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virgo man and pisces woman



Virgo Man - Pisces Woman

Perhaps it is not proper for an astrologer to reveal the secrets of Neptune, but it will help the Virgo man to better understand the Pisces woman, this angelic creature, so timid and fearful.

You see, this cherub knows well what she is doing. She is a real daughter of Eve, a gift of nature to the male sex, enclosed in a seductive package and tied with pink Ribbons.

Only the Virgo man does not suspect what is hidden under the captivating shell.

Twelve women - that is what he will discover when he carefully (Virgos do everything carefully) unties the ribbons.

This naive, deceptively submissive lady is a whole harem, because the sign of Pisces carries the seeds of all the other eleven signs of the Karmic ring. That is why she knows how to listen. (This, by the way, is what captivates Virgo first of all.)

She listens attentively because she is wise.

Her subconscious stores the experience of previous incarnations.

The Pisces man, although experiencing a double feminine influence (the feminine Sun sign and the feminine influence of Neptune), often yields to the Pisces woman in tricks. She is more changeable than a chameleon. She becomes assertive and unceremonious, like Aries, then is imbued with the stubbornness of Taurus.

Then all the arguments of reason bounce off her like a rubber ball.

Finally, the Virgo man thought that she was giving in to the soft charm, but she had already fluttered away like a Gemini butterfly, slipped away so quickly that the fleeting Mercury, the patron of Virgo, seemed like a turtle in comparison.

Then she begins to cry, tears are replaced by laughter, the elusive anemone becomes a bustling hen.

This is the Cancer phase. Then comes a strange week, when she haughtily expects to be given royal honors.

The Leo stage.

It is followed by a month of submission and caution, when he dimly feels as if he were looking in a mirror. And so it is.

This is Virgo's entrance in the twelve-act drama of Pisces.

Peaceful and contented, the Virgo man decides to show his girlfriend with timid pride the old Ford model he has restored after a long, tedious fuss.

At first she agrees to go for a drive, and then declares that she hates the color black.

Shouldn't she repaint the car?

Let it be crimson, like her new dress. This is the swing of the scales of Libra.

One day he forgets to call her before bed, as he promised.

The next day he calls her off the hook, stands outside her door for half an hour.

All in vain.

Scorpio does not forgive offenses.

When, as a sign of reconciliation, she kisses her lover, his knees tremble and his eyes darken from the scorching touch of Scorpio's passion.

One morning she advises him to change his hairdresser, clean his shoes better, throw away that disgusting tie and not talk nonsense. And all this in the presence of his mother and two best friends.

So Sagittarius pulls the bowstring...

Suddenly she gets tired of stepping on his favorite calluses. She announces with a stony face that she has changed her mind about getting married because she is going to Europe to study art.

He shivers under the icy breath of Capricorn's ambition.

Just when Virgo begins to hope that everything has returned to normal, has become familiar and cozy, his Pisces girlfriend suddenly changes apartments, forgetting to tell him about it.

She leaves the address with the old landlady, mixes up the house number and street.

And it takes three months to find her through her mother, who finally returns from Ohio. The Pisces woman has become a victim of one of Aquarius's annual attacks of amnesia and eccentricity.

Eventually she will find her true self.

What frightened and puzzled her were just fleeting. Most of the time she is charming, calm, and full of compassion. However, it is better for her lover to be prepared for the variety of guises that she occasionally puts on.

When she is offended, she huddles in a corner like a little girl. Why does she do this? Does she want to cry in secret from everyone, complain to the spiders?

Or does she intend to eat the candy she was going to share alone?

Of course not!

She went to the far corner of the room.

Remember, I said that she is wise?

Her subconscious feels the power of the polarity of the Sun signs, the attraction of opposites. And she retreats so that they are separated by space, so that the Law of attraction works faster.

And this law invariably works.

After ten minutes of suppressed silence, her beloved rushes across the room to embrace her and beg for forgiveness.

The Earth and Water signs almost always merge in ecstasy.

She enjoys finding security, he savours new bright impressions. Often, the Virgo man loses control of himself, and this is the best thing that can happen to him.

This man, who desperately seeks salvation in solitude, does not suspect what strong feelings are dormant in him, waiting for release.

He is so smart, and she is so wise, that it will be easy for them to reach an agreement. Especially since both belong to the Movable signs and do not experience difficulties in communication.

Perhaps he will be unpleasantly surprised by the success she enjoys with men. Coquetry is in her blood. You just have to put up with it, as well as with her willingness to listen to other people's confessions.

By expecting the worst, we bring it on ourselves.

You can try to convince her not to waste money and not to give everything that is set aside for a vacation to the first person who asks for a loan, but you should not be zealous in stifling her generous impulses.

She cannot love a miser who is stingy with money and feelings. Disappointment often makes her cold and can even push her into the depths of drunkenness and deep depression.

If he wants to see all twelve of her faces happy, he must learn to relax, look at everything easily, not scold her when she tries to please, be generous and natural.

As for his girlfriend, she shouldn't shove his favorite magazines and sweaters behind his desk when guests come, lose his socks, and forget to set the alarm clock.
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