Someone, somewhere
is made for you...

Gentleman dmitrie2783

I want to meet you for relationships

Gentleman dmitrie2783

About Me

looking for
• For virtual communication, correspondence
• Introvert
Closed, internally focused thinker, gentle way of a man separated from the whole of the world, carefully analyzes all the events, with all the suspicion of conflicting actions. He has very few friends, because it is very difficult to give new contacts, closer to his loneliness, it does not change their own habits. Introvert - very suspicious person with high degree of anxiety, he listens to the feelings in themselves and value their health.
• Phlegmatic
Unruffled, leisurely, has a stable mood and desire, looks very stingy on the expression of feelings and emotions. He takes persistence and perseverance in the work, while remaining balanced and calm. In this paper, phlegmatic productive, thus compensating for the diligence of its slow pace.

External data

Hair color: Dark
Eye color: Blue

Horoscope by date of birth

Date of Birth: 02 July 1983
Zodiac sign: Cancer
Year of birth according to the Eastern calendar:
Boar (pig) (How to find out your year?)

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From Kaluga