scorpio man and virgo woman
Virgo Woman — Scorpio Man
One of the main virtues of a Virgo woman is her tender and selfless devotion to the man she loves. One of the most commendable qualities of a Scorpio man is his loyalty and unbreakable devotion to his beloved.What an idyll, isn't it? Pastoral in soft pink and blue tones...
Wait! What is this?
A stain? A scratch?
Definitely, it is a stain.
Something not intended by the artist.
Or intended?
Yes, it is intended to add truth, beauty and poetry to imperfection.
Perfection is boring and kills the soul.
To accept and be patient with shortcomings and imperfections is one of the great spiritual lessons, but Virgo will definitely not learn it. Scorpio has learned it before birth.
Perhaps he will explain this truth to Virgo.
She will listen to him, because she respects Scorpio's opinion.
Yes, she trusts this man.
But is he trustworthy?
It seems so. Scorpio is very honest. He does not deceive Others' expectations and does not lie to himself.
However, this does not mean at all that you can read his soul like an open book.
Once having bound himself with a love vow, Scorpio will be faithful to it if there are no serious planetary contradictions in his horoscope in the fifth and seventh houses, and even then he will be burdened by the role of Don Juan. He can succumb to temptation, but he is able to soberly assess his infatuation. And if it is fleeting, Scorpio will immediately end it and return the heart to the one to whom it rightfully belongs.
If a new love has taken deep roots, he will not be afraid to say so directly. But he is unlikely to admit to what he considered a mistake, a chance meeting.
Scorpio jealously guards his secrets until he feels that they will not harm or help anyone.
Not all of his secrets are romantic. Scorpio is in no hurry to confide his thoughts and experiences to everyone. But if he does open up to anyone, it will be his Virgo girlfriend.
One of the remarkable traits of Virgo's character is self-sufficiency. She does not imagine that the world (or a man) owes her anything.
One of Scorpio's most praiseworthy qualities is self-confidence.
He does not need the world or a woman to judge his worth or value.
Sooner or later they will be appreciated.
These two are in no hurry to embrace each other at first sight. Both are shy, sometimes painfully so.
Human feelings are a taboo subject for them.
Her self-sufficiency and his self-confidence are not on display.
This is a hidden treasure, a secret weapon.
At first, he may be suspicious - this is his usual manner. Over time, he becomes convinced that she is what she seems, that she is there whenever he needs her.
This is calming, lulling secret fears.
This man's love is something special (after all, you can't call him ordinary).
She combines the mystical and sensual principles. Scorpio considers the fusion of a man and a woman a Mystery, a part of the incomprehensible. But with all his idealism, he will never be satisfied with platonic relationships.
This couple will have to learn how to love, but once they get to know each other, their intimacy will be natural.
Although there are pitfalls here too.
Both of them can restrain physical manifestations of love.
Some part of his consciousness resists the desires of the flesh, and part of her soul remains virgin and untouched. As if something is dormant in them, awaiting release.
The seed of a love mystery...
They will be unanimous in what concerns money and concerns for the future. Both are extremely cautious and thrifty.
She will prefer to provide for tomorrow rather than satisfy a momentary whim.
He will think ten times before writing a check.
Financial well-being for them is not only a guarantee of a secure future. It allows them to step away from work for a while, to go on a trip, and this is necessary for both.
Scorpio must restore the physical energy that he spends violently, give rest to his feelings and mind.
As a rule, Scorpio chooses a vacation by the sea, leisurely days and nights of lazy bliss.
Virgo needs a change of place to calm her spirit. Monotony and monotony are destructive for her.
The combined vibrations of Mercury and Vulcan generate a lot of nervous energy, excruciating tension that requires an outlet.
After a trip, she blossoms, no matter whether it was a trip to a resort or a busy business trip, whether she wandered the noisy Parisian streets or basked on a quiet secluded beach...
The main thing is that the trip tore her away from the routine.
Some may say that the union of Virgo and Scorpio is a deal that cold calculation concluded with arrogant vindictiveness.
Don't believe it!
This tender selflessness is combined in marriage with magnanimous devotion.
Who can predict the path of an eagle in the sky... or the path of a man and a woman?
scorpio man
virgo woman
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