Someone, somewhere
is made for you...

libra man and aquarius woman



Libra Man - Aquarius Woman

She is childishly sweet and feminine, and she is beautifully, and sometimes fiercely ruled by the male planet Uranus.

He is good-natured, gentle and kind, but sometimes simply unbearable.

It depends on how long ago she brought his sensitive scales out of balance with the blacksmith's hammer of her unpredictable behavior.

They are working on dissertations together, intending to become medical scientists who have discovered something very important for humanity.

These are the Curies of America.

This man and woman really exist, but while I am talking about them, maybe many other Aquarius women and Libra men will recognize themselves, as if in a mirror?

He can't decide whether to marry her or to break up... She doesn't have such a problem. She knows exactly what she wants, and her choice is as firm as a rock.

On Sundays she wants to marry him. Every other Tuesday she is sure that they should live together until they both defend their dissertations.

On Thursdays, yielding to the sudden influence of Uranus, she wants to be left alone. Then she throws the receiver past the lever and puts a second lock in the door. One desperately boring Saturday, something finds on her, and she persistently asks him to break up with her.

She carries out this wish in no uncertain terms, throwing all his clothes out of the bedroom window from the second floor, and in addition his new watch, which, unfortunately, does not survive the fall. And, in addition, his scientific papers, which, of course, fly apart in the snow, and now they will have to be retyped again. But at least no one will accuse her of indifference!

On such a boring Saturday, she will tear the pages of her dissertation into small pieces and with a theatrical gesture flush them down the toilet.

She will loudly announce that she is going to hitchhike all over Europe and join a gypsy camp. And who, in the end, needs this stupid medical degree?

He cannot calm down. And instead of being happy when, in a reconciliation mood, she invites him to a special home-cooked dinner, he insistently finds out the name of the gypsy who invited her to join the camp.

He demands it. Thanks to her rich imagination, she makes up a name. Furious, he leaves without finishing the dinner she spent the whole day preparing.

One day, he finally decided that they should not see each other again. He packed up the dog, the microscope, the Brussels sprouts and left her forever, moving with a friend to another city. She quickly found out both his address and his phone number.

(Aquariuses are natural-born detectives.)

Within a few months, he was bringing her flowers, poems, small gifts, and inviting her to candlelit dinners twice a week.

Then he moved in again with his dog, his microscope, his Brussels sprouts, and three friends (to protect him).

They failed to protect him on the very first night.

After a heated argument about him turning their happy home into a boarding house, he and his three friends went into the study to sleep on the floor, locking the door behind them.

He locked the door and wouldn't let her in?

And he still thinks he's being fair?

Until three o'clock in the morning, she concocted a disgusting mixture with ammonia in the kitchen sink, then carefully poured it into a syringe (that's exactly how it happened!), slid it under the door, which she had also locked on her side, and pressed the plunger.

At first, the four suffocating men, who were awakened from their sleep by the toxic fumes, interrupting their sonorous snoring, thought it was a UFO attack.

(It's easy to confuse an Aquarian joke with alien intervention.)

When they escaped through the windows, they, of course, came across the Libra man's clothes and his watch, all scattered on the ground, awaiting his arrival...

A few weeks after that, they made up and, as far as I know, are now peacefully studying anatomy and biochemistry together.

You see, they love each other.

They need each other. Because no one else can treat her with the same tenderness and understanding as her Libra man. And no one will love him, with all his flaws, as faithfully and devotedly as his fickle Aquarius girlfriend. Who else will tell her "I love you" with real tears in their eyes? And who else will sentimentally wear a broken watch because it was a gift from her?

Every time she argues with her Libra man, she calls me at dawn with tears in her voice and the same touching words: "He said he was my friend.

Friends should understand each other, right?

I don't care about anything else, but he said he was my friend!"

Friendship is sacred to Aquarius.

You may be lovers or husband and wife, but you also have a friendly relationship.

And you know that - there are certain things that friends do and certain things that friends don't do.

Friends never discuss you with strangers.

Friends don't break promises. Friends accept you with all your shortcomings.

Friends don't betray you and are always ready to help. Aquarius never asks more from their friends than they can give themselves.

And they probably rarely realize that their definition of friendship is the same as their definition of true love.

Her Libra man needs harmony and peace.

If he doesn't have it, he may even get sick - physically, mentally, emotionally, or all at once. Therefore, an Aquarius woman who truly loves this man will make a sincere attempt to become less eccentric (except in extreme cases) and will try very hard to have more balance and peace in their relationship.

This is often not an easy task, because the Libra man himself will stubbornly create disharmony around himself, trying to please everyone, working himself to the point of exhaustion for months, and worrying about all his friends, taking on their problems.

Sometimes he tries to prove something to the whole world, although the world does not even suspect that he is trying so hard to improve it!

When he is unbearably upset, he may start drinking and partying to the fullest, and then his conscience will torment him, because because of this he forgot about his woman, classes, work, health, etc.

True, Libra knows how to smooth out disagreements and settle difficult situations calmly and without effort. It is a pity that they do not seem to have the habit of keeping their own mind and body in balance. A Libra man can be energetic for a long time, but this period will end so suddenly that his Aquarius girlfriend will be afraid that something has happened to him.

But he is only resting.

He is just resting.

Leave him alone, and he will become himself when he gains energy again.

In the meantime, you should hover around him, be patient and polite, surround him with peace, cleanliness and beauty, make sure there is plenty of fresh air in the room.

And no arguments while he, poor thing, lies flat on the couch!

Love in all its manifestations, not excluding its sexual side, is as necessary to the Libra man as air, as friendship - in all its manifestations - to the Aquarius woman. If he is her true friend, she will be able to trust him implicitly, becoming truly the woman, romantic and sexual, that he has always dreamed of.

This can be an equal union, in which each gives the other what he needs most.

But she is capable of demonstrating her coldness if he has offended her in some way the day before, and he considers it impossible for him to be intimate with her if before that she has defeated him in an intellectual dispute or has somehow made a fool of him. I would like to remind them both of the ancient proverb: "Never let the sun go down on anger."

It is best for them to simply fall asleep peacefully, holding hands, so that in the morning love will wake up with them, surprising them with its depth and tenderness. What concerns only the two of them, should be tactful, but in no case aggressive or demanding. The love relationship of two Air signs is very fragile, and any violence against love will only spoil its tender charm.

These two are designed in such a way that they constantly offend each other, because they love each other very much.

But the harmony of the signs will always give them the opportunity to start all over again.
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