Someone, somewhere
is made for you...

virgo man and sagittarius woman



Virgo Man - Sagittarius Woman

Well, wish good luck to the Virgo man who, forgetting caution, bet on a capricious, spirited horse. The stakes are high - his precious independence and the peace of bachelor evenings. But neither for her, nor for anyone else, will he ever sacrifice his sense of self-worth, his self-respect.

He is somewhat discouraged by the ingenuous frankness of her statements. She beats at his pride, like a boxer at a punching bag, with the same cheerful enthusiasm.

He is already wincing from a dull pain in the pit of his stomach.

Indigestion is inevitable!

But our hero overcomes his confusion and fights back.

He will not listen to what she thinks about his apartment, socks, ears, hair, careful and modest dreams, car, habit of buying ivory-colored soap on occasion, medicine cabinet with a decent supply of laxatives. Does she find his address funny? He will answer her with dignity. And he says firmly and sternly: "No.

My address is not funny." And will she be so kind as to shut her mouth and think a little?

If she has even a drop of common sense, she, perhaps, will not open her mouth until she decides to say something pleasant to him. Strangely enough, she will like it.

She is looking for a man who is both decisive and gentle, who would be able to put this girl in her place, without suppressing her friendliness, enthusiasm, without ridiculing her fiery ideals. This is a delicate task, but it is within the power of a Virgo man who possesses such an art of diplomacy.

Luckily, he has already taken the first step in the right direction - he made her understand that it would not be bad to dull the tips of Jupiter's arrows and not to pull the bowstring so hard that thoughtless remarks could hurt. And he did it in the manner typical of Virgos: they are extremely polite, even when reprimanding someone.

She, of course, repented. She had no intention of hurting his pride - she just gets a little carried away on turns.

She probably even teared up.

She is easily brought to tears.

Sagittarius needs someone who would understand her true self and not judge her too harshly for her directness and spontaneity. That is why Virgo's stern lecture did not quarrel, but, on the contrary, brought them closer together. Bravo, Virgo?


But do not hurry to celebrate the victory.

She loves practical jokes. Sagittarius of both sexes are great fans of puns and practical jokes. We must give them credit, they make fun not only of others, but also of themselves.

Some of the Sagittarius's foolishness is harmless and amusing, but, generally speaking, Jupiter is not to be trifled with.

A certain Stephen Mazower, a physics student from Berkeley, California, was extremely concerned about the future of humanity, the prospect of overpopulation and pollution of the planet.

This Sagittarius saw only one way out of the situation - to create colonies in space.

But where to get the money for the project?

And the newly-minted Robin Hood (you remember, this hero from Sherwood Forest is spiritually related to all Sagittarius) went to rob a bank with an unloaded gun and a dummy bomb. He stole about eighty thousand dollars.

No, he did not intend to steal the money, he merely borrowed it, intending to pay back every penny in twenty or so years.

Mazower was acquitted by the court (purely Jupiterian luck), because the district attorney could not prove an intent to permanently mine the bank's cash, although he insisted that investing in a space project meant the bank would lose money.

(The prosecutor must have been born under the sign of Virgo.) Lord, save us from the pranks of Sagittarius!

You may be wondering why I used a man as an example when I am talking about Sagittarius women.

A Virgo man was born under a feminine Sun sign and is influenced by the feminine planet Vulcan (this does not mean that he is effeminate, he is just prudent and receptive).

A Sagittarius woman was born under a masculine Sun sign and is ruled by the masculine planet Jupiter.

Double feminine influence against double masculine. I hope the conclusion is clear?

He must hold the reins tightly, so that the wayward horse does not buck.

She herself secretly waits for this and is ready to submit to loving, kind hands.

The double feminine influence, gentle wisdom will help him understand that the Centaur woman is a trusting and vulnerable creature. And she is exhausted by the mad gallop. She often stumbles and falls.

She will not regret that she trusted him.

Virgos always keep promises.

This will appeal to Sagittarius, who cannot stand flatterers and crooks.

Yes, and here's another thing: she is phenomenally lucky.

Even mistakes and blunders are good for her. Therefore, let him not be too worried about those incredible stupidities to which she is pushed by an excess of goodwill and stormy enthusiasm.

Is there a chance for them to achieve physical harmony?

Undoubtedly, if he does not let go of the reins, and she has enough tact not to offend his sensibility and chastity.

Her ardor, his depth of feeling - is that not enough for happiness?

Perhaps she will complain that he is too restrained and unperturbed. And he will think that all these storms in a teacup are too tiresome and it is time to put an end to them.

But who will then wake him on Christmas morning to surprise him?

She looks like a little girl with those cheeks rosy from the frost and holly berries in her hair.

In her hands is a blanket, from which peek out ... six black sparkling noses.

Heavenly powers! There are St. Bernard puppies scurrying about there!

Her eyes sparkle like stars, with admiration and childish delight. He will never forget that cold winter morning when she ran skipping around the yard, gathering snow in her handfuls and bringing it to her face. How deliciously fresh she smelled!

How sweetly she shook him, half asleep, cheerfully persuading him to get dressed and come down, because she had already lit a fire...

He feels that he cannot swallow the lump stuck in his throat. No, he cannot imagine life without her.

Who will protect her from the world and from herself?

She is such a child with these stupid jokes and her childish sniffling manner when she cries...

And she will have a lump in her throat when she remembers how he visited her during her illness.

He brought a tiny bouquet of violets and was so embarrassed. He didn't know what to do with his hands, he blushed and stubbornly looked at the floor.

He could only squeeze out a couple of words... Well, yes, he scolds her for being extravagant, he doesn't like company. He doesn't like empty talk, but he is frank with her.

It's bad that she blabbed to her friend something that was confided only to her.

He got terribly angry. He didn't open his mouth for half a day. But nothing...

She will not be anymore...

She, really, will not be anymore - Sagittarius are very smart.
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