libra man and aries woman
Aries Woman - Libra Man
As already mentioned, Libra and Aries stand opposite each other on the Karmic Wheel of life. The astrological rule is that if you are strongly attracted to the opposite Sun sign of the other sex, then you usually do not get along with that sign of the same sex. Then, it seems, the Aries woman and the Libra man should be exactly those lovers who are destined to live happily together all their lives. They are lovers by nature, because this is the influence of Venus. But they may be destined for another fate, if there is no harmonious connection between their horoscopes of the Sun and the Moon.It is a waste of time for astrologers to constantly remind us of the fatal charm of the Libra man for women. He has been a consistent success since the age of thirteen (or earlier), and he usually responds to flattery with the famous Libra smile. He is well aware of the blessings given to him at birth by Venus. But he probably does not realize that all this charm can become a curse if he links his life with an Aries woman (no one ever simply maintains a relationship with an Aries, but rather links up).
A woman who follows him everywhere he goes can turn from a gentle lamb into a fire-breathing dragon, in which irrational Mars jealousy often seethes. Still, before he decides to leave her because she interferes with his fun-loving life, the Libra man will think about the word "love." The more it accumulates in the depths of the soul, the more powerful and satisfying passion it can become.
Falling in love with love, marrying for the sake of marriage are common mistakes of Libra. His lover may be sweet and desirable, but if she is not bright enough to argue with him, challenging him, his beautiful mind will become covered with rust. This will not happen with an Aries girl. Their intellectual disputes will last them for several lifetimes.
When a Libra man begins to worry, yearn for lost freedom and strive for freedom, where there are so many seductive women, Aries will most likely not timidly ask why he is leaving, but will shout: "And where are you going?" She would do well, of course, to curb her anger, which can frighten the Libra man so much that he will run away at breakneck speed, even forgetting to pack his suitcase. Aries will win if he uses Libra's logic as a weapon. "Think, dear. Life is more than a long evening of wine, women and music. When the wine is drunk, you will have only an empty bottle. Then the party will be over. Of course, this bottle can be refilled, right? Your capacity for love is truly inexhaustible? But why don't you channel your romantic urges in another direction - literature, music, art? I could help you. My mind is no less bright than yours, although our bodies are different, because you are a man and I am a woman." This last reminder is necessary. When a Libra man is forced to think about the differences between the sexes, he becomes helpless.
A typical Aries woman is unlikely to follow this advice. Rather, she will scream: "Get out! Who needs you!" - throw him out the door, slam it, forbid, throw his tapes and bathrobe out the window, and then cry all night in useless anger and regret. But my advice: really the only way to communicate with a Libra is honesty, logic, reason.
There is so much good in the relationship between Aries and Libra in this combination of Fire and Air, that it is simply a shame for them to waste time on bickering. A typical Aries woman does not need a man endowed only with biceps. She is looking for a lover with a powerful mind, which is exactly what a Libra man applies to. He encourages her to challenge him both mentally and emotionally and will enjoy their arguments - as long as they play by the rules, avoid touching on each other's insecurities and not stepping on sore and sensitive spots.
Tact and politeness are natural qualities of Libra, but nature has given Aries nothing of the sort. An Aries woman never really wants to be rude or unkind, and especially to a man she loves. She simply does not think before speaking, and her opinions may be overly self-confident. Don't forget. Aries is the Sun sign of the benevolent dictator. Dictators-benefactors care about people, are compassionate, noble, and dedicated to the common good. But they do not care what the people they care about need. Like dictators-benefactors, Aries does not care what others want, he is sure that he knows it better than they do. Warmth combined with arrogance is an explosive mixture, but all Fire signs have this combination, and therefore their friends, relatives, lovers, having the most tender feelings for them, sometimes experience a passionate desire to strangle them.
If someone points out the shortcomings of an Aries girl, acting with tact, gentleness and love, she will definitely listen, quickly find the mistake in her actions (she does everything quickly) and begin to work hard on herself in order to please her neighbor. But when this woman is ordered or forced to stop and not follow the erroneous course she has chosen. Aries will not give in. This is too much like retreat, and Aries never retreats. Mars is the planet of war. Retreat? Never! Since she is ruled by Mars, you will not wait for such a woman to meekly accept domination over herself or sharp, harsh criticism. If anyone can turn an Aries woman into an obedient lamb (except Leo and sometimes Gemini, Sagittarius, Aquarius), it is a Libra man. He will gently correct her, help to see her mistakes in such a gentle form that it will be like a spell. And nine times out of ten, he will win. The tenth time, he should leave everything as it is, consider himself happy. It is impossible to win every argument. The difficulty is that Libra has to win them all. So does Aries. So, until one of them gracefully admits defeat (at least sometimes), their relationship will not have the peace and quiet that the Libra man needs as desperately as the Aries woman needs excitement. It would be good for her to give him peace and quiet, because then he will be able to calm her secret fears. It will also be good for him to give her the excitement she needs, because it will shake him up and give the necessary balance to the scales.
The invincible optimism of Libra men will immediately find a response in the heart of the Aries girl, because it corresponds to her pure faith in tomorrow. Her naive confidence that, if you believe very strongly, everything will certainly come true, is so close and understandable to him that it can even cause a stingy male tear (he is sentimental). She loves sentimentality in him and falls in love with him because he combines strength and tenderness, which is what she is looking for.
But the Aries woman becomes impatient and reproaches him for laziness when he begins to relax, not realizing that people ruled by Venus need to rest between long periods of energetic activity. Her nature is completely different, she needs rest less often.
What she loves most in him is his gentleness and kindness. Those are the same qualities he loves most in her. In a world full of cold, uninterested, detached people, this is so important! And it creates an amazingly solid foundation for their relationship.
Since they are Sun signs, they will hardly have any arguments in the bedroom. They may quarrel in the kitchen, in the front room, on the back porch, in the garden, in the basement, in the attic, or in the garage, but when it comes time to kiss each other goodnight, all the arguments subside. However, a reconciliation based on unfailing sexual attraction cannot last forever (unless the harmony of the Sun and Moon helps).
He is soft, poetic, imaginative, considerate, charming, romantic, and all this makes her tremble. Libra's approach to sex is mental, light, airy. Libra men strive for shimmering ideals and sometimes soar too high in their experiences and erotic expression of sensuality. The Aries woman strives for something more tangible and wants to hold on to it. Even more than a dream, she loves hot hands and fiery passion that can be touched. Unearthly love and an aesthetic approach to sex can leave this woman cold. Aries women need great passion and hot, even furious expressions of it to achieve satisfaction. With a Libra man, she can experience a feeling of emptiness. Something is missing in the melody of their love - perhaps the last, highest note. But if she has Ray in Libra, Gemini, Aquarius, Sagittarius, Leo or his Moon sign is Aries, Sagittarius, Leo, Gemini, Aquarius, the missing note can be found.
If the Moon was in any other astrological sign at birth for both of them, then it is unlikely that anything will work out... But it is still worth looking.
libra man
aries woman
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