sagittarius man and leo woman
Leo Woman - Sagittarius Man
Now, Sagittarius, listen, I'm going to give you some unsolicited, but nonetheless sound, astrological advice: Stop being a jerk, put away your arrows, and stop trying to win that woman's love by futilely trying to make her jealous.Intentionally provoking the rage of a Leo woman is, at the very least, reckless. As for jealousy, you probably couldn't have chosen a worse way to ignite her heart and win her over. Your rather clumsy, albeit charming, pranks will do little good either.
Nor will it help if you pick on her as if she were your little sister and you were her incorrigible, but sweet and reliable older brother.
She knows you're incorrigible.
She also knows you're sweet (which irritates her). She doesn't need or want protection.
Royalty can't need protection.
Royalty offers protection.
She's not your little sister, and you're not her big brother.
Your relationship is different, and you know it.
So stop playing innocent. You may be amazingly naive (another quality that makes you sweet), but you're also a wise philosopher.
These qualities you have acquired as a result of a thousand-fold blow to your innocence, which gave her a measure of skepticism, but hardly reflected in all your naivety.
It was the duality of your nature (Sagittarius is a dual or double Sun sign - half horse, half man) that first attracted her to your childish smile, your clown's antics and sage's air, all compressed together into a springy ball of independence and generosity. She was completely charmed.
Study your horoscope. Or at least go to the library and read about the habits of lions in the jungle if you want to know how to make this lady purr.
Or keep teasing her, keep raising her anger, and you'll feel the sharp cat claws digging into your "ego," leaving deeper emotional scratches than you can imagine.
And forget about how good you are at guessing everything. You can't even begin to imagine what Leo's angry pride is like until you experience it. Take my word for it, you'll prefer to be somewhere else.
That is, of course, if you really love her.
And you do.
(You can fool her, but not the astrologer.)
You really love her.
So, Sagittarius, you need an equal partner.
You need to exchange ideas with an equal, an honest and frank friend who will perhaps play more complex games with you than tag or hide-and-seek.
And now you have found her, who admirably meets all your needs.
She is noble and faithful, and although she may not have such complete privacy with herself as you, she is certainly not ly.
She also likes to play different games, and she knows how to play them.
Whether it is tennis, chess, intellectual verbal duel, "monopoly", bridge or volleyball, she is able to win, and this makes her an even more exciting partner.
You always enjoy the game more when you have a worthy opponent.
She can beat you in cross country if she wants.
Now that you have her, what are you going to do with this royal prize?
Yes, sometimes this prize hurts.
But she is worth it, because she is femininity itself.
The first thing you should do is stop treating her like a little sister.
And stop making your stupid jokes.
People of the Sagittarius sign are extremely lucky, thanks to the wonderful influence of Jupiter (when he is in the mood), but getting a proud Leo woman to fall in love with you is the luck of lucks. You know what happens to gamblers in Las Vegas.
They win and then lose everything by betting against themselves. Now that you have won the Leo girl, don't put your love on the line to test your luck.
The Leo woman is well-groomed and graceful, playful, warm, sunny. She is also generous, wise and sensible.
In addition, she has a very sensitive "ego" and an immoderate pride (partly false, partly true) and can be quite arrogant and demanding.
If we had to speak in simple terms, and I believe that is exactly how we should speak with the Archer, then we should say "spoiled". All monarchs are spoiled people. And she - remember? - is the queen of the jungle and all the surrounding areas (in her own, slightly egocentric understanding).
The Archer would do well to always be aware of this when she looks at him, trying to decide whether he is worthy of being her chosen one.
The Lioness may also need a respectful astrological slapping.
She tends to expect too much from the man who loves her, unconsciously throwing down royal challenges that no mere mortal can accept.
The Sagittarius man is bold and courageous, and perhaps closer to true fearlessness than any other Sun Sign (including Leos, who wrap their fears in velvet-ermine confidence so that they are not visible).
