Someone, somewhere
is made for you...

virgo man and gemini woman



Gemini Woman - Virgo Man

The first problem these man and woman will face is the contrast between her sociability and his love of solitude.

If he is a typical Virgo and his Moon sign or Ascendant does not add sociability to him, he prefers to be left alone, although sometimes he himself does not understand this.

Therefore, when his Gemini girl goes somewhere alone, he, perhaps, will grumble a little for the sake of order, but deep down he will sigh with relief. Now he can finally calmly find out how many atoms are in a molecule, what happened on the currency market last week and why.

He can fix his alarm clock, fold his laundry, count his cat's whiskers and ponder the riddles of the Universe...

And generally be a little without this constant chatter and activity.

Of course, he devotedly loves his Gemini girl, but in his heart there are secret corners where she is not allowed to wipe the dust and where she is simply not allowed.

But she can confuse his head so much that he gets lost and forgets in which corner what is hidden and on which shelf what is laid out.

So he, perhaps, will be glad that he has time for quiet contemplation.

This does not mean at all that Virgo men are not jealous.

But it would be a big mistake to be angry simply at Gemini's character - if you analyze everything, you will understand it. Virgos are acknowledged masters of analysis.

She needs communication with a wide variety of people (and men, after all, make up only half of humanity). Is that infidelity?

No, infidelity is definitely not the case. True, "that case" also happens, especially if Virgo's constant criticism and petty pedantry deprive Gemini of his wings. She cannot stand it: birds must fly!

A bird in a cage is against the laws of nature...

A Virgo man, following his nature and the essence of his Sun sign, prefers a solitary life, but if he decides to get married, his girlfriend can count on constancy.

Virgo is an Earth sign, and the earth is always in the place that nature determined for it.

True, sometimes earthquakes or dust storms happen, but is this the fault of the earth?

I am talking specifically about marital relations, speaking about the constancy of Virgo, because most Virgos believe that everything should be according to the law - with an oath of fidelity and the blessing of the church.

Gemini have nothing against free marriage and free love.

Geminis generally really like the word "free". To marry or not to marry - is it really a question, if they are so drawn to each other?

Love, marriage, business partnership - the Virgo man will take all this seriously, with all his "virgin" reason.

True, his Gemini girlfriend would prefer that her birthday or wedding anniversary be marked not with a red pencil on the calendar, but in some other way.

She herself is not strong in dates and can sometimes mix everything up and buy him a gift on her mother's birthday or congratulate him on their wedding anniversary on the day when they bought the house.

If we are talking about a house, a typical Gemini girl still prefers apartments, because they can be changed every few months. You can imagine how a practical Virgo man feels about this!

In general, practicality can become the real reason for many of their arguments.

This even applies to love. Can a Virgo man with his innate politeness, courtesy and punctuality be the lover of a temperamental woman?

Of course, not all Geminis are temperamental. Or, rather, one of her “I”s can be temperamental, and the other indifferent. A Virgo man often lacks emotionality and passion - sometimes he is too self-centered.

Narcissus is believed to have been a Virgo - he was so fond of his own image!

Personally, I believe Narcissus was a Leo:

A Leo can be self-centered, but will never be cold.

If the spirituality of earthly love is in giving one's "I" to one's partner, resulting in the unification of bodies, souls and minds into a perfect unity, the typical Virgo man should understand the magic of this esoteric secret.

It's good if he was carefully and gently taught this (for example, by a former lover. Scorpio), otherwise it will take him many years, and perhaps his whole life, to comprehend this miracle.

This man is not only cautious in love, he is also not very much of a conqueror, so there will be no particular enthusiasm here.

It's good that we are not talking about an affair with an Aries, Leo or Scorpio girl - it would probably be over by now. Gemini girls treat this differently.

Most of them (whether they realize it or not) not only take love seriously, but are also able to play at it.

And since the Virgo man has mastered the art of such an easy game, he can succeed where other men would fail.

With him, she feels at ease, and, don't be surprised, both of them can offer their reliability to each other.

So they have every reason to let the game turn into a deep, real feeling, which, perhaps, would not have happened if they were both different.

She may be embarrassed by some of his habits, for example, that after their embrace, he immediately goes to the shower. But he could also be offended when she forgets about the kiss because she remembered what an unusual dream she had last Saturday...

They may not understand each other in some ways.

Many Gemini girls like to sleep late, especially if they had insomnia the night before. Virgos also sometimes do not sleep at night, if something is bothering them, but you are more likely to see a Virgo man in a red shirt than to find that he sleeps until lunch.

Both the first and the second are almost mortal sins for Virgo! If he is one of those Virgos who insist on a clean house and timely meals, he will soon discover that his Gemini girlfriend does not want to achieve perfection in this at all.

Of course, she can be a refined housewife and can create a delightful home atmosphere, but it is doubtful that she will wash the floors to a mirror shine.

And if she smokes (pray that this is not the case!), she will constantly forget to empty the ashtray.

This will clearly not please him, because most Virgos cannot stand it when someone starts smoking nearby, and ashtrays with their terrible smell just kill them...

Do you think that all these small everyday disagreements can lead to a serious quarrel?

Not at all.

Both of them do not demand too much from their union.

Of course, he would like to have lunch and dinner always served on time and not be given any reason to think about jealousy and fidelity. And he is practical enough not to think that marriages are made in heaven and then become hell - rather, it is somewhere in the middle.

Unless there are too difficult planetary aspects between the birth charts of these two, they will not be as demanding of each other as other Sun signs in a similar situation.

Yes, she is fickle, and the unpredictability of her moods puzzles and irritates him.

But she, too, is capable of losing her temper when he does not talk to her simply because he is too preoccupied with himself.

There are times when he bores her to tears, and she seems to him desirable as never before.

Their life together can become a long game, in which each will receive his prize: she will give him interest in life, while he will give her stability of purpose, although often she does not realize how much she needs it.

Gemini and Virgo are like heaven and earth (or Air and Earth, to be more precise), and these two elements have so little in common. But the combination of Sun signs still brings them together, uniting them by common responsibilities or duties.

In addition, each of them has many virtues.

The Virgo man is honest - even more than the always truthful Sagittarius. His grandmother once sang: "Oh, what a web we weave when we lie" ... - and he decided that he did not want to get involved in any web of lies, especially his own making. A typical Virgo will lay out the whole truth before you without prevarication.

He does not need to invent something to make others love him.

It really matters to him how his closest friends treat him. If they love him and if he can do something for them, that's enough. He doesn't need popularity: what he does (better than many, by the way), he does out of love.

Sometimes he feels lonely.

And his heart will be brighter and his spirit brighter if there is a Gemini girl nearby.

The word "impossible" does not exist for her, she is unstoppable, irresistible and... incorrigible.

There is a lot of things in her, because she is twins, and sometimes even triplets, and it is difficult for a Virgo man to deal with a harem.

Therefore, the Gemini girl must first decide who she is, so that he can be happy with the one and only.
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