal sense of purpose. We can say that this person needs time to get used to life. He first needs to discover his potential, and only then will he set worthy goals for himself.
This person can change his goals completely unexpectedly (unpredictably, suddenly and unexpectedly). Very often his choice is unjustified and inexplicable. We recommend defining your goals based on strong numbers in your psychomatrix.
This person has a strong sense of purpose. He first sets a goal for himself, and only then begins to measure his capabilities and the level of interest in the goal itself. Very often, this person achieves goals that do not correspond to his interests or capabilities. We recommend that you carefully study the psychomatrix. Having chosen the right direction, do not set the bar too low for yourself.
This person has a very strong sense of purpose. This means that, having set a goal, this person can forget about other people in his life - family, friends, loved ones. He is ready to make great sacrifices to achieve his goals at any cost. We recommend having common sense in achieving your goals.
6 or more
This is an overload of a character trait. A person sets ambitious goals or several goals at the same time, which slows down his progress.
The value is responsible for a person's suitability to be a family man, the desire to have a family, to be among their loved ones.
This person is not a family man. This means that his family is not a priority in life at all. Such people, as a rule, are in no hurry to start a family, they are more interested in work, career, social life, etc.). 1 or 2
This person realizes that he/she needs to start a family, but does not make any special efforts in this direction. He/she expects someone else to take the initiative in this regard and do all the work for him/her.
This person is torn between a strong desire to start a family at any cost and a complete unwillingness to ever do this at all. If such a person decides to get married, his partner must act immediately, otherwise everything will be postponed for a long time.
This person wants to start a family and acts without delay. As a rule, this person rarely becomes guilty of breaking up, because he always tries to fix the relationship.
These people are very good family men. On the other hand, they have an idealistic perception of family, which can ultimately lead to extremely high and unreasonable expectations for their family. The only thing that can serve as an excuse is the fact that they place equally high expectations on themselves. These people simply cannot exist without a family.
6 or more
The quality of "family man" is overloaded, which means a weakening of this quality. The explanation here is simple - these people search for their ideal for a very long time, which leads to obstacles in creating a family.
The value indicates the level of stability of the individual (habits, attachments, fear and unwillingness to change).
0 or 1
This person is a revolutionary in spirit. He/she strives to change everything around him/her: changes his/her environment, place of work. He/she questions almost everything, trying to change everyone and everything.
This person is enthusiastic and quick to react, but he can already control his revolutionary impulses (if he wants).
This person is unstable in his habits. He can develop many different habits and attachments that create stability, but he can just as easily abandon them for no apparent reason. After some time, he can try to revive old connections. All this always happens unexpectedly.
These are very stable people. They surround themselves with various attachments and habits, creating a stable environment. They can be a little boring in their attachments. They do not like change.
These are very stable people. They surround themselves with various attachments and habits, creating a stable environment. They can be a little boring in their attachments. They do not like change.
6 or more
Again, this is a qualitative overload. This time, an overload of stability. A person strives to surround himself with such an abundance of habits that he begins to abandon them as soon as they interfere with his life. We can say that this person is struggling with his stability.
The value determines the level of self-esteem of a person. This special quality reflects a person's desire to stand out from the crowd and be remembered (through intelligence, conversation, clothing, makeup, etc.).
0, 1 or 2
Low self-esteem, in most cases a person tends to doubt their abilities.
We can say that this person has low self-esteem and underestimates his abilities. With a three-digit number, he can sometimes have "moments of clarity", but he is still very insecure.
Healthy self-esteem. This person wants to stand out from the crowd and puts a lot of effort into it. The question is whether these efforts are justified.
This person has very high self-esteem, which can sometimes be overstated if a person does not engage in self-development, but continues to evaluate himself only by his potential capabilities, exaggerating them.
6 or more
Overestimation of one's talents and capabilities leads to the fact that a person busy showing off forgets about his true abilities and focuses more on superficial things than on his internal resources. Such people, as a rule, never achieve their goals, spending all their ardor on charming the crowd, admiring their superficial qualities and appearance.
Meaning – a person’s desire for financial independence, to make their life more comfortable, to provide for their family.
0 or 1
This person does not want to provide for themselves financially and can easily distance themselves from their parents, wife or husband. This line does not pose a particular danger to women, since it is common when the husband becomes the main breadwinner in the family.
This person understands that he needs to support his family, so for the sake of financial stability he begins to look for a job with a real or average salary. As a result, a person can give up his dream just for the sake of a stable income. At the same time, if he has difficulty finding a job, this person will not be very disappointed, since he is not very eager to be the main breadwinner in the family in the first place.
These people can work impulsively. Their guiding principle is to finish the job quickly so that the money lasts for a while, and then return to work again when necessary.
4 or more
These people spend a lot of time and effort to provide for their family. Often, this is their only goal in life.
