sagittarius man and taurus woman
Taurus Woman - Sagittarius Man
He has made a great friend who is also a woman, so who knows, who knows...Perhaps it will be a lovely love story, or even better - a platonic friendship for life. Since Sagittarius loves the truth so much, he will soon get it, because his Taurus girlfriend does not agree to be either just a friend or a passive object of a casual infatuation.
Upon discovering this, the Archer will be perplexed and will think to himself: "What does this mean?"
What did it mean, what did it mean?
Marriage - that's what!
And don't be so surprised.
A Taurus woman may fall in love with a Sagittarius for obvious reasons. He is an idealist, a cheerful companion, an intelligent conversationalist, a dreamer, a philosopher, a calculating entrepreneur and also a little boy who needs to be looked after.
Of course, one should not expect that a Taurus woman will resist the charm of such a man. Even if on the very first night he told her everything as it is, she simply did not hear him!
However, sometimes Sagittarius forgets that he is a Fire sign, and the flame can become uncontrollable.
The Sagittarius must cool down if he does not want to catch fire from his own sparks or be buried under the weight of her “earthly” anger, which may fall on him like snow on the head if he lights the fire of love in her heart and is not able to support it.
The first thing that the Taurus woman strives for when she is in love is the position of a permanent lover or legal wife.
What she will not tolerate at all is the fate of one of the wives in the Archer’s harem.
She is not recklessly jealous, like the Lioness or the Aries girl, and will not suspect her lover without sufficient grounds.
However, she is possessive, and her ideas about love are based on her own exclusivity. Such a woman will never accept an Arab sheikh's proposal.
In fact, Sagittarius is capable of keeping exceptional fidelity to a woman whom he truly loves. His problem is that he often does not what is expected of him.
At first, his straightforwardness and manner of telling the truth to the face will appeal to the Taurus girl for its genuineness and sincerity.
This also applies to his inability to pretend.
She will not waste a second on a liar and a braggart, so his honesty will seem especially attractive to her.
This will be so, until one day he demonstrates this honesty of his, saying: "It will be so easy for us together if from the very beginning we put each other on equal terms.
For example, yesterday I dropped in to see my old girlfriend, and she invited me to spend the weekend in the mountains. You know how much I love skiing!
Do you have anything to do to entertain yourself until I get back? " When the Archer is so honest, his Taurus girlfriend can only break those skis over his head as entertainment. But if she tries to ignore such things, she can discover in him traits that a woman with a more ardent character and less patience will not discover. When the Archer finds a woman who understands him enough to love him and trust him, he surpasses himself: there is no more enthusiastic lover and more devoted husband in the world.
He is like a big affectionate dog, albeit a little clumsy, but sweet, cheerful and faithful. Who would object to his charming sincerity?
He needs a woman who would believe in all his dreams, and not prick him with the pins of doubt and ridicule. A woman who would surround him with tireless care and love, without restricting his freedom.
He needs a cheerful companion on hikes, a woman who challenges him with her independence, overflowing with delightful ideas.
This is not an easy task for any woman, but the Taurus girl will cope with it, except, perhaps, the moment connected with ideas.
She is smart, maybe even too much, she is more of a listener, and she needs time to think everything over.
Besides, she is suspicious of ideas that overwhelm someone. Her practicality and common sense perfectly balance the Sagittarius's carefree desire to play and win. So he better not expect her to always share his fanatical thirst for activity. Let him play these games with his friends, and she will much rather play another game...
She needs a reliable and considerate man who would sit next to her by the fireplace, holding her hand. This does not mean that the Taurus woman wants to spend her life in the kitchen at the stove, but she does not intend to spend it riding the Ferris wheel and cracking sunflower seeds.
She is patient, reserved, kind-hearted and cheerful.
She has a sense of humor, hospitality and ease of communication. But if her cup of patience is full, she becomes furious for no apparent reason, and Sagittarius is not the least suitable sign to induce her to such a rare manifestation of her character. In the ability to drive the Bull to white heat, he is only slightly inferior to Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.
Sagittarius can find out what he is interested in with the most innocent questions.
But Taurus does not always want her hidden emotions and personal opinions to be known to someone else, because she does not meddle in other people's affairs.
So Sagittarius's fiery curiosity and his cunning questions are unlikely to delight her if she has a secret that she would not like to divulge.
Perhaps they will not have problems in love if they try to understand each other, and this applies to both character and sexual needs.
Sometimes both do not guess what they are missing and suffer from a vague and unconscious dissatisfaction.
The Taurus woman is endowed with a hot and sensual temperament, but it is difficult for her to express what she feels. She can show her love only by touching... for her this is enough, and when she is busy making love, for her silence is gold.
However, Sagittarius is an idealist, he wants to express both in words and physically the miracle of his overflowing feelings.
So sometimes it seems to her that her lover is the legendary Centaur, half seized by passion, half immersed in thoughts that are beyond reality.
Sagittarius needs freedom, and public opinion means little to him. Of course, he is fundamentally honest, but he does not believe that family life and family ties should bind him.
The Taurus woman is endowed with opposite traits. Their marriage, if their Sun and Moon are in a negative aspect, can be full of both devotion and alienation at the same time - like the union of Socrates and his wife Xanthippe, who diligently created a warm, cozy home for the philosopher, with whom, however, it was so difficult to live together that she periodically tipped a garbage can over his head. But it may not come to this, and they will be happy together if she is willing to understand him when he needs support, and if he is willing to moderate his ardor to the size of the family hearth.
sagittarius man
taurus woman
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