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scorpio man and leo woman



Leo Woman - Scorpio Man

The strong character of the Scorpio man will help him to gain an inevitable victory in any serious confrontation with the Lioness.

He belongs to the sign of Water, and this is the strongest of all the elements.

Fire can dry up without a trace, and water will trickle drop by drop, destroying even granite. A boulder thrown into a stream will not change its course, but throw a burning torch into the ocean, and how long will the flame last?

Of course, everything depends on the strength of the flow and the flame, but most Leo women and Scorpio men are compatible with each other, and in the more usual combinations of Leo and Scorpio, whose individual vibrations are balanced, the Water-Scorpio will win, having much more experience of the soul than Leo, since it is ahead of Leo on the Karmic circle. You need to know this when your relationship is just beginning, because, on the other hand, you never know for sure which of the two has overtaken the other and by how many turns.

However, you can be sure that even if the Lioness makes a millionth circle of her Higher Self in a certain incarnation, it is because she has not yet fully mastered the lessons of the seven signs ahead. Since Scorpio is astrally ahead, even if it is only the thousandth time he has circled, in this particular combination, in this incarnation, he is karmically destined to teach her something, whether she likes it or not. The same is true for the Leo man and the Scorpio woman.

Leo cannot overcome this star-crossed fat and win, so it is wiser to relax and accept it.

The Leo girl may seem warm, generous, sociable, and friendly, but that does not mean she enjoys being studied like a butterfly. She is uncomfortable under the impossibly deep and intent gaze of Scorpio, who is trying to fathom the depths of her mind, her heart and soul, not to mention her body.

If desire appears in his gaze too soon, she will not hesitate to turn his Water into ice, even though she is magnetically drawn to him.

The Lioness cannot stand familiarity from a stranger, so it is better to wait until you get to know her better. You do not stare at the Queen, otherwise you may be removed from the ball with a regal gesture full of contempt.

Their first quarrel may occur over money.

She loves spending it, although she can be surprisingly practical in how and what to distribute it on, and only occasionally oversteps the boundaries and arranges brilliant revelries.

He can also be touchingly generous on occasion, but he will not like her attempts to control his spending, but he will certainly want to do the same to her.

Only an atypical Lioness will treat this indulgently. The general budget is almost always problematic for them.

She will spend money easily, while getting offended and even quarrelling when he starts complaining that the money has already run out this month.

The Scorpio man will put up with this for a very short time, and then he will become menacingly silent and give his chosen one a stony look, and this is hardly the ideal environment in which love can blossom.

Harmony can be achieved by opening separate bank accounts, without asking questions or keeping track of who spent what, even if her checking account can only survive on gifts or a portion of his earnings (which is unlikely to be necessary, since the typical Leo woman will have saved some money by the time she first meets her Eagle).

Almost all Leos are businesslike.

She may happily do housework after marrying the man she adores, but not for long, until she wants to find some interest outside the home to strengthen her sense of self-importance.

A Leo woman delights in housework only if it is a White House, a castle with towers on a high hill, or a vast empire.

The sexual relationship between the Lioness and the Eagle must be subtle, his stormy and somewhat mystical manifestations of love will delight her at first, but as time goes on, she will need a more obvious manifestation of tenderness, richer and more tangible, more varied assurances of his devotion. He will find that her strange mixture of aloofness and fire is constantly exciting, and he is unlikely to tire of the eternal challenge that she throws down.

But if he comes across her chilling dignity too often, he will lose that living magnetism that made her tremble at first. In addition, he may begin to take revenge by refusing sex.

This is one of the most unkind ways of responding to an insulted Scorpio, even when he acts unconsciously.

If this man and woman really try, then, despite the obstacles, they can make a wonderful couple.

A lot can be against them at first, but they can still get close.

Imagine a calm and clear lake in the moonlight, a thousand bright fires floating on its surface and throwing out diamond sparks to the velvety midnight sky.

How do the fires manage to stay on the water and not go out? They are lit, on rafts. For the Fire sign Leo and the Water sign Scorpio, such rafts can be common goals.

If the Eagle and his Lioness once find such a common goal (or cause), they can work miracles.

His passion is her strength.

Or is her passion his strength?

It doesn't matter, because they both have both.

Beneath the Leo woman's brightness and courage lies a deep insecurity, and she can become as sad and restless as a lioness in a zoo cage if her boyfriend denies her the right to be her own person.

As for him, Scorpio's strong need for her joie de vivre to brighten up his life can cause violent outbursts of Plutonian jealousy and possessiveness.

He will have to realize that this woman simply must be the center of attention sometimes, or she will fade.

If there are men among her adoring friends, it does not mean that she is promiscuous, she is simply exercising her royal right to be revered. The selfish Eagle cannot stand it when other men court his woman, but that is exactly what will happen if he leaves her alone.

A Lioness will never agree to sit by the fireplace, mend her husband's socks, satisfy his passion at night and amuse his power complex in the morning.

So, if both do not work hard, the path of these two lovers can sometimes be rocky. But you know what to do with stones?

Remove them.

Just pick them up and throw them away.

If she can learn to appreciate the emotional reliability and exceptional devotion he offers her, and if he can learn to appreciate her warm, generous, sunny spirit, they can transform the astrological square of tension and clash between their signs into a powerful squared energy that will create a wonderfully lasting attachment, because love, like a ship, is always stronger and more reliable when it has been tested by the storm.

Despite her passion for flirtation in her youth, the Lioness will be faithful and devoted to her husband when she marries, provided that his hand is soft and not too strict.

If these man and woman look deeply into each other's eyes to see their true natures, they will understand that they have no need for jealousy or rivalry.

The attempt to strengthen the relationship with the help of children often fails other couples; but for Leo and Scorpio, Fate has magically decided that if their needs and desires are strong enough, the child will lead the way to Unity.
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