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Life journey number

Is it possible to read fate by numbers, guess the past or future? Do the date of birth and the sequence of letters in a name have any significance? Now you can check it out. "All things can be represented as numbers." With this simple formula, the Greek scientist and philosopher Pythagoras (580-497 BC) defined the essence of his numerous studies in the places where the Egyptian sages lived. In the statements of mythology researchers, it is clear that numbers are used as a code system for transmitting spiritual truths. There is a secret hidden behind each number, only numbers can encrypt the wisdom of everything in the world.

Numerology by name

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Number is the spiritual skeleton of all visible and invisible phenomena. Astrology is also based on this foundation. It evaluates the fateful rhythms of life in the space-time coordinate system. So in it we meet the numbers of harmony and disharmony, with numbers that cause tension and relaxation. They determine the periodicity, act as fate-forming, represent character traits.
This includes every tone or sound, a very specific higher spiritual octave that unconsciously affects a person. Letters or sound symbols, like numbers, contain a "secret code". If you think about it, you will definitely remember an example when a change of name as a result of marriage or for some other reasons entailed a change in fate and life circumstances.
It follows that the name and its bearer are connected and influence each other.
With the help of such calculations, it is possible to compare characters, to determine which people harmonize with each other and which ones conflict. Each number corresponds to a certain planet, a wide range of different forms of symbolic influence of which is represented by the magic of numbers.

Number 1: SUN

The source of all numbers is the beginning of all living things. Any number includes the number 1, but the number itself is indivisible, the unity of the universe relies on it. People of the Sun are natural leaders, incredibly strong personalities who never go unnoticed in the shadows. They are passionate, impulsive, businesslike people. If you are under the influence of this number, then do not withdraw into your own feelings, do not limit yourself only to your own perception, otherwise you will come into conflict with the world around you. You always achieve outstanding success. You are characterized by generosity, pride, the desire to create something new, physical and spiritual strength, authority, the desire for power, initiative, a sense of responsibility, unconditional justice, practicality. You have harmonious relationships with people from the first, second, fourth, seventh groups.

Number 2: MOON

Moon people are emotional and open. They easily adapt to others and circumstances, and are often artistically gifted. They achieve their goals by avoiding obstacles and intuitively taking advantage of favorable opportunities. They have mood swings, and unconsciously seek a stronger person who would reliably support them. They are very homely, family-oriented, loyal, sensitive, and never take risks. Their rhythm of life may change. They are introverts, so although they are friendly, they are often withdrawn into their complex inner world with a rich imagination. These people are characterized by the following character traits: a sense of responsibility, a desire for independence, and when implementing their plans, they always act diplomatically and carefully, and do not allow others to force them to do something they do not like. They have good relationships with the first type.

Number 3: JUPITER

Jupiter people are mostly optimists, they have a positive attitude towards both others and themselves; they usually have deep knowledge of their nature; they give love to others and expect respect in return. They do not waste time on trifles, avoid difficult situations and conflicts, often act like a magnet, strangely attracting happiness and harmony to themselves. A positive attitude helps them achieve their goals. People under this number are full of a sense of responsibility, strive for self-improvement, are influenced by idealism, are indecisive, look for recognition. Acting openly, they strive to benefit themselves. They willingly travel, selflessly stand up for those in need of help. They have a pronounced inclination towards art. They combine well with the third, sixth and ninth types.

Число 4: УРАН

These are very wayward, stubborn people who never live by generally accepted rules, and go their own way. They strive for social reform, and try to reject the past. These are humane, internally independent people with an unconventional way of life, they strive to find as many friends as possible, show interest in spiritual life, love and admire nature. Although Uranus people are independent, they are not withdrawn and not lonely, they are focused on company: even after divorce, they continue to maintain friendly relations with their former partner. People of this type are active, very conscientious in work, nervous, they have an excellent memory and good organizational skills. They get along well with people of the first, second and seventh types.

Number 5: MERCURY

People of this type have an extremely lively and resourceful mind. They show initiative in everything, quickly find a rational grain in any business, often strive to try their hand at rare professions. Stupefying routine is alien to them. Everything boils in their hands, they are swift in everything, think quickly, draw conclusions, work. The ability to express thoughts is of particular importance to them. They are overwhelmed by a thirst for knowledge, critical, resourceful, but quickly become despondent from failures. This is an ambivalent personality. These people are loved and popular, not very economical, insatiably curious about all manifestations of life, charming, never lose their individuality. They find a common language with their own kind, but in essence they get along well with all other types of people.

Number 6: VENUS

People of this type radiate sensuality, they are loved by everyone without exception. Their charm helps them to avoid all the pitfalls in life. Since everything comes easy to them, they must be especially careful in handling money, otherwise they risk suffering great losses. But strangely, they always have enough money. They are often married to a wealthy partner. They love everything beautiful, have a cheerful disposition. Often these are very attractive people in appearance. Sometimes they are arrogant, pay too much attention to their appearance. They keep up with the times, are enterprising, sociable, have a talent for the arts. They work successfully in those areas where they have to communicate a lot with people, have a sense of justice. If they have some goal, they are hardworking, but generally prefer to devote themselves wholeheartedly to the joys of life. They are especially well combined with the third, sixth, ninth types, but in essence they are very sociable and peace-loving.

Number 7: NEPTUNE

Since this planet is interconnected with the Moon, Neptune people harmonize well with people of the second type. They are usually philosophical or religious, and have a compliant character. They often have an unstable financial situation, because money melts in their hands like snow. They have great thoughts, but they rarely follow through with their plans. They are prone to gambling. These are subtle, highly sensitive natures, compassionate and sensitive to the mood of others. They have difficulty making decisions, are usually physically weak with a fragile constitution, and do not accept quarrels and conflicts. Most often they are employed in social services, are often musical, and sympathize with all the suffering with all their hearts.

Number 8: SATURN

Saturn people are sensitive, often do not find understanding from others and suffer from loneliness. Their external coldness and alienation hide their thirst for spiritual warmth, but they do not know how to show it. They do not like anything superficial, they love order and material security. Everything comes to them with difficulty, they achieve everything on their own. Their way of life is distinguished by constancy and often, especially closer to old age, material wealth. People of this type are characterized by stubbornness, a sober view of things. They highly respect rules and laws. They are pragmatists, prudent in everything, cautious, punctual and methodical, very hardworking and persistent in achieving their goals and ideas. They rarely find themselves in a subordinate position. In life, people of this type are more focused on material well-being, they must certainly be confident in the future, but are prone, to melancholy. They are absolutely faithful, you can always rely on them. They find a common language best with people of the second type and sympathize with people of the seventh type.

Number 9: MARS

People of Mars are ready to conquer everything on their own. They do not accept objections, but only resist them even more. They have courage and a strong will, and, thanks to these qualities, they achieve great success. But impulsiveness has a negative effect on their activities. They often do not weigh their strength and do not distribute them rationally. In love and partnership, they often have problems - their excessive pride affects them. Possessing good organizational skills, they categorically cannot stand a subordinate position. If they purposefully applied their strengths and abilities, they could achieve tremendous success. So, they are distinguished by initiative and enterprise, energy and confidence only in their own strengths. These leaders by nature rely on themselves, do not allow themselves to be surpassed, are sometimes a little ruthless and unceremonious, and have great willpower. They find mutual understanding with people of the third, sixth and ninth types.
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