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is made for you...

sagittarius man and cancer woman



Cancer Woman - Sagittarius Man

The most important difference between the "moon" girl and the Sagittarius (apart from their different views on money, of course) may be their sometimes opposing concepts and intentions regarding family life.

For her, there is almost a cult of family, where the main place is given to parents, and then come sisters, brothers and other relatives.

This woman lights candles on the family altar with the same sacred awe with which her Capricorn sisters kindle their family hearth.

Sagittarius men do not at all believe that they should devote themselves to their relatives.

Of course, the Centaur can keep in his big Jupiter heart a sincere tenderness for his family, cheerfully appearing on the doorstep once every few years with an armful of gifts.

Sagittarius is generous, and the first to help his parents, brothers or other relatives when they need support, or lend all his money, but he does not believe that blood ties should limit his freedom. Blood ties or family ties remind him of clanking chains or a rope around his neck, capable of strangling his individuality.

The Sagittarius man can hardly wait for the moment when he can cut the Gordian knot that binds him to his family and go his own way, obeying the call of Jupiter. He knows how to untie the knots of problems quickly and wisely.

True, sometimes he makes mistakes, but he is smart enough not to make the same mistake twice.

The "Moon" lady looks at "ties that limit" with respect and even tenderness.

Ties are comfort.

Ties are familiar and comfortable. To break ties with friends or relatives, a lover or husband (or with parents!) is something terrible for her, and usually she delays it as long as she can. It is for this reason that Cancer women are often considered possessive. In fact, it is something else - it is an unwillingness to break ties, so that later she does not have to sail on without an anchor.

Swimming without an anchor is as terrible an image for a Crab girl as swimming in the middle of the ocean, because Cancers feel calmer when they keep a decent distance from deep water.

Astrology cannot solve this problem for them.

The Cancer woman and the Centaur must see this dispute through to the end, not losing hope over the years to get closer to a compromise.

They will argue: he will prove, she will take offense. She will say over and over again that he neglects Mom and Dad and that this is his shortcoming, he will again declare that their own relationship will soon fall apart because she spends too much time with her family. Over time, they will come to some mutual agreement, or one of them will slam the door.

But don't think that this is the final break.

Let's start with the fact that it is the Archer who may break first. Remember - it is easier for him than for her to break the connection.

Although cutting the knot of love is quite another thing, love is capable of making even a carefree Centaur leave with regret, and he will not be able to endure it for long.

Her lunar magic hypnotizes, and she will haunt him in his dreams.

The "Moon" lady will represent for him the eighth astrological house of mystery (sexual, and not only). There is no one more curious than the Archer (except perhaps Gemini), and he will soon find that he cannot stop thinking about what she is doing without him.

Besides, he will be worried, realizing that he lost his patience and, giving in to anger, left, but still did not understand anything.

Her changeable moods, her inexpressible power over his emotions - a thousand mysteries still remained unanswered...

And so the Shooter returns, because he understands that he misses her more than he expected...

This woman always hides a lot of secrets, and some of them are not clear even to herself...

There is something in her "lunar" nature that makes her close down when she feels that someone is trying to penetrate too deeply into her secret "I", even if this someone is a man she adores.

The Cancer girl automatically hides in a shell of silence the moment he starts asking her questions, even if it is just an innocent question about what she thinks of the new neighbors or what her first boyfriend was like.

Of course, the latter may not be so innocent. The Sagittarius man has a special character, and although he may not be possessive, he is certainly jealous, and there is a clear difference between possessiveness and jealousy. If she is in the mood, she can tell you something herself, but you cannot force her to do it by rude questioning. But she somehow unconsciously makes people share with her things that they would not normally confide to others. This is not the same as trust. You trust Pisces because you want to, because Pisces simply radiate a willingness to listen if you want to talk, and you see that they sympathize with you. With a Cancer girl, everything is different. She loves other people's secrets and consciously uses her strategy for this.

Thanks to lunar magnetism (that invisible force that even ocean waves cannot resist), a person finds himself talking about things that he did not intend to tell anyone.

With the Sagittarius, Cancer's lunar strategy is even more successful.

He loves to talk about himself, about his dreams and inner feelings, about his views and opinions.

In a conversation with a Cancer girl, he may go too far and only then will he discover that he has fallen into that emotional wave that can carry him away to who knows where, and he will tell more than he intended. This astrological warning can be valuable for Sagittarius, because there is always a possibility that he will say something that this extremely sensitive and impressionable lady can exaggerate or misinterpret, because Cancer's suspicion and trembling vulnerability must always be taken into account.

This is difficult, because he is used to freely expressing everything that is on his mind.

His honesty is sometimes excessive, and not only due to his natural inclination, but also because the "moon" lady can be amazingly tenacious and if she decides that he has not told her something, she will not give up trying to find out.

It's not that he is guilty of something, there are simply things that she can misunderstand and embellish with her imagination, supplementing the carelessly spoken words with her own fears and gloomy forebodings.

And this begins to threaten her inner peace, although it no longer has anything in common with what actually happened.

Their moments of intimacy are exactly the situation when Sagittarius should not forget to let his feelings speak, and not himself. This is exactly how the "moon" woman expresses her multifaceted love for him - sensually and silently.

She wants them to escape from everyone, plunging into an ocean of passion, bathing in the fragile moonlight of a feeling whose depth is a direct result of his tenderness and calm.

Too demanding a desire scares her. She is capable of completely trusting in a feeling, if only their mutual attraction is revealed softly, tenderly, when there is more poetry in it than fire.

And if it seemed to her that something was wrong, even if this disapproval was not expressed out loud, it will certainly affect their love, although this accident has nothing to do with love.

This is a game in which it is difficult to know anything in advance, so it would not hurt the Sagittarius man to look through the calendar from time to time at night, because every emotion of his Cancer woman not only symbolically, but also really depends on the phase of the Moon, and this is quite serious. It may be difficult for Sagittarius to understand this part of her sexual nature, because he himself belongs to the element of Fire, and his desire is strong and impulsive.

He really needs to learn tenderness, especially if he is in love with a "lunar" lady born in the element of water.

It's strange, sometimes a special light in this woman's eyes speaks of her desire - it is like a promise of love, like a flickering of the ancient secret of the young Moon.

When he sees the moonlight in her eyes, he knows that now he must be very still and quiet... hold her tightly, so that she feels safe, and dive with her into the mysterious sea, into the music of midnight, familiar and incomprehensible.

Let's leave them alone. But before we go, let's remind her that while her moon tears flow lightly, like rain from a summer cloud, his Jupiter tears are safely hidden, but are they less? Like a little boy, lost in the dark, he is too brave to let himself cry, but he so needs a ray of light...
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