Someone, somewhere
is made for you...

sagittarius man and capricorn woman



Sagittarius Man - Capricorn Woman

She is a charming creature, but at the same time she knows exactly what she wants from life and how to achieve it, although she does not seem to set any gigantic goals for herself. She is reserved and does not interrupt him when he talks about his dreams and ideas, and not every woman is capable of this. She seems soft, obedient, feminine and attractive to him.

He is deeply mistaken. Although she was born under a feminine Sun sign, but under the control of a pronounced masculine planet Saturn, she may have soft manners, but she is not at all submissive, although she can seem so.

And it is better to take into account from the very beginning: this woman has a stern disposition.

She does not tolerate stupidity. For Capricorn, "stupidity" is a waste of time and a lack of clear goal, and this includes empty flirting and casual affairs.

Note, not flirting in general, but only meaningless flirting. And not relationships in general, but only casual ones.

Sooner or later, this distinction will prove very important.

The thing is, the Capricorn girl wants to know your intentions before you have them. Or, let's say, before the Sagittarius man thinks about what his intentions are towards her.

And they had better be serious, and not like that towards most women...

Archer men are typical indiscriminate romantics and not the most faithful people in the world - at least while they are looking for fun.

But after he has found his one and only, he is capable of exclusively knightly devotion and loyalty.

Until this happens, his shining armor may slightly lose its perfect shine. Of course, true love will shine it again...

This woman will not be stopped by tarnished armor. She is practical in love, as in everything else.

If the armor is rusty, it can be cleaned, making it shine like new, and no one will notice. Yesterday is yesterday, now is already today, and you need to think about tomorrow. She can forgive her Archer for his old sins, and she is reasonable and calm enough to trust him.

But she will not tolerate any deception, otherwise he will be thrown into the dustbin of her past with one wave of her long female eyelashes.

Well, this will add to the list of mistakes she has made in life (which can be counted on the fingers).

Perhaps this is cruel, but even this will not always stop the Archer.

Remember, he was born under the male Sun sign, and is also ruled by the male planet Jupiter.

Double male vibration.

Can he immediately submit?

Besides, he is not cowardly.

He simply does not know how to resort to cunning. He may blurt out some frank remark without thinking, insulting her dignity, and Capricorns always behave with dignity, especially in public.

Of course, she appreciates wit, but she is depressed by old jokes without a twist and irritated by rude manners. And she is not inclined to listen to how her own mistakes are demonstrated to her in front of everyone, and this is one of the most obvious talents of the Archer (out of the kindness of my heart, I called it a talent).

But she will appreciate his honesty.

He likes her: she is reasonable and practical and does not look at life through rose-colored glasses.

He himself refuses to embellish the truth and speaks directly about what he sees.

Directness appeals to both of them, and this quality, which both possess, is a good basis for mutual sympathy, although it is sometimes difficult for others.

If you are visiting this couple, and they have to get up early tomorrow, you will definitely be reminded that it is already late.

Capricorn - gently, courteously and politely, and Sagittarius - directly, with friendly frankness.

Of course, they will not push you out the door, but they will make it clear that the visit has dragged on.

These two may share an interest in music or the visual arts, religion, or law, and he gets the impression that she is even capable of making sacrifices to get what she wants. And he is right.

For example, if she lives in a small town and attends a college where she cannot take a full course in art, she will work at a bus station, filling up cars and wiping windshields, to earn money to study in New York. The Archer is able to appreciate her selfless dedication to her goal. Something similar happens to him.

Only Capricorn tries to leave the house as little as possible. Sagittarius, with a sweater with rolled-up sleeves and a toothbrush in his pocket, is always ready to travel.

She will not wish to go with him.

She will have many excuses. “We did not plan this,” she says.

“More cheerfully!” he replies.

She frowns. He persuades.

She is unshakable.

Perhaps it is then that it occurs to him that she is conservative...

But when she smiles at him, he will melt, for he has such an open, generous heart!

But, between you and me, there must still be some way to get the better of her?

There is such a way. Just prove that you are serious, and not only in your love for her, but also in what you are going to do in this world, and in what you expect to receive as a reward. Usually, the Sagittarius man is full of dreams (until they are destroyed by life's failures), and he is ready to offer her so much! She is touched, because a dream is wonderful.

But where is the program for its implementation?

It seems to him that the main thing is to want. She understands that even dreams need a plan, because she is so practical...

But the older the Capricorn woman becomes, the freer she is. And she enjoys traveling with her Sagittarius.

She was deprived of this in childhood, because sometimes it seems to her that she was already born at one hundred and five years old, give or take a few years... and her practical, secretly yearning heart beats a little faster at the thought of how much her beloved has revealed to her in herself...

But perhaps we have run ahead, because they still know each other so little.

His thoughtlessness perplexes, sometimes offends her, but she must try to understand that in fact he does not mean anything bad.

His truthful statements are spontaneous - they are a kind of sudden revelations for himself. In fact, when he says that her nose is a little off shape... that it would be better if her hair were a little shorter... that her friend is a gossip... it only proves that it is all true.

And when he says "I love you," he means it.

This man cannot lie, even when he tries.

So you are completely safe as long as he does not directly tell you that he does not love you. A Sagittarius man rejected by the woman he loves may become a monk, but he will never lie to her or to himself. If any untruths occur, it is only if he convinces himself that it is true.

But, fortunately, this almost never happens.

The sexual compatibility of these two can suffer only from two things: from his ability to say something that cools her desire, and he does not yet understand - why, and from her tendency to perceive their intimacy as a pleasant necessity, which also obeys a schedule.

She may never find joy in their unity, unless he carefully helps her learn to trust his embrace, and it would be good if it were not so: as soon as she forgets about caution, he says something that would be better left silent ...

When the heart of Saturn is hurt, it heals much longer than someone else's hearts.

It may seem that she ignores his words, even if it is a compliment.

She acts as if she cares.

But it not only cares, it touches her deeply.

She simply believes that no one should know how she feels. But the external coldness hides a deep longing of loneliness that she will never show.

This is a woman who so needs... kindness.

Assuring her that she is beautiful, constantly talking about her achievements, bringing more light into her life...

If a man who loves her does all this, the result will exceed his expectations.

And do not pay attention to her words: "What stupid sentimentality!" — Her love is true and reliable, like an old grandfather clock, ticking out its endless melody (unless he really shocks her family) — then it may stop).

He has truly magical methods of freeing her from the sad spell of Saturn: with his bright, sunny thoughts he helps her to rise
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