virgo man and scorpio woman
Virgo Man - Scorpio Woman
What should an astrologer say to a Scorpio woman who, to her own surprise, has become infatuated with a Virgo man?Love him!
He needs you.
You can help.
He has problems. However, this is an understatement. He has thousands of problems! His own and others'. He grabs at the problems of all these sloppy and carefree people who surround him.
The Scorpio woman, of course, will leave everyone else to continue to multiply chaos and confusion, but she will lead this Don Quixote out of his impasse.
It must be said that Virgo men are divided into several psychological types.
Let's say her chosen one has a brilliant imagination, sometimes too vivid.
He lives in a fictional world inhabited by strange creatures.
These creatures seem so real to him that he can describe them in frightening detail, right down to the sideburns and beard. Most likely, his Moon or Ascendant is in the sign of Scorpio.
So, the Scorpio woman has fallen in love with this dreamer and wants to protect him.
Here, the influence of Pluto cannot be underestimated. His vibrations can give rise to a craving for the dark and sinister, for the study of witchcraft, shamanism, hypnosis.
Many Virgo men greedily study evil in spite of their own innate purity.
But when such a man gets lost in the wilds of the supernatural and becomes afraid of his own shadow, when he hides from the world and himself, wrapping his head in a blanket - only she will know how to lure him into the light of God.
"Oh, my God!" she will exclaim mockingly. "Just look at this!
Five threads are sticking out of the blanket, no, six.
And here is a hole."
Here he will immediately stick his head out from under the blanket - he cannot stand sloppiness.
Virgo men can suffer not only from an excess of imagination, but also from a lack of it.
I know such a person.
He is very handsome, smart, kind and nice to dogs and babies, possesses a lot of virtues. Once he was given "The Little Prince" by A. de Saint-Exupéry to read.
Obviously, they hoped to stir up his imagination. And what happened?
He spent a long time and tedious time explaining to the careless well-wisher why no one could live on an asteroid. Then they hinted to him that he had missed the most important thing in the book.
"What lesson can an adult learn from a children's book?" he wondered.
With all the diversity of characters, most Virgos need someone to reveal to them a simple truth: everything really important in life is comprehended with the heart, not with the mind.
And who can do this easier than a Scorpio woman with her mystical insight?
Let her sit closer so that he can catch the scent of her perfume, close enough to feel and touch, to mix his thoughts and quicken his pulse...
The physical side of love is easier for her.
He tends to get it into his head that he was not up to par and to curse himself.
Virgos will curse themselves for literally everything.
Instinct tells her that any movement towards a goal, even if clumsy, is good in that you do not stand still.
He is colder and more rational , and therefore it takes him a long time and a lot of time to comprehend the secrets that she masters intuitively.
What unites them is that neither Virgos nor Scorpios will change their integrity for the sake of sexual diversity.
He should not hone his wit on her, be intrusively curious or cold .
She will not tolerate it.
They have a lot in common: honesty and straightforwardness, thirst for knowledge and purposefulness.
They will be good friends, support and protection to each other.
Negative aspects of the Moon or Ascendant make them somewhat thick-skinned, indifferent.
He may become harder than flint and withdraw into himself.
She will hover in the ethereal spheres.
In this case, it is easier for friends to make peace than for lovers. But a quarrel can also become an impetus for understanding.
This man and this woman will teach each other a lot.
Perhaps, because, as Goethe said, we learn only from those we love.
virgo man
scorpio woman
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