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libra man and leo woman



Leo Woman - Libra Man

That's right.

This couple may find that their relationship is more likely to be permanent if they stay at home more often, even if not every night. As harmonious as their characters are, too many parties can lead to friction and even anger. Most Libra men love to attend any kind of celebration, from sleigh rides to picnics.

This man also enjoys intellectual salon evenings, such as dinners in honor of his preferred political candidate. Especially if that candidate is himself.

The Leo woman rarely turns down such invitations either.

More than anything, she loves attention and excitement in equal doses, so that any large or even medium-sized gathering of people delights her. And it's a matter of numbers. Just numbers.

The more guests, the more possible compliments.

Every Libra man is a little playboy by nature, every Leo woman is a little playgirl. Neither of them was born to live in the desert with only a wise owl for company.

I'm not saying that they should stay home and read hobbit books every night, but too many parties increase the danger of hearing disharmonious chords in the symphony of their Sun signs. What's the problem?

Her jealousy is his attraction to women. Or maybe it's like this: first his attraction to women, then her jealousy. After all, a Leo girl is not jealous without a reason.

There must be a reason.

This man will give her more than one.

Something about him makes any woman feel like Cleopatra. It is impossible to define, it is just a natural gift.

(Apparently, he owes this to his planet Venus.) His exquisite charm makes an indelible impression on women, even when he simply asks for a marinade. If he also smiles, then the lady who handed over the marinade will soon feel her knees shaking.

Such a scene is far from pleasing to the Lioness. She will want to release her small, neat, varnished cat claws and cling!

Besides, there is another problem.

Admiring men gather around her when she comes somewhere.

Do not doubt , she encourages them with hot glances and graceful manners.

I repeat: jealousy is dangerous.

But not the jealousy of her Libra man, but his disturbing lack of jealousy.

You see, most Libra men think that it is unfair to be jealous.

What right does he have, he thinks, to be angry at her innocent flirtations at parties, when all those "pickle-serving girls" start preening as soon as he enters the room?

Such considered tolerance does not please his Leo woman, since she is flattered by a moderate healthy jealousy.

Any Fire woman will understand this. It proves that he cares.

And when the only answer she gets is: "Go dance with that interesting skiing champion, dear. I am discussing Greek art with this lovely lady, the sculptor.

She depicts the human body in marble. Marvelous, isn't it?" — the Lioness's eyes flash with a wild warning, and her regal smile becomes...

And if he had any sensitivity, he would immediately cease to be interested in sculpture and dancing.

Of course, sometimes the arrow of his scales fluctuates a little along with his normal cheerful mood. Then he may well be indignant at her attention to other men to the point of a fight, but these cases are the exception, not the rule. Fortunately, this man takes care of all the little things concerning their social status.

His talent as a peacemaker is unsurpassed, even when it comes to a fight with his own girlfriend.

He somehow knows how to find and say something touching or sentimental, do something passionate or delightfully crazy and amazing.

He will do it so gracefully, speak so melodically, that the insulted Lioness will forget her wounds and fall right into his arms.

Love will win again.

In fact, we could have predicted it from the very beginning.

This is a combination that provides many opportunities to quarrel, but many more opportunities to make peace.

The Libra man will almost certainly have some difficulties with his Leo woman. Her views are not as vague as his.

She knows what she believes in, she has no trouble clearly defining her opinion, she may get angry if the Libra lover tries to make her understand that in the end everything in the world is the same.

Are the plebeians equal to those who lovingly care for them and rule them?

Equal to their rulers?

What nonsense!

This concept is absolutely contrary to her feminine and liberal standards, but it is probably better not to remind her of this.

A Libra man will likely give his Leo woman unexpected gifts, making her feel cherished and adored.

This is very important to the Leo woman, whether she is a star at the Metropolitan Opera or a mulet driver high in the Andes. She loves gifts. A Libra man has a great talent for making this woman feel appreciated (unless his Ascendant or Moon sign is Virgo or Capricorn). So their relationship can range from more than satisfactory to intoxicatingly delightful.

When a Leo woman feels desired and cherished, she is capable of very hot tropical passion, and a Libra man adores women who love making love.

This Venus-ruled man knows that to release her rich emotions, he must promise her at least the Moon and the stars.

(She does not need the Sun, for it is already hers by birthright.)

With him, she can more easily throw caution to the wind than with most men.

Consequently, their sexuality will lead to a wonderfully warm intimacy.

Even arguments can add luster to their love.

He can apologize for any offense he has caused, like the charmingly contrite Lord Essex, and she can forgive him with the benevolent grace of Queen Elizabeth, whose lover has rebelled against her royal dignity.

But he must not let his thoughts wander or look absently in the heat of passion, in some trembling moment when she needs to know that his thoughts are focused on her and only her.

She can cool his ardor with all his distant thoughts with an unexpected angry command: "Sleep!", and she will go to bed alone.

She will not play second fiddle in his dreams. Especially in his night dreams. And also in his career. She is number one. It is good for him to remember this. She will certainly interrupt every dreamy absent look of this airy man, and something like this conversation will take place. She:

Tell me, what you are thinking about.

Right now! He: You know exactly what I'm thinking, darling. She:


I have no idea, tell me. He: I'm thinking of a beautiful spring day, like any other. But I met you, and the sun shone brighter than ever before. She


It was January.

It was winter when we met.

There was wind and snow. (Now I've got him!) Him


Well, spring was near.

I could smell it in the air. Thanks to you, I thought it had already come.

That's how I remember it.

Sometimes I think you could make the snow melt. When it's winter in my heart, that's how it happens.

She'll smile, sigh... and stretch sensually, purring like a kitten. His Libra charm triumphed again.
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