scorpio man and capricorn woman
Scorpio Man - Capricorn Woman
With the rarest of exceptions, when the Eagle and the Capricorn fall in love, they will play by the rules.They will get married, my dears, they will get married. They are by no means going to have an endless romance that has no future.
Their friends and neighbors will sigh innocently and say that this is undoubtedly a blessed union, close to perfection. Their family and relatives may know otherwise.
The reason why the friends and neighbors of Scorpio and Capricorn are fooled is that this couple is usually not the kind to, as they say, dig in public dirty laundry. The Eagle and the Goat will never drag a single handkerchief or old sock out into public view. They also will not put their differences on public display.
Capricorns and Scorpios are as practical in love as they are in everything else. Their romantic relationships must pass a strict reality check for reliability.
Endurance. Strength.
These two want to get good things for their money: furniture, clothes, college degrees, cars, grapefruit, asparagus, real estate, etc.
They make no exceptions for relationships with each other.
The marriage licenses are paid for.
The priest tipped two dollars.
For the wedding, the groom bought the bride a corsage. The first wedding night was spent in a hotel room (though they managed to save money because they took advantage of summer weekend rates).
Is it possible to let the event not justify itself?
You can't ignore a small crack, otherwise it will turn into a big one — and the ceiling will collapse.
No, the crack must be covered and painted over as soon as you notice it. This happens with the slightest clash of opinions between Capricorn and Scorpio.
Usually they liquidate the crack in their relationship before it becomes real.
Such constant vigilance can be exhausting if you do not have huge reserves of patience and willpower, but these men and women have both in abundance, an inexhaustible supply provided by the combined power of their rulers, Pluto and Saturn.
The Age of Aquarius may have brought revolutionary changes to society, but Scorpio and Capricorn were hardly affected by the vibrations of Uranus.
The conservative characters of Eagles and Goats hardly change.
New social mores may have turned many Capricorn women into independent feminists, but even these emancipated individuals do not flaunt their private lives.
The New Age may have freed many men from self-doubt and allowed them to be more open, but the inner confidence of the Scorpio man does not need support.
He does not want to become "more open", and if he wants to, he does not need to ask permission from the Age of Aquarius, society, or anything.
He has always done exactly what he wanted, and will always do so, and let the eras follow one another without touching him.
Astrologers often claim that Scorpio men are overly sexual, well, just passionate males, ready to seduce or even rape every woman they see.
I hope that this chapter will correct this impression. Yes, he does have a strong internal sexual drive, but the word "sexual" has more than one meaning, and a Pluto-ruled man can be quite old-fashioned in his ideas about love and marriage.
Scorpio is a Water sign, and, naturally, there are Scorpio men with an unfavorable influence of the Sun in the Horoscopes, who become temporarily dependent on the "green snake" or drugs. But still, the Eagle will never lose his self-esteem or his sense of decency.
This man will never allow himself or any member of his family to play the role of a fool. He is very concerned about what people think of his image (while considering that his personal life is none of their business), and the Capricorn girl thinks the same.
Everything she does is done with an eye on moving forward and with an eye on her reputation in society.
Of course, some Capricorns can lose their morality and behave with sybaritic ease, but you have to try very hard to find such people.
And we are not talking about them.
We are discussing a Capricorn woman worthy of the Eagle's loyalty, and she will be a real lady.
Or she would better find another man.
A Capricorn woman rarely shows her emotions.
A Scorpio man's innermost feelings are also not written on his face and are not clear from his speeches and actions.
That is why it is not easy for them to fall in love.
When they meet, both wear masks.
It takes time for them to trust each other and take them off.
There is a strange aspect in love, for the combination, made up of the elements of Earth and Water, created by their planets, Saturn (Capricorn) and Pluto (Scorpio). One way or another, their hearts will be bound by the strong or light influence of death and mystery.
Their life together will be touched by echoes of the past, no matter how faint.
This may not happen for the first few years, but eventually it will manifest itself, will soften their love. Often it will be connected with the third astrological house, which deals with matters of kinship, brotherhood, and also motherhood.
Pluto rules Death itself, as well as birth, rebirth, reincarnation, and sometimes adoption.
Saturn rules all that concerns the dead themselves, as well as self-discipline and duty, obligation.
Both planets have a powerful attraction to deeply felt and carefully guarded secrets, and no emotional connection between these two Sun signs will escape some trace of this vibration.
Almost every Capricorn girl and her Eagle have some unspoken, buried deep regret for the past they experienced together, which forms a strong bond of shared memory between them and brings them closer.
Under the guise of self-sufficiency and apparent cold ambition for herself and her family, under the obvious lack of sentimentality, there is a longing for tenderness in the heart of the Capricorn woman.
She suffers more than she can express, and great music and art move her more than she can show.
The Scorpio man, with his insight, senses this, and he has a burning desire to love and protect this little creature with a sweet sense of humor and kind shining eyes, so faithful, so reliable and so honest.
Deep desires in him are also aroused by her calm manners and noble address.
There is an unspoken loneliness in both of them, a need to achieve emotional security through companionship.
His strange mixture of tenderness, mystery, and controlled strength hypnotizes her, and she is able to relax in his arms.
Every part of her Saturnian being is enriched by his more passionate nature.
Like all Scorpios, he is aware of secret longings and vague desires, and during physical intimacy these seem to transform into a feeling of peace.
It is like coming home from a foreign land to where everything is familiar and safe again.
When forming a couple, Scorpio and Capricorn tend to go with the flow of habits for years, and this can lead to the fact that not only their sexual manifestations, but also all other aspects of life will lose their novelty and inspiration. They will be both friends and lovers, and the natural ease of friendship can be used as a bridge by which they will return to each other when passions cool.
Change is a revitalizing cold shower that will bring back love to Scorpio and Capricorn.
Travel is a powerful tonic for these two, but even small changes can help them. The Eagle and the Goat can go to bed and get up at the same time for years.
They should drastically change their schedules, leave the lights on regardless of the electricity bill, have dinner in Japan several times
scorpio man
capricorn woman
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