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scorpio man and gemini woman



Gemini Woman - Scorpio Man

If the Sun-Moon aspect between them is favorable, they can find happiness without much effort, like any other man and woman descended from Adam and Eve.

True, these two must be more vigilant against the sneaky serpent-tempter than most lovers.

Without astrological support (if the luminaries and planets in their horoscopes do not form favorable aspects), these Air and Water signs would find it much easier and safer to remain friends, avoiding outbursts of passion and risky vows of eternal love.

This does not mean that they are denied compatibility, they just both must be ready for constant effort.

Let's start with the fact that "eternal" is a word that scares a Gemini woman as much as the word "temporary" scares a Scorpio man.

It's not to say that she is incapable of loving and being devoted to one man (and many Gemini girls are incapable of this), but it must happen imperceptibly, gradually, until one day she discovers that this is so.

Using the word "eternal" at the very beginning of a novel makes its ending uninteresting and can bring everything to naught.

Conversely, it's not that a Scorpio man can't handle the term "temporary" as well as any other man, but the very use of the word creates doubts and suspicions in him and robs him of a sense of power and dominance in this love affair.

At first, he'll be charmed: that charm in her voice, like bubbles in champagne, that lively mind, that easy-going approach to any situation!

After all, he's only a man, despite his Batman-in-a-mask-and-cape image, and he can't resist an apple handed out by Eve any more than any other astrological sign.

But after a while, he'll start to notice that some of her delightful stories, with slight variations, are going round and round.

(Geminis always add a little here, take a little away there - for greater effect.

Or maybe they are not the only ones?)

That she is capable of being late for two or three dates in a row.

At this moment, or at another similar stage of insight, the Scorpio man will wipe the stardust from his eyes, take a long, intense look at the woman who almost stole his heart, and prudently decide to think a little more before making a promise before God to love, respect, and cherish her for the rest of his days.

(Deep down, Scorpio is very religious.)

Once he has given his word, he must not break it, so he may end the courtship until he is sure that she has no more surprises to spring on him (like a marriage or two or a divorce she has forgotten to tell him about).

Will she notice?

She is too preoccupied with how long she can put up with his intrusion into her privacy, his prying into her secrets (nothing bad or necessarily shocking, just things she prefers to keep to herself), and his jealousy.

So the girl can't smile sweetly back at the smile of the bookstore clerk, or stop on the street to talk to a friendly stranger about the best way to care for Old English Sheepdogs?

And he?

How he stares at all the women!

And how do they stare at him?

She has only herself to blame for her predicament.

As a Gemini, she should have known that the Scorpio man, with his deep, strong, magnetic voice and his firm, intelligent gaze, has the charm of a serpentine tempter.

His impressiveness is an outward manifestation of strength and calmness, and underneath it lies a silent male appeal that few women can resist.

One of the first things she will discover in him is his incredible willpower.

It is simply unbelievable.

This man, if he sets his mind to it, can do anything.

If he decides to fast for a month, he will live on water alone for the entire time.

If he wants to become the president of a firm, company, or country, he will be it.

If he wants to make a girl stay with him forever, she will lose the battle long before he starts it.

Why does a Gemini girl need all this, who wants nothing from life except changes, pleasant excitement, fun and some mind games?

But when she feels Pluto's vibrations reach her, do you think she runs away, as she would run away from a heavily breathing gorilla in the jungle?

You would think so.

But I don't.

Because I understand the astrological quirk that from time to time makes a Scorpio man look like an innocent deer with velvet eyes.

He is so sweet, tender and vulnerable, so obviously in need of affection and sincere support that a girl must have a heart of stone if she is able to hurt him by running away from him.

There is something so soft in his manner that she forgets the steel-hard look he has when he reveals his hidden power and icy determination.

And she will have many more occasions to remember this...

But perhaps enough about how and why these two fall in love.

It is more important to understand how

they manage to maintain love.

Since Scorpio is a Fixed sign, he has great self-control.

He will need this when she tests his patience with her chameleon charm, fits of bad mood, absent-mindedness and duality of purpose.

Since Gemini is a Mutable sign, she is adaptable, and this will help her to cope with unsettling scenes.

She will need all her abilities to remain relaxed and cool when he suddenly becomes stubborn or loses his temper over a trifle right after an angelic understanding.

(It is always difficult to decide whether he is an angel or a devil...)

She needs to remember this: this man wants to know where she is and what she is doing most of the time (if not all the time).

He expects her to sit in one place (if not always, then often).

He will frown at her nostalgic tears for old friends.

Because of her casual attitude to money.

Because of her bizarre changes from one hobby to another.

From singing to dancing, then to painting, then to traveling around the world - whenever the seasons change in nature, and also because of her restless, Mercury-ruled character.

And what does she offer him?

Bits of devotion, rare, kisses, outbursts of irritation, almost unbelievable naivety and icy scorn, a motley mixture of enthusiastic love, fickle judgments and opinions.

And where is she to get the self-confidence and self-control that were given to him from birth?

She will, of course, tease him - most Gemini women are so feminine, carefree, talented and intelligent!

But Gemini is a masculine sign, and Mercury, the ruling planet of Gemini, changes gender as unpredictably as the wind changes direction.

So there will be a time when she will hurt his male pride, and there will be a time when she will flatter him in this.

She will always have the intelligence to charm him.

Neon may be disappointed to find that her mind skims the surface of most concepts, instead of probing their depth and getting to the essence - just as in everything, from religion to reincarnation, from politics to polygamy, from sin to sex, he does it.

Here we come to the sexual side of their love.

Although Scorpio is a strong sexual sign, he is able to observe abstinence, chastity and self-control (the life of monks and priests).

But if he has fallen in love with a Gemini woman, he is probably not the Scorpio who has chosen for himself the strict discipline of abstinence.

However, sex for him is not a game, not a pleasant pastime and not something like a sport.

Sex is the very mystery of life.

A woman who understands the deepest desires of her Scorpio man does not need to worry about his fidelity (if there are no unfavorable aspects in his horoscope).

Usually, a Scorpio man who knows that he is truly loved will not look anywhere else.

Scorpio shows great curiosity about sex in his youth, but he probably satisfies most of his curiosity by the time he marries.

His attitude to the physical side of love is deep and passionate, unusually sensual, but with a certain amount of severity.

However, the problem is that for a Gemini woman, sex is not the secret of life itself.

For her, experience is important, and not the deeper revelations of sexual union.

And she does not at all strive to penetrate into the essence of this with real feeling and strength.

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