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is made for you...

libra man and cancer woman



Cancer Woman - Libra Man

Love knows how to transform a secretive, sad, sometimes irritable Cancer woman into a sweet, caring, gentle and soft "moon" woman.

If she is in love with a Libra man, she sighs all the time.

He works too much, plays too much, eats unhealthily, drinks too much, rests too little, lets others take advantage of his good nature, he is too careless, he will catch a cold if he does not stop running in the rain without galoshes, and he must stop losing umbrellas, because umbrellas cost money, and if you count up how much he lost last year, you could buy a new juicer for that money to make vegetable juices, because he stubbornly eats and drinks all sorts of nasty things. The girl is full of concern. For his birthday, she can give him an electric blanket, so that he will be more comfortable. In fact, this is a hint, because if she slept next to him, curled up in a ball, his feet would not be cold.

Since Libra is a masculine sign, he will soon let her know that he is not going to let her pressure him.

But he is ruled by the feminine planet Venus, which harmonizes so well with the changeable Moon, which has given her the wonderful qualities of fidelity, patience, and affection.

For a while, everything will be peaceful and calm.

Despite the rather large difference in their characters and outlook on life, it will not be too long after the beginning of their affair, and the typical Libra man will begin to be tempted by the idea of ​​​​marriage.

When a man ruled by Venus experiences a strong temptation, whose name is a woman, he will find a thousand rational explanations for how he should act, and will finally decide that the only way to get rid of temptation is to give in to it.

(Here is an example of Libra logic when it is distorted by romantic desire and the call of the flesh.)

If he is a pronounced Libra, and if the aspect between their luminaries is favorable, he has certainly made a wise decision in offering his hand and heart to this soft creature with the liquid eyes and the hard shell.

This fragile (ha!), sensitive and receptive (really) "moon" girl, who is so exaggeratedly concerned about his well-being.

But when you really think it over, you will not blame him for succumbing to temptation.

If the Solar-Moon aspect between their horoscopes is a square or opposition, it may still be a wise decision for the good of his eternal soul, although their union may prove to be quite a difficult test.

However, let us remember what was said in the first part of this chapter: if they manage to even out the disharmony and come to an agreement, their love will be the joy of the angels, and this is worth a lot.

No other Solar sign is characterized by a completely definite, albeit unconscious, pessimism to such an extent - in this Cancer exceeds Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn taken together.

And in no other sign will you find so much cheerful, endless, that sometimes drives you crazy, optimism as in the sign of Libra - here it can, bypass even Aries or Sagittarius.

If his optimism and her pessimism are mixed day after day (and night after night), it's like pouring different waters into one teapot, a little hope will be added to her pessimism, and he will gradually become less gullible and more sensitive. However, we must admit that by its very nature optimism cannot become less gullible and more sensitive, because then it will no longer be optimism. In the same way, by its very nature, pessimism to which hope has been added is no longer pessimism.

We would not want them to solve their problems by exchanging these ingrained character traits, because the pessimistic Libra man would be terribly miserable , and the absolutely optimistic Cancer woman would be unfaithful to herself without her caution. She can warn him that too much optimism is a fog in which his dreams get lost.

And she wants them to come true so much, because she loves him.

He, in turn, can tell her that too much pessimism is not at all a necessary loss of a large share of happiness on the path they could have taken together. He wants her to avoid this tragedy, because he loves her so much.

She is, of course, possessive, and he loves freedom.

It seems to be an insurmountable contradiction, and yet it is not as difficult as it may seem to each of them. If he really loves her, he will understand that this is not possessiveness, but a desire to surround him tightly with attention. These are just her old childhood fears.

She is afraid that his love is just a mirage that may one day disappear and leave her alone, unloved and unprotected.

Understandably, when he is out of her sight, these very real fears become more increased, because as a child she was frightened by the false truth of "out of sight, out of mind."

She needs to understand that from time to time he wants freedom not because he is going to leave her, and not because he is in love with someone else: his element is Air, and air cannot stagnate, the same applies to false warnings about not letting your loved one go far from home, it has been proven a million times that "absence makes hearts beat faster."

This is a universal law of love that cannot be changed.

A Libra man who truly loves and understands his Cancer woman will call her special, even if it is a boring business trip.

And not because it will help him in business, but because he remembers that people fall in love to be together, and everything that separates them and deprives them of the joy of shared discoveries interferes with their happiness - and to hell with the rules of society.

How can they discover anything together if they only see each other at home and the only impressive discoveries are the baby's new tooth or the leaky roof? If he sincerely invites her to come with him and it is possible, he will have a touching surprise: when she understands that he really wants it, she will stop clinging to him, because his invitation has thrown off all her lunar fears. Then he may begin to worry - lovers are such strange people... The next problem concerns money, and here I refuse to be a judge. I will only tell him: let her put money aside so that she can feel at ease.

And this is what I will tell her: stop making him afraid of bankruptcy, stop imagining poverty, or it will become a reality.

When you have money, spend it , give it away - and it will come back to you even sooner than you can imagine. With all your crayfish caution, you cannot change the "universal law of giving" in the Universe.

How can you prove me wrong if you haven't tried?

As for the sexual side of their relationship, at the very beginning their love may seem like a promise of a miracle, but then they may find that their hearts are empty. This tragedy must be averted in the first act of the play, and preferably before the curtain rises.

Her endless suspicions may eventually give him a feeling of uselessness, which may be a prelude to impotence, and his lack of understanding of her need for both emphasized tenderness and romantic assurances may drive her into a "shell" of emotional defense, which may turn into frigidity.

If they respect each other's feelings, remembering Newton's law of Cause and Effect, their love can be a beautiful experience of noble passion, a closeness that brings them peace and harmony each time he rediscovers himself, through her ancient magic.

The sexual union of a loving man and woman is like an eternal melody, full of inexpressible desire.

When it is wonderfully performed, it is capable of healing.

The language of music and poetry can also become the language of love.

It is sometimes easier for a typical Libra man and Cancer woman to express their feelings in this way, and they should remember this more often when it is difficult for them to say such ordinary words: "Sorry... I didn't mean to offend you."

The next time he has to leave, he can give her a bottle of perfume "Je reviens" and a dictionary so she can learn that in French it means "I will return" ... or maybe a doll, to show that he understands her feelings and that she values ​​the past, because it seems more real and reliable to her than today or tomorrow.

And her gift in return will be complete trust ... Both of them are sentimental. Both are endowed with a wonderful imagination, and both believe in dreams.

She has a wonderful sense of humor, and he has a wonderful smile.

Both depend on their mood and know what tenderness is. And, most importantly, the angels are on their side, because they understand what self-sacrifice is required of such a union.
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