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scorpio man and taurus woman



Taurus Woman - Scorpio Man

At first, the Taurus girl simply does not understand how to treat the hypnotic look of the Scorpio man and his silent invitation.

She hears various disturbing rumors about him.

She was told that he is sexy and cruel. Of course, such a combination is capable of causing anxiety in anyone.

The Scorpio man has many brilliant virtues that compensate for his dark sides, but he is not a boy who naively believes in the Innocence of human nature.

He sees too much through the magic glass of his insight and therefore trusts his own instinct for truth and decent behavior.

He believes in God, but he is suspicious of all people.

That is why he seems cruel. However, if it is an Eagle, he only hurts those who harm him or those who need protection.

He will sting anyone who accidentally steps on the Scorpio's tail only slightly, as if warning that this should not happen again, either to him or to his defenseless friend. He nobly allows such a person to leave without harming him. This is a lesson.

This is a silent warning.

In reality, his actions are always honest and fair, they are never petty and are in accordance with his own strict ethics. Scorpio never demands from another what he is not able to give, or what he himself could not give to another. Patronage of the weak, the poor and the defenseless, the threat of any injustice, a fair lesson to the traitor and the overly curious.

Were not these the noble motives of Robin Hood?

Robin Hood himself is considered by many to be a Sagittarius.

He is undoubtedly an excellent marksman and probably. An archer by the Sun sign, but personally, it always seemed to me that he was a Scorpio by the Moon sign.

Of course, each individual Scorpio is not perfect.

However, we are considering the average Scorpio here, and our business is to make some generalizations. So, going back to the above, we will note that the myth of Scorpio's cruelty has probably ceased to bother the Taurus girl.

She is not afraid of what is tangible.

Besides, he has already made her feel comfortable and calm by taking her brother to summer camp, bringing flowers to her mother, and treating her father as a wise, respected man.

But Taurus loses his courage when it comes to intangible things - such as emotions. And the rumors about his sexuality? What can be said about this? Most likely, they are true. Scorpio is not a eunuch or a shy, stuttering schoolboy - he is a man.

Courageous like Aries, sentimental like Libra, passionate like Leo, sensitive like Pisces and... like the Taurus woman herself.

Astrologically unenlightened woman can be frightened by such a strong male nature.

But what is there to be afraid of?

This man does not hunt for young innocent girls to seduce them, as some books write.

For a Taurus woman, the physical manifestation of her deepest feelings is a part of her life.

Therefore, the so-called sexuality of Scorpio should not frighten her.

If she decides on life and love with this man, you can be sure that she will experience both in all their diversity.

Scorpio tests and exhausts to the end all the possibilities of what he likes.

What he does not like, he tries to get rid of, pretending that it does not exist at all.

In the end, it really does not exist - at least in his consciousness and in his immediate environment. This applies to both people and things.

Obviously, they will not have problems if they are interested - or irritated by the same things and people.

Otherwise, clashes and misunderstandings are possible.

The Taurus girl may feel attached to one or another person or object, and she will probably be quite embarrassed by the fact that her close friend or relative, her favorite jug or shawl have disappeared without a trace because the man she loves does not share her admiration or taste.

If their birth charts show a harmonious relationship between their Sun and Moon, they can combine opposing character traits into a single powerful impulse.

This is a relationship of opposite signs, he has what she needs, and she has what he wants and will probably get. Naturally, such an attraction will lead to the fact that when these two meet, they will be drawn to each other like a magnet. Of course, if both are single and ready for a serious relationship.

Have you ever tried to keep two magnets from touching?

Try it - it will be an excellent illustration of the law of magnetic attraction and repulsion in the field of romantic relationships as applied to astrological compatibility.

The Taurus girl is not a thoughtful dreamer - she is practical and not capable of instant passion.

But when someone touched her feelings, when she smells his hair, shudders at the sound of his voice, melts at the sight of how he walks, how he smiles, her usual practicality can be forgotten for a long time.

In love, she is even more vulnerable than the Pisces girl, and this is charming.

Taurus is a Constant sign, so she will not change her views if one day she decides that she has finally found the man she has always been waiting for. If he is a Scorpio, she can count on his fidelity (unless there is reason for serious disappointments in their birth charts).

She is possessive in love, but this does not mean that she is jealous, because jealousy is rooted in the deep insecurity of the relationship.

And the feeling of ownership speaks of the pride of possession and the generous affection of the Taurus woman.

The Scorpio man will understand the difference between these two words, and his girlfriend will have very little reason to be jealous, while her possessive attitude will give him pleasure. For all his reputation as a sex symbol, this man rarely looks at sex as a series of casual encounters or a pleasant pastime.

For him, earthly love contains the meaning of life and death, and this is the only secret that he will never fully reveal.

Therefore, sex gives rise to feelings in him that are very close to religious ones.

His idea of ​​love is unblemished, and although it is accompanied by strong emotions, there is no place for chaotic experiments. Thus, contrary to astrological rumors, he is less capable of deceiving the woman he loves than most men.

The earthly Taurus woman understands his passion. But where his ardor goes beyond their mutual feelings, the attitude will be less enthusiastic.

He mysteriously merges cold reason and hot temperament, although he prefers to show only the first, keeping the second a deep secret. She approves of his cold reason, his external balance and his practicality - in this they are similar.

But his hot temperament causes discontent in her.

Scorpio is capable of getting entangled in his own feelings, which, like the Water of his Sun sign, conceal deep currents.

And depth is unnecessary difficulties associated with emotions. Taurus is not partial to extreme manifestations of love and hate. It seems to her that this is only tiring and unnecessary stress. This is the root cause of all their big and small disagreements, although it manifests itself in the most divergent forms.

But to console the Taurus woman, if she quarreled with the Scorpio she loves, I will reveal to her one of his secrets.

Here is what he thinks of her:
Your voice
And my soul is like a desert...
If in earthly life
You avoid me from now on,
I let you go
Not to forgive —
To wait.
And pierce with insight sometime:
— How could he let me go so calmly!
...Isn't this the price?!

The poem is called "The Sting of Scorpio".

And here is the secret I promised to tell his Taurus friend: it is not easy for him to let her go.

It hurts him deeply.

But he hides this pain under the cold alienation characteristic of Scorpio.

And now that she knows this, perhaps she will remember that in anger she really does speak in an "icy voice"?

And can she see his hidden feelings through the dark glasses of stubbornness?

Scorpio and Taurus are truly worth each other - in constancy, patience, and fidelity.
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