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is made for you...

virgo man and leo woman



Leo Woman - Virgo Man

Perhaps you think that bowing to the Lioness when she lies languidly in bed is too much to ask of her Virgo lover-friend-husband? (In a good marriage, all three words are applicable and interchangeable, in any case, she will never consider it excessive). I feel that some of you are smiling incredulously, and others are grinning ironically.

Never mind, the last word, as always, will remain with astrology. To men of any Sun signs, married to Lionesses and reading these words, I really, really advise you to try one experiment tomorrow morning.

Just don't scare your wife with the suddenness.

Start with breakfast in bed.

Your Leo may express surprise by slightly raising an eyebrow, but will thank you sweetly. At this very moment, get down on your knees with a half-joking, half-serious look, take her hand, put it on your cheek and say tenderly: "This is the only way I can show how much you mean to me."

No matter how theatrical this scene may seem to you, if your wife is a Leo (well, unless she was adopted, with a hidden date of birth, and she is actually a Capricorn, then she will think that you have gone crazy), this lady will smile her sunniest smile, her eyes will sparkle, and she will look at you with such love that you will be stunned and instantly forget about your stupid situation.

Try it - and you will see.

There is not a single Lioness who would be embarrassed by such a scene. It is truly astonishing how casually and gracefully Leos accept any expression of veneration as perfectly natural and deserved.

Some Leos demand it, all want it, and not one will refuse it.

Now imagine a woman with such an overwhelming need for adoration, in love with a Virgo man who loves her too, for whom it is incredibly difficult to choose a sentimental birthday card for her; who is too shy to look at her in public, let alone take her hand or arm: who confesses his love to her perhaps once a year; who constantly nags her for being extravagant, insisting that she calculate every check on a calculator, while she simply stands bravely before him, too proud to cry, in a new sweater, with a new hairstyle and a new shade of lipstick, vainly begging him with her eyes to tell her that she looks beautiful.

Imagined it?

So, did you feel sad? Wait.

There will be one more picture, tie a knot for memory.

A Virgo man can really suffer from dizziness and high blood pressure if he has to live in the midst of chaos and confusion. He must be in control of his life and circumstances, or his nervous system will give up.

Practical and conservative by nature (unless his Moon or Ascendant is in a Fire or Air sign), he hates wasting money. He worries about his health, freaks out over trifles, and when his usual framework is broken, even for a short time, he simply becomes ill.

He panics when his private property is lost or destroyed.

Loud voices and dramatic emotional scenes undermine his calm.

He is very gentle, introverted and sensitive, and, consequently, when something humiliates him, he finds himself on the verge of fainting and even wants to die.

Now imagine such a man in love with a Lioness who loves him too, but stubbornly spends twice as much money as they earn together, buying every little thing she likes, periodically rearranging everything on his desk, and throwing away his favorite socks and suspenders if she suddenly doesn't like their color, without bothering to tell him about it.

Add a few more touches.

Imagine this warm and loving Lioness who carelessly leaves her cosmetics in the bathroom, mindlessly throws her linens around the bedroom, as if she expects the servants to carefully collect and fold everything, and gets angry at her Virgo man if he slightly offends her dignity, or scolds him in the presence of a plumber or a parrot.

Can you imagine how this thin-skinned male creature feels when she tells him bedtime stories about her old boyfriends, right before they go to bed?

And he stands before her, meek, dressed in the pajamas she had ruined with bleach, with a huge hole in the side (he had tried to mend it himself, leaving one leg four inches shorter than the other), thinking anxiously, while she reminisces about her past romances, that the alarm clock is broken, which means he can sleep through work tomorrow.

He tries to forget that she broke a headlight during the day and did not pay the car insurance for the past month because she was so busy remodeling the house, for which she had to give a second mortgage on the house...

It does not take a rich imagination to understand what will happen after this scene, when the lights go out. The lioness will be offended, because her husband will immediately fall asleep (as people fall asleep when they are completely nervously exhausted), without even kissing her goodnight.

Perhaps she will be even more offended in the morning, because the poor guy talked in his sleep all night, and she did not rest at all.

"It's all your fault!" she will tell him, looking in the mirror and examining the dark circles under his eyes.

Yes, these are all extreme behaviors, but it is useful to know about them when it is necessary to warn a man and a woman to be more careful, knowing each other's sore spots, if they want the love they felt as soon as they met not to fade away.