The value of the psychomatrix is responsible for the talents that a person may have.
The more numbers, the stronger the talent. This does not mean that if this line is very strong (no more than 5 numbers to avoid overload), then the person will certainly be very talented. Remember, many other numbers of the psychomatrix lines affect the potential development of talents: character, self-esteem, determination, energy level, health, luck and others. It is the combination of many different characteristics and the willpower of a person that allows him to achieve his goals.
It is very important to determine the best area of application of a person's energy and resources. Never try to go with the flow of life. There is a whole list of "hot" professions: lawyer, banker, top manager, economist, etc. All of them are determined not by people's talent, but by the ability to provide for themselves and their loved ones financially. Before advising your child to choose a "money-making" profession, think about their future.
There are so many people in this world who have never developed their talents. We will probably not be mistaken if we say that this is true for about 90-95% of the world's population. Before hindering the development of your child's interests, look at your numbers and ask yourself: have you managed to reveal and develop your potential and talents? If not, then take pity on yourself and your child and give them the opportunity to become part of the History of the Earth, and yourself - the opportunity to help them do this.
Just think about it, why do we still choose the best schools, kindergartens, doctors and teachers for our children? The fact is that more and more often talented people find well-paid jobs; at the same time, people who do not invest in their work, do not take on obligations - do not receive a good salary. So, we must start with obligations, and only then will we get strong bankers, managers, government agencies: many jobs will be occupied by people who are dedicated to their work, responsible and know what they are doing. Then we will no longer have the question of which school to choose for our children.
The main thing is to understand that each person is unique and responds to Mother Nature herself (we have already stated this many times, but we want this simple thought to be firmly remembered). We are all responsible for ourselves and our children before future generations. Every undiscovered talent will create a whole chain of people with unrealized potential - this, in turn, will return people to barbarity, wars, terror, hatred for each other and the desire to turn everything upside down. Learn to be responsible for yourself!
This line does not affect the stability of the family.
It is very important to determine the best area of application of a person's energy and resources. Never try to go with the flow of life. There is a whole list of "hot" professions: lawyer, banker, top manager, economist, etc. All of them are determined not by people's talent, but by the ability to provide for themselves and their loved ones financially. Before advising your child to choose a "money-making" profession, think about their future.
There are so many people in this world who have never developed their talents. We will probably not be mistaken if we say that this is true for about 90-95% of the world's population. Before hindering the development of your child's interests, look at your numbers and ask yourself: have you managed to reveal and develop your potential and talents? If not, then take pity on yourself and your child and give them the opportunity to become part of the History of the Earth, and yourself - the opportunity to help them do this.
Just think about it, why do we still choose the best schools, kindergartens, doctors and teachers for our children? The fact is that more and more often talented people find well-paid jobs; at the same time, people who do not invest in their work, do not take on obligations - do not receive a good salary. So, we must start with obligations, and only then will we get strong bankers, managers, government agencies: many jobs will be occupied by people who are dedicated to their work, responsible and know what they are doing. Then we will no longer have the question of which school to choose for our children.
The main thing is to understand that each person is unique and responds to Mother Nature herself (we have already stated this many times, but we want this simple thought to be firmly remembered). We are all responsible for ourselves and our children before future generations. Every undiscovered talent will create a whole chain of people with unrealized potential - this, in turn, will return people to barbarity, wars, terror, hatred for each other and the desire to turn everything upside down. Learn to be responsible for yourself!
This line does not affect the stability of the family.
0 or 1
The lack of talents in the presence of hard work will prevent a person from achieving success in life. He can become more successful than those who simply bury their talent in the ground.
Fate is a villain. There are talents, but the person can’t show them. He is always in the wrong place at the wrong moment. Sometimes a lucky chance helps to discover a hidden gift. But a guaranteed result is only given by a methodical search and the absence of fear of failure.
Talent is definitely there, but it usually does not manifest itself. Unless some chance helps it to appear in all its glory.
4 or 5
A bright, gifted personality. A leader, usually with an inflated self-esteem. "A talented person is talented in everything." Whatever such a person does, everything works out for him.
6 or more
The quality is so overloaded that there is simply no strength or opportunity to implement it. A person could do everything, but cannot do it: either he does not want to, or he does not have the strength.
The meaning determines a person's carnal interests: sexual temperament, a tendency to dress beautifully and eat deliciously. The main meaning of this line is a person's intimate life, his temperament and need for intimacy.
0 or 1
This speaks of indifference. Very often these people are caught cheating, because they do not care "with whom and how", and the desire to prove their worth through intimate contacts pushes them to constantly search for an ideal partner - especially men who are looking for the same. "cold" woman who will be completely satisfied with him, and vice versa.
2 or 3
Normal temperament, when a person can have intimate relations every day, but if this is impossible - he can wait without any discomfort.
