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Weekly horoscope

10 March-16 March

♈ Aries
21 March - 20 April
♉ Taurus
21 April - 20 May
♊ Gemini
21 May - 21 June
♋ Cancer
22 June - 22 July
♌ Leo
23 July - 23 August
♍ Virgo
24 August - 23 September
♎ Libra
24 September - 23 October
♏ Scorpio
24 October - 22 November
♐ Sagittarius
23 November - 21 December
♑ Capricorn
22 December - 20 January
♒ Aquarius
21 January - 20 February
♓ Pisces
21 February - 20 March

Weekly horoscope
10 March-16 March
When dating or with your loved one, things are a bit tense. What do you really want? This question can be discussed at the beginning of the week. You will find the right words and the reaction will probably be conciliatory. Warning: At the end of the week it will be tricky again! Thursday: An optimistic day - don't get arrogant now...

Weekly horoscope
10 March-16 March
FOMO alert! You definitely don't want to miss anything and would love to do a lot with your loved ones. There are no negative aspects to this - at most there isn't quite as much time for your to-dos. But that can easily be made up for. Enjoy the moment now! Monday: Why so jealous? Taurus can easily get over it!

Weekly horoscope
10 March-16 March
At first things look much better than expected with an unpleasant conversation. But as soon as one thing has been sorted out, the next trouble with a (different?) person is looming towards the end of the week. Things aren't going well, and it's not your fault. The stars are simply not producing any qualified life coaches at the moment... Monday: Best day for an after-work drink with your friends.

Weekly horoscope
10 March-16 March
If your everyday life is boring you: It's going to be exciting! Either because you have some great ideas yourself - or because your friends surprise you with something. According to Kosmos, there could even be a trip. But even if it's just a party, a cool piece of news or an unexpected visit: Life is good to you! Friday: The full moon and lunar eclipse boost the curiosity of Cancers.

Weekly horoscope
10 March-16 March
You think a lot about your relationships with other people. And you pluck up the courage to address one or two topics, especially if it's about feeling freer and wanting to try something new. Tip: Make sure you do this before the weekend, because then there's a risk of misunderstandings. Tuesday: Leos are impatient. Don't rush into anything now!

Weekly horoscope
10 March-16 March
Timing is everything: Virgos could bring something to a positive conclusion right now. This could be a project, an exam or a phase of life, for example. Be careful, have tissues handy, the whole thing will be highly emotional! Friday: The full moon in your sign also gives you confidence for the future.

Weekly horoscope
10 March-16 March
Your love affairs have probably been difficult recently. But now, at the start of the week, there is a tailwind from the cosmos: the opportunity for reconciliation with your partner is extremely favorable! Singles have the chance of a nice first date with good conversations. Saturday: Libras are particularly sensitive - and seek deep encounters.

Weekly horoscope
10 March-16 March
Chance will lend you a hand with a certain topic: you suddenly see what needs to be done and how you can tackle the problem. A huge relief! You are also kissed by fate in other ways: There are a few small but nice surprises waiting for you. Sunday: You invest a lot of emotion in a person - is it worth it?

Weekly horoscope
10 March-16 March
Your job is coming into focus - or rather your career. Maybe you have or had the impression that your commitment is not appreciated. But that's not the case at all! Your skills are very well received - and the stars are now even supporting a promotion... Saturday: Sagittarius are social. One particular person in particular benefits from this.

Weekly horoscope
10 March-16 March
You may have the feeling that you are making slow progress - but at the end of the day you have achieved a pretty solid result. This is how you feel all week: It's tough, but you face your challenges. With success! Sunday: You are under a lot of tension! Before it comes to beef: get some energy out, e.g. by doing your favorite sport.

Weekly horoscope
10 March-16 March
Even if your fingers are itching and you want to sign an attractive business deal or a contract - wait. Get more information, sleep on it (and not just one night). Only when you have read the small print several times and feel that you have received comprehensive advice should you finally commit. Wednesday: Patience is your best advisor.

Weekly horoscope
10 March-16 March
Your conscientiousness is all well-deserved, but do you really have to do all of this? Because if you listen to yourself, you will notice that you are not in your power right now. Take a close look at what really falls within your area of ​​responsibility - and what you can confidently delegate so that you have time for your relaxation. Friday: Pisces are not so strict with the truth...

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