He will try his best to gift her, if not with real Tiffany's jewels, then with even more valuable gems of his sparkling honesty. He will relieve her of a lot of problems, successfully discover new worlds and lands, brilliantly embody Essex for his Elizabeth, Columbus for his Isabella, demonstrate to her his loyalty and intelligence, proving that he has the zeal of a crusader and a holy faith worthy of Arthur and Lancelot themselves.
The only thing that is difficult for him to give her is obsequious reverence.
This man is simply incapable of prostrating himself at someone's feet in the traditional expression of awe and fear (at court, in the Vatican - anywhere, including the living room, the kitchen, and especially the bedroom). He will gladly give her the respect of an equal (and you know, some men will not do this).
He will not look down on her, but he will not look up to her either. He will treat her neither as an inferior nor as a superior, but with the same devoted gentleness and warmth, passionate loyalty and tenderness that he gives to his dog or horse.
(Lady Lioness should not snort contemptuously: this man adores animals with great ardor, having feelings for them deeper than an enormous number of people have for other people.)
And so she will receive all these priceless gifts from her cheerful, clear-eyed court jester, from her soldier of fortune. But worship in its true sense... alas.
Do not look that the sign of Sagittarius is Movable (most mutable Movable signs mean gentleness and submission), because its "variability" is significantly moderated and modified by the Fire element and the fact that it is ruled by a male planet - Jupiter.
The Archer has a wild disposition, but his anger, like hers, although it easily boils over, is soon replaced (like hers) by sincere regret for rash words, never leaving ill-feelings (and hers too). He is almost always generous enough to forgive and forget. She is much more reluctant to forgive and forget insults, because she was born under a Fixed sign, but if he can convince her that he is truly sorry, she will melt and generously give him another chance with the innate grace and goodwill that she owes to her ruling Sun.
If this couple can sort out all their problems, their sexual experiences will be downright magical. Merging with a depth of passion that the heart has remembered from an old dream is one of the gifts that great Jupiter and the mighty Sun have showered on them (not on every Leo and Sagittarius, but on those who truly love).
Their physical expression of feelings will be so different - playful, sensual, fresh, soft and tender, like raindrops and the kiss of a warm summer breeze, and wild, dissolute, rough, as if they both dwell in a primeval forest.
Their love can also be calm, full of peace and silence.
I would only like to warn Sagittarius, so that he does not blurt out something too direct and honest at the wrong moment, out of habit, for he can hurt her more than he thinks.
A wounded Lioness can go away, suffering alone in a cold, aloof silence, to let the wounds gradually heal.
This man is a carpet, this woman is a beautiful Lioness.
Together they are capable of putting on a colorful, exciting circus show.
His clown grin, his somersaults, acrobatic tricks, her languor and slow sensual grace, warm intelligent eyes - all this creates an abstract impression, reminiscent of the Great Attractions, looking at which you as a child froze with both fear and delight.
Now do you understand why their relationship often becomes the Greatest Show on Earth?
(Both Leo and Sagittarius are emphatically theatrical.) The theater is in her crookedness, and in his blood - arena sawdust.
They will have a wonderful time playing circus.
But she must never forget the painful sadness and tears hidden behind the wide painted smile of all the clowns, realizing that while he portrays a great discoverer, a brave lion tamer, a knight on a white horse, a carefree and carefree soldier of fortune or someone else, in reality he is a Don Quixote. And ultimately he needs his beloved to remind him once again that he is really determined and courageous and can realize even an impossible dream.
And the Archer must never forget that once he and the Lioness have fallen in love, quarrels are of no importance, even if he takes his bow and quiver of arrows in haste and anger and goes away to wander the world.
He will soon become sad, finally realizing the pain he has caused his sensitive and proud Lioness, and then he will remember her sunshine, the dazzle and darkness of her passion, the strange combination of trembling unbridledness and calm, cold dignity.
He will remember much more, because she will send him a silent but powerful call, pulsating in the golden string that binds all true lovers, even when they are separated by great distances.
sagittarius man
leo woman
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