scorpio man and sagittarius woman
Scorpio Man - Sagittarius Woman
Astrology often looks down on the Sagittarius's ability to kill with words, but sometimes the Sagittarius's honesty goes beyond sensitivity and good taste, turning into inhumanity and cruelty.From time to time, the Sagittarius themselves need a slap of truth. A good slap.
A Sagittarius woman who crosses the line with a Scorpio man may find that the sad end of her affair has come before the first chapter has been written.
Fortunately, most Sagittarius women are the type who, under the guidance of Jupiter, spread more joy and sunshine around themselves than pain.
And it is precisely this Sagittarius personality type that can make the Eagle happy with its touching honesty and generosity. She is symbolized by the Centaur - half-horse, half-man, and sometimes she stumbles awkwardly and sometimes gracefully slips into his life, carrying with her brightly colored pennants of hope and optimism.
Her infectiously cheerful smile illuminates the dark corners of his soul, awakens long-forgotten dreams, resurrecting him with the promise of new life.
If only he lets her into his life.
No matter how pleasant and gentle the Eagle may seem, he is a person of gloomy moods, inexpressible periods of depression and self-doubt. He can break her heart, without meaning to, when he withdraws from her enthusiasm.
The Sagittarius girl needs to travel a lot, she needs to communicate with people and animals.
If she is not allowed to change her scenery or environment often, she will become a restless, unsatisfied woman.
When the enthusiasm and sociability of Sagittarius are limited by circumstances or anything else, Sagittarius experiences mental and emotional torment, leading to despair - a very real danger for these people.
Sagittarius must exist in an atmosphere of hope and happiness, or his spirit will die and his health on all levels will suffer greatly.
Only a very unkind person could turn away from the friendly, optimistic look of this girl.
Unlike her, the typical Scorpio man does not like crowds of people, although he is usually kind to animals, with the exception of some cases of Jupiter or Neptune influence in his horoscope.
He needs long periods of solitude and calm - time to reflect and comprehend his essence.
He needs solitude. Naturally, this can cause conflicts between them.
However, this is a solvable problem.
He should make a sincere effort to curb his possessiveness and allow her to seek out the bright lights, change of scenery, and stimulating conversation she needs, rather than keeping her on a leash.
Even dogs do not like leashes, and girls especially do not.
Of course, she would prefer that he appear in society with her, but if this disturbs his peace, it is better to allow him to continue his life.
He should not fear betrayal when she goes out for a walk with the dog, a ride, or a lonely walk in the woods. There is a strange peace that comes to her when she is close to nature, and the solitude that he so needs (and which she denies) is as healing for her soul as it is for his.
As for other men, it is unlikely that the typical Sagittarius girl will have a secret affair.
Secrets are Scorpio's business, not hers.
If she ever felt that she had fallen in love with someone else, she would probably tell her Scorpio about it before he sensed something was wrong.
The only thing that can make a Sagittarius woman fall out of love quickly is boredom, while the Eagle stops loving only after he decides that his beloved is no longer worthy of his devotion, because in some way she does not correspond to his ideal.
Scorpio does not like weakness or people who easily give up.
He can sympathize with losers, but he respects only winners.
At least at first they will not be bored during physical intimacy. In this regard, her honesty can become a brilliant asset: her sexual expression of love is so simple and open that it attracts Scorpio like a magnet. He will readily respond to her fiery passion, and she will respond with sincere and tremulous interest to the various facets of his always slightly elusive sexuality, which ranges from soft tenderness to intense sensuality.
But if the luminaries in their horoscopes are in opposition or square, she may thoughtlessly throw out critical remarks immediately before, during or immediately after their physical intimacy, which will hit this man's exceptional sensitivity like a hammer. In response, he may retaliate with sudden coldness and lack of interest, making her feel both unloved and unwanted.
And this will give rise to a scene of reproaches and tears, because she will not be able to keep her tragedy to herself.
Belonging to the sign of Fire, she is capable of suffering from the tormenting flames of jealousy and may in anger accuse him of loving another. Probably not. His sense of honor is as strong as hers is honesty, and a rare Scorpio can live a lie.
If they discuss everything, they will reveal the real reasons for their friction and will be surprised to find out what trifles they torment each other over.
She is always ready to discuss everything, but he can sulk and brood, keeping his feelings to himself, and this is the worst thing he can do to this woman and to himself.
This couple should never talk about money.
It is better to let Sagittarius spend his own savings and never touch on this topic. If he wants to save his money, locking it in a safe, fine. If she wants to throw hers to the wind, excellent.
Unless her Moon sign or Archensign softens this aspect, they will never come to a common opinion on finances.
Both should have their own money, as they did before they met.
When they quarrel about something and stop talking for several hours, the sociable Sagittarius girl can have a much harder time than the Eagle. Scorpios are more or less accustomed to loneliness and can bear it better. And yet, loneliness, even for a short time, does not give a feeling of happiness.
The Sagittarius woman is usually quite predictable.
Her temperamental outbursts, her impulsive generosity and readiness to forgive, her serious, philosophical moods - the Eagle can predict all this with the help of intuition. But she cannot so easily understand his emotions.
She will never be able to fully understand his mysterious silence, because he is Water, and she is Fire.
So he will learn a lot from her, and she will discover an unexpected tolerance for his moods.
This is a man who knows how
to desire and achieve what he wants, if he wants it badly enough.
This woman needs a goal, something to fight for, something to look forward to tomorrow, next week, or next year.
Her enormous capacity to believe fits perfectly with his enormous reserves of willpower, so that together they can achieve anything they want badly enough and for long enough.
scorpio man
sagittarius woman
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