libra man and taurus woman
Taurus Woman - Libra Man
She is upset - no matter what. Life is terrible, and there is no hope for change for the better.She is a Taurus, and now she is having a rare but deep attack of the sense of futility of everything earthly.
The Libra man appears. He sits down next to her, gently takes her hand and looks at her tenderly. Men!
Men are part of what makes up the universal evil. Here is another one of them, who wants to catch her with a bait and seduce her. But wait a minute - this one does not say a word.
He just sits next to her, very close ... such a soothing calm emanates from him, and he looks at her with adoration.
— No matter what, it's romantic...
Finally he says:
— It's okay, darling, tomorrow everything will be different.
His voice is delightfully sweet - and she loves sweets so much!
(He does too, although it's bad for both of them.)
But even this does not make her happy:
— No, tomorrow won't be better.
It won't, it won't, it won't... Libra says again:
— You're so beautiful when you're sad.
Your eyes shine like emeralds from your tears.
But now I want to see what they're like when you laugh. Believe me, all your dreams will come true if you keep your peace of mind and don't see everything only in a dark light.
Now he smiles. A Libra smile is a deadly weapon that should be outlawed. When Libra uses it on poor Taurus girls, they melt... But for now, this weapon is not banned.
So he smiles.
Tomorrow will be better. Really.
You'll see.
— No, it won't. I want everything to be good, but I know it won't be.
Here he kisses her:
— It will.
Tomorrow will be different.
The sun will shine, the flowers will bloom, and the Taurus woman will feel the deepest love for this sorcerer who was simply trying to be kind.
And who may be embarrassed to discover that his participation meant for her an unbreakable vow of fidelity - in sorrow and in joy, in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth - forever.
- Yes.
The voice you just heard belongs to the Libra man, who is answering the priest.
He did not dare to offend her, did not know how to justify himself, and therefore thought: "What the hell?" In general, Libras do not use swear words.
Is it possible to utter obscenities with this divine voice?
At least they don't resort to swearing until they are young enough to say "I do" for the first time.
After some mistakes in choosing a spouse, they can sometimes allow themselves to let out strong language about the institution of marriage that so attracts them.
So... What the hell? Why not enjoy life? Marriage is a wonderful thing, she is a beauty, so what's wrong with marrying her?
Like a true Libra, he is already trying to start a discussion, even though no one said he shouldn't marry her.
Perhaps he will come to the conclusion that he made the right decision, because he did not make the decision to slip away using his charm.
And perhaps they will be happy when, holding hands, they will walk around their house.
Here they are in complete agreement.
She likes expensive fabrics in soft tones , the beauty and luxury of which make the room cozy and warm.
He likes the harmony of pastel shades, a book, a comfortable, calm atmosphere.
There may be a small dispute about traditional and modern, about a chair, a lamp, etc., but on the whole they will agree here.
The stereo system costs a fortune, but for both it is the object of dreams.
Who can live without music?
At least, not Taurus or Libra.
(Although he doesn't like it too loud.)
They are still holding hands, still in a state of harmony.
She loves to cook (if she is a typical Taurus), and although she may prefer potatoes or eggplant, she will be happy to pamper him with more exotic dishes that will bring him to a state of complete ecstasy (or to the gym, to lose weight).
Sometimes he can spend a few hours outside the city with his friends.
You know, just to chat with the guys...
But by the next feeding he will already be home.
Here they will be happy simply from the knowledge that the one who understands that love is the most important thing in the world is finally nearby.
For him it is she
, for her it is he .
Both of them are ruled by Venus, so sexual problems will worry them the least. True, she would like him to pay more attention to the physical side of love and less to beautiful reasoning on this topic.
And he, perhaps, would like her to be more concerned with the poetic sublimity of their relationship than with simple physical intimacy.
They will meet somewhere halfway between body, mind and soul, but in the end they will be happier than those who exist in one romantic dimension.
She loves to splash around in the bath or shower for a long time and with pleasure, he loves soft rugs, fluffy towels, expensive shaving lotions, and colorful tubes of toothpaste to polish his smile.
She loves bubble baths, cologne, soft rugs, fluffy towels and scented soaps...
So there is simply no room for conflict in the whole house.
Except, perhaps, on the porch, where she will sit on the step and wait, wait for him to come home in the evening after the gym or after a country trip with friends (male, she hopes). But does she have time for that? She spends her time helping him to maintain his reputation as a charmer. That means plenty of clean shirts and socks.
He gets irritated when his socks are the wrong color, or when his sweater looks faded next to his dazzling white shirt. And he can charmingly nag at her for turning into a domestic servant (and his laundress).
Now you have a problem. All this is very complicated, but Libra can correct the situation by calling on his clear, precise logic - unless Taurus becomes stubborn and stops listening to him.
Libra men sometimes behave as if they want to squeeze all the knowledge and pleasure out of life - they read bestsellers, have intellectual conversations, do not miss films, plays, concerts, enjoy the attention of pretty girls at parties.
The Taurus woman prefers to stay at home, by the family hearth, appearing in society once a week.
She has other interests, and they mainly consist of being with him, walking together in the forest, going out of town, doing repairs in the house, that is, extracting meaning from the present so that it is possible to build the future.
He needs to communicate. And his mind must be constantly sharpened.
If she wants to continue the happy moments in the study, bedroom, or kitchen, then in between them she will have to endure communication with other people.
Perhaps he will want to study ancient civilizations, engage in art, or spend time in a smoky nightclub.
Wherever he realizes his need for communication, she must put on her best dress and accompany him without complaint.
Perhaps she will not enjoy it, but she must not show it and perceive all this with her inherent great humor.
After all, tomorrow will be better, remember? Perhaps it will be, if they were born under a harmonious combination of the Sun and Moon. And if not?
"No," the Libra man answers sadly, "tomorrow won't be better, I'm sure."
Life is ups and downs, it's a huge nothing.
And I'm a fat nothing... She consoles him with her gentle voice:
— You are not a fat nobody, my dear, you are beautiful and smart. Your eyes, when there are tears in them, sparkle like emeralds.
All good will come — you just need to believe deeply.
And maintain peace of mind.
And do not look at things from the gloomy side!
Here she smiles dazzlingly, and his heart turns over.
— What wonderful thoughts, my dear.
So wise. Who did you learn such a wonderful philosophy of life from? — he asks, smiling back at her.
— From one person whom I knew a long, long time ago.
He taught me everything I know about life... and about Love.
libra man
taurus woman
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