This is a strong temperament, and this person needs frequent sexual relations.
This is the peak of temperament - this person cannot live without intimacy. It is important to him/her with whom he/she has an intimate relationship. He/she cannot turn off his/her emotions and needs the passion of his/her partner. This person perceives sexual relations as an art.
6 or more
This means overload. A person begins to look for variety and novelty so actively that he loses reason and measure, which ultimately leads to coldness and dissatisfaction with intimacy.
The number of digits in this line can be an indicator of a person's spirituality. It can be said that with up to five digits, a person's spirituality gradually increases from atheism (no digits) to the maximum level of spirituality (five digits). If there are more than five digits in this line (6 or more), then we can talk about an overload of quality, which most often leads to fanaticism and idolatry, when all human norms are distorted beyond recognition, leading to extremes. This is more like complete lack of spirituality than a divine principle (fighting witches and heretics with swords and fire, killing "infidels", exterminating dissenters). Fanaticism in its extreme form is always godless, since it does not allow other points of view.
When analyzing the psychomatrix, you need to pay attention to the ratio of the two diagonals (carnal and spiritual). It is their relationship that will play a key role in the strength of each line.
Having assessed the strength of each line, we can say WHAT is important to a person in his future marriage: his interest in the spiritual principles of his partner or in the material side (carnal aspects, including sexual relations).
It is best when both lines are presented equally strongly. Ideally, the ratio of the quantitative characteristics of one partner should correspond to the quantitative characteristics of the other. For example, if a wife has a carnal diagonal of 5 digits, and a spiritual diagonal of 4 digits, then her ratio can be written as 5/4. Let's assume that her husband has the following ratio of diagonals: carnal - 5 digits and spiritual - 2 digits, with a ratio of diagonals of 5/2. The comparison shows that for the husband, the wife as a woman is of greater interest than the wife as a person. So, he probably will not pay due attention to preparing his wife for intimacy, because he is more interested in the body than the soul. In this situation, it is quite possible that the wife will often be upset because her husband does not pay due attention to her needs.
When analyzing the psychomatrix, it is important to take into account that ideally the ratios of the diagonals should coincide, or their difference should be minimal and of the same sign: if the husband has a stronger carnal diagonal, then the wife should have her own carnal diagonal. diagonal is stronger than her spiritual one. Do not try to experiment with creating marriages where the excessive carnal interest of one partner will be restrained by the strong spirituality of the other - this is a strong indicator that two people are incompatible as spouses. One needs to talk things through, and the other needs to feel them. In this case, both people will suffer. It is best to choose a partner with a similar temperament. Then it will be much easier to achieve mutual understanding.
When analyzing the psychomatrix, you need to pay attention to the ratio of the two diagonals (carnal and spiritual). It is their relationship that will play a key role in the strength of each line.
Having assessed the strength of each line, we can say WHAT is important to a person in his future marriage: his interest in the spiritual principles of his partner or in the material side (carnal aspects, including sexual relations).
It is best when both lines are presented equally strongly. Ideally, the ratio of the quantitative characteristics of one partner should correspond to the quantitative characteristics of the other. For example, if a wife has a carnal diagonal of 5 digits, and a spiritual diagonal of 4 digits, then her ratio can be written as 5/4. Let's assume that her husband has the following ratio of diagonals: carnal - 5 digits and spiritual - 2 digits, with a ratio of diagonals of 5/2. The comparison shows that for the husband, the wife as a woman is of greater interest than the wife as a person. So, he probably will not pay due attention to preparing his wife for intimacy, because he is more interested in the body than the soul. In this situation, it is quite possible that the wife will often be upset because her husband does not pay due attention to her needs.
When analyzing the psychomatrix, it is important to take into account that ideally the ratios of the diagonals should coincide, or their difference should be minimal and of the same sign: if the husband has a stronger carnal diagonal, then the wife should have her own carnal diagonal. diagonal is stronger than her spiritual one. Do not try to experiment with creating marriages where the excessive carnal interest of one partner will be restrained by the strong spirituality of the other - this is a strong indicator that two people are incompatible as spouses. One needs to talk things through, and the other needs to feel them. In this case, both people will suffer. It is best to choose a partner with a similar temperament. Then it will be much easier to achieve mutual understanding.
0 or 1
A person is able to understand someone else's pain or joy, but does not take it to heart - he thinks only about his own feelings and needs.
2 or 3
A person with this indicator is able to show sensitivity and understanding where it is truly appropriate. Accordingly, spiritual connections with loved ones will be based on a reasonable balance of sentimentality and practicality, which will ensure their stability and logical validity: just as much participation as needed, without obsession, but also without cynicism.
4 or more
Enlightenment and complete inner harmony. The person is very sensitive, he is touched and excited by what most simply do not notice. The soul is open to everyone, but the slightest insincerity will be immediately noticed.
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