The egocentricity, vanity and pride of the Lioness magically turn into exquisite treatment and spiritual generosity when she receives enough adoration and admiration, when her feelings are respected, even honored. And the petty pickiness and cold detachment of the Virgo man turn into tender caring, a calmer and at the same time more friendly free behavior, when he is treated kindly and sincerely appreciated more often than irritated.

If he wants to keep their relationship going, he must first of all realize that he will have to curb, or better yet, overcome, his natural tendency to be critical.

To criticize this woman is to run into certain trouble.

Her leonine pride makes even the slightest criticism more painful than he can imagine (or than she will ever show).

Besides, when a man she cares for finds fault with something she does or says, with her appearance or character, it hurts her even more than the disapproval of her friends. The only way to change a Leo woman is through subtle hints, spoken with the utmost tact, and never through direct criticism and, certainly, not through nagging.

You need to allow her to maintain the illusion that she is almost perfect.

The monarch is not told that he is wrong, but very carefully offered another, better plan. Such suppression of critical inclinations may irritate the Virgo man at first, but he simply needs to wean himself from it or realize that otherwise the Lioness he has managed to catch will run away from him to roam free again. One of two things.

He will have to choose.

Although it is always not easy for the Virgo man to lavish compliments kindly, he must learn to satisfy the hunger and thirst for his lady's admiration.

He will master this art more quickly when he sees that sincere compliments can soften her disposition, that they turn her angry growl or pouty silence into a contented purr.

A couple of tender words, said at the right moment, will show her sunny personality in all its glory.

The Lioness is a noble creature, and when her Sun-governed qualities are encouraged, and not buried under the tons of Virgo's earthly conservatism, she can become an ever-spouting fountain of hope and happiness, and will be able to create exactly the harmonious atmosphere that this man needs. She becomes lazy and careless only when she is irritated and not appreciated.

Naturally, she will have to step down from her throne to meet him somewhere halfway.

She will not argue with him at mealtimes when he munches his lentils and beans, because negative emotions cause severe indigestion.

If she can understand how much he feels obliged to solve every (big and small) problem that comes his way, because he believes that unless absolutely everything is precise and perfect, his world will collapse, then her generous heart will suggest a way to smooth out the wrinkles on his forehead and relieve him of many worries.

She could remind him that perfection in itself is imperfect, because it deprives life of the enchantment of delightful combinations of light and shadow and leaves only a smooth surface, dull and uninteresting.

But she must explain this to him gently and not haughtily, respecting both his opinions and truly listening to what he says.

If there is no mental and emotional connection between them, they cannot expect much from their sexual union either. Sometimes their lovemaking will not satisfy her more spontaneous desires, and her obvious disapproval will add to his humiliation and timidity.

Her icy frankness may stifle his sexuality, and his quiet criticism is clearly inappropriate in this case.

He must allow himself greater freedom and enthusiasm in sexual expression, so that he will understand that lovemaking is equally necessary for both, and there is no need to fear rejection. If he does not hold back his feelings, he will understand that the incomparable experience of physical union between a man and a woman is more than just a controlled exchange of affection. And she should realize that passion can sometimes be as quiet as a whisper. Often all that is required to bring them to complete satisfaction is a change in attitude and a little extra effort to understand each other's deep needs, which are not as different as they may seem.

He may in some way represent for her material or emotional security, and she will feel that there are many more lessons in happiness to be learned from this intelligent and conscientious man. He will certainly become more tolerant of her independent and impulsive temperament as they get to know each other better.

If she is patient, she will notice that he is quietly proud of her beauty and achievements.

The love of Leo and Virgo is like a flame that slowly but surely flares up brighter with each passing year if it is carefully protected and sheltered, as from the wind, from the gusts of egoism.

He is a strange, quiet person, sometimes extremely sensitive, and sometimes completely insensitive, with strictly balanced emotions.

But his spirit lives in blessed silence. In the cold marble halls of his reflections, her own spirit can rest...

When there is a threat that their joint life will become too measured, the Lioness must suddenly open the windows, let in the sunlight and help their love find a second wind.

I wonder what would happen if she surprised him by bringing him breakfast in bed one morning? It would be better to do it very early, at dawn, because it would take him a long time to come up with a special way to thank her.

Plus, she would have to be sure that he wouldn't be late for work because of it.
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