virgo man and cancer woman
Cancer Woman — Virgo Man
The feeling between Virgo and Cancer can be exciting, strong and bright, but do not think that their relationship will develop according to the usual happy pattern.Here is one example, quite real, but this truth is much more fantastic than fiction, because almost always life is more amazing than the limited imagination of people.
Let's change only the names and the exact address, because we only need the truth.
Let's say the Virgo man's name was Gerald.
And let's say the name of his "moon" girlfriend be Hope.
They met, say, somewhere in Illinois about ten years ago.
They have five children, whom they both adore. And they are not married.
They somehow cannot live together and simply cannot stand being apart.
Following the beaten karmic path, they walk hand in hand for months. Then Gerald begins to miss something, Hope begins to sigh... They reach this, alas, familiar fork in the road and understand that it is time to part ways.
Time goes by, but fate lingers.
Sooner or later, memories of her warm laughter and her mushroom soup begin to evoke tenderness in him.
His loneliness will reach its limit just at the moment when she will make a wish on the new moon.
Then he will appear at the door, and they will become a family again. Then it will all start over again, and he will leave, leaving her a part of himself... so that nine months later there will be new, living proof of how much they need each other.
Five times.
Five angels who led them back along that memorable magical path through the dark forest of misunderstanding.
Next time will be the sixth, and that is the number of Venus. This time everything can be different.
Venus is able to reconcile the fickle Moon of Cancer and the irrepressible Mercury of Virgo.
This sometimes happens with Virgo and Cancer.
Especially, if the Virgo man is one of those who are afraid of losing his face (as a person, of course). And especially if the Cancer woman is one of those who choose the path of least resistance - motherhood and expectation.
She expects that the magic of the new moon will help her to bring back the wandering Virgo man, who will again feel the attraction of her "lunar" charm...
Besides, some Cancer women believe that children (or money) can soften many things.
Of course, there are other Virgos and Cancers.
There are Virgo men who easily come to the idea of the need to overcome their bachelor's antipathy to marriage.
Such an analytical representative of the Virgo sign compares the loss of his solitude with the benefit of companionship and decides that marriage is not at all bad.
He only needs from time to time periods of thoughtful solitude, when he will walk by himself (to refresh his devotion).
Just as priests and monks are required to solitude, so all Virgo men are required by their nature to sometimes think in solitude. After this they return revived, fresh and able to believe in the future again.
A Cancer girl who understands this will quietly leave while he sleeps, to spend time alone with some old pine tree.
Maybe this tree has been waiting for a friend for a hundred years, who would sit next to it in such eloquent silence... Trees know a lot and listen with sympathy, and they are kind. If they changed places with us, they would never carve their names or hearts on someone's body (I wanted to say: bark...).
Trees can teach you to forgive.
If the "moon" woman learns to calmly wait out those periods when her Virgo man disappears somewhere inside himself to think and make plans (or heal wounds), he will not leave her.
Also, there are those Cancer girls who are dimly aware of their Cardinal sign gift, those Moon-ruled women who patiently mend the weak or sagging corners of their relationship edifice, focusing on their career. Then her claims take on living colors, and a marriage that was not made in heaven, but was still conceived close enough to the stars, becomes a background of her life, painted in pastel colors.
It works.
It adds strength to their love.
In the mornings, they separate, each to his own business, to fall in love with each other again on the weekend. This satisfies her thirst for change and his need for solitude.
It allows them to be in harmony with themselves and with their love.
What happens between a Virgo man and his Cancer woman is not just intimacy.
It is a deep and captivating union in which they are as calm and natural as earth and water in nature.
When the changeable Moon acts beneficially on her and when he is in his normal tolerant state, their love is desirable and beneficial. But when her "lunar" restlessness takes over, making her overly emotional and demanding, his most tender intentions are in vain.
He can do the same with her feelings when he is irritated by the day and is unable to relax either his mind or his body. Anxiety is contagious, and they can transmit it to each other without realizing it.
As a result, she angrily slams her shell shut, and he accuses her of responding coldly to his own cold proposals.
This is when they both need his analytical talents and her "lunar" gift of perception.
It is a pity that these periods of sexual tension often come just when both have forgotten their best qualities, which could help to clarify the relationship.
And yet, for the Virgo man and his "moon" girlfriend, seasonal changes in their love are not the most important thing: they can walk together in the rain, too.
They can come up with congratulations together, cut out cookies in the shape of a crescent moon, play anagrams and charades... because he likes to reflect on words... and she likes to imagine, changing her moods, that she is more than just a woman, she is also a naiad who hides her true mother-of-pearl "I" in midnight silence and midday laughter.
If they look hard enough, they will always find new opportunities for themselves, because they still have a sense of camaraderie in reserve... They will have as many opportunities as they need to fix the occasional cracks and breaks in their relationship. Astrologers denote the sextile aspect with a symbolic star. And it will always be light around this couple, as it is light in a snowfall from the shining stars of the snow...
If the Cancer woman becomes irritable, her Virgo man becomes critical and sarcastic, they need to run away to the forest and take a moon bath.
In the sun you can get burned, your skin will turn red, and you will be in pain.
But from the moonlight, especially on the waxing and almost full moon, you become pale gold, lavender or iridescent, like a butterfly's wing.
And you can fly!
There is one more thing that the Virgo man can learn from his "moon" friend. If you look directly at the Sun, you can even go blind.
But when you look at the twinkling Moon, the patroness of Cancer, you rest, and sometimes a miracle happens: with your third eye you see what is hidden from the light of day by the secrets of midnight.
virgo man
cancer woman
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