libra man and gemini woman
Gemini Woman - Libra Man
The fact that the Gemini woman and Libra man are so similar can make them happy and at the same time can become the cause of all their troubles. They know each other well, understanding each other's chameleon qualities and different moods, and will usually stick together against outsiders - those who do not understand their airy mentality.If he or she has sensitivity and emotionality emphasized by the Water element, and the Moon or Ascendant falls in an Earth sign, happiness is astrologically guaranteed for them. And in any other case, these two still have more than an average chance of success, excluding small worries on "especially windy days" (and both can be a little windy). As a combination of Sun signs, they are more compatible than most married couples, who try to put together a perfect picture from questions, hints, riddles, and even fragments of love.
They are both aesthetes: they are touched by beauty, and offended by sloppiness and disorder.
But at the same time, both Gemini and Libra, needing beauty and order, may also need... a lively Sagittarius, energetic Aries, and active Virgo, who would do all this.
Of course, some Gemini and Libra are neat, but even they would not mind if someone turned all this confusion into order. Since the Gemini woman is faster, she will often have time to pick up the Libra man's scattered socks. But he will never refuse her money (if he has it) when she wants their house to be more beautiful. Most often, their house is distinguished by good taste, cozy and full of books.
Even if they live in a tent, it will be well-stretched, with pictures on the fabric, and soft music will sound in it.
Libra cannot stand loud sounds, crooked pegs at the tent and lopsided chairs.
When this man and woman quarrel, she will always start the quarrel, and he will finish it.
At least, this is how it will seem to observers. The Gemini woman, despite all her airy charm and subtle femininity, is very sharp-tongued and often takes advantage of it. Her Libra lover will use another weapon, because he is a master of hiding his true intentions behind a lively smile and a convincing voice.
A Libra man is never as innocent as he looks and sounds (or as he tries to convince you of it). Looking at his calm face, you would not think about the contradictory decisions that are maturing in his mind and how grumpy he can be with his loved ones while these decisions are still being made.
A Gemini girl may decide to become a fashion designer, then she will have the idea to fly a jet plane, then she will want to translate from Sanskrit, study the Dead Sea manuscripts, open a pet store, or enroll in a course to study law.
And the Libra man will sort out all her confusing decisions and emotions better than anyone else.
He will not, like the Earth sign, lose his temper so that it will look like an earthquake.
He will not, like the Fire sign, blaze with indignation and anger.
And, like the Water sign, he will not sober her up by pouring out his silent contempt on her head.
First, he understands it all.
Second, he is logical enough to control her, not letting her go reckless, gently showing her all the pros and cons, until she understands and decides to look for her Blue Bird closer to home - and to him.
Libra can influence Gemini by bringing clarity to everything.
And the Gemini girl needs clarity so much! It is her spirit that is restless, not her soul. And she always wanted to know who she is, what she is looking for...
A Libra man with his logic could explain all this to her. But... her character is a mixture of honey and spices.
She is all the books that she has read, a reflection of all her ideas, the judgments and philosophy of her mirror self, diametrically opposed to her own.
Memories of the first dance... tumbleweeds and tornadoes... flickering candles of a half-forgotten New Year's Eve... The world of a Gemini girl is so mosaic that a Libra man who loves her can get lost in it...
Therefore, it is better that he guides her... from a distance. There is something indifferent and cold in his mentality.
And this does not allow him to feel natural in the changeable land of fairy tales, where she feels so good.
Their physical love is capable of giving them such a feeling of heights that only two Air signs can understand. True, sometimes he waits for her to return to his arms from her imaginary world.
Their passion may not be all-consuming, as between two Fire or Earth signs, but it will be like a gust of fresh wind that turns into a summer shower, renewing nature.
There may not be a thunderstorm, because they often experience all their emotions first in their minds.
These two can alternately become active and then expect love, as if switching from one energy to another, and this gives them a feeling of constantly changing bliss.
They can complement each other, harmoniously becoming one whole physically, but do not be surprised if the mind and soul attract them no less than sexuality, although they may only be barely aware of it.
Not all Gemini women want to have children.
But if they choose a father for their future child, it may perhaps be a Libra man. If she marries him, it is because she likes everything about him. True, then she may try to change him in a feminine way.
The Venus-ruled Libra man will probably tolerate this - until he realizes that it deprives him of his usual balance.
Then he will gently but persistently remind that he is a Cardinal male sign, and return to his old habits - and this will be better for both of them.
He will never be bored with her - she is so different!
She can be the most talkative when she thinks out loud, and the most silent when he shows her off to his friends; the most energetic - in bed, the laziest - in the morning, when he expects her to bring him breakfast...
Well, what other woman could be a kaleidoscope of joy, annoyance, happiness, amazement, irritation, delight and disappointment?
Only the one in whom the secret of Femininity is hidden twice!
Yes, she can be sloppy, lose her keys, spend all the money, spoiling his mood,
- but what can he do?
He will try to teach her to be more logical and constant, he will criticize her shortcomings, sometimes behave like a strict judge, depriving her of freedom; and one day he will realize that she is the only thing that he cannot balance on his scales.
As Eve's daughter, she will smile, knowing that she is a riddle that cannot be solved by the mind. And just like Eve, she will not share her secrets with him: let him figure it all out for himself!
But if she sees what she wants
to see, coloring the facts with fantasy in order to avoid disappointments, he looks at life, people and situations calmly and logically, with a strange indifference, without bizarre points of view. If he does not make a sincere effort to understand her state, he himself can force her to go for a little lie, defending his point of view. It is difficult for her when she is required to tell the exact, perfect and unvarnished truth, without allowing any "maybe" or "let's suppose it was." And she will try to escape from this reality by diving even deeper into unreality.
Libra will do no harm if he adds a few drops of Gemini's imagination to everything he so seriously balances on his scales. Since truth is often not what it seems - Mercury has taught her this - logic can be deceptive, and facts can fool.
She knows that true wisdom is gained only by adapting to the ever-changing forms of life. He will think it over, weigh it and... disagree.
But somewhere halfway, in the middle of these opposing points of view.
Gemini and Libra will meet, lightly touch each other, stop - and stay together.
libra man
gemini woman
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