virgo man and capricorn woman
Virgo Man - Capricorn Woman
Capricorn women prefer to face the truth.That's why we allowed ourselves one piece of advice.
Don't count on being able to fit a Virgo man into your invented ideal lover.
Of course, you can be cruel and persistent, but he is not made of plasticine either.
Most likely, marriage is not in his plan, at least at first. Marriage limits freedom. These women...
They burst into your life and turn it upside down.
They rearrange the furniture, shift things.
And now the entire bathroom cabinet is filled with jars and bottles, and he spends an hour looking for his razor.
He doesn't have to worry about that.
Capricorn women don't have a weakness for cosmetics. Saturn has blessed most of them with beautiful skin that doesn't fade with age.
Perfumers can't make money off them.
Even so, she may have a dozen other unpleasant habits. For example, he likes poached eggs, boiled in boiling water without the shell. It took a year to get this across to the waiter at his favorite restaurant. How long will it take to teach her?
What if she likes to chat on the phone or, worse, in bed?
A life like that will give him an ulcer again, and he just left two months' salary with the doctor.
Perhaps all his worries are in vain.
She will be able to manage boiling eggs without the shell and, of course, is not inclined to chat either on the phone or in bed - anywhere.
If he really loves her, he will pull himself together and understand how important it is for her to give their love legal status. She is not born for endless romances and suffers from the uncertainty of her situation, she is tormented by the condemnation of her family, she is afraid of the future.
For her, both life and love must have a clear goal, direction, and purpose. Besides, she wants to become a mother.
It's not that she dreams of a house full of children.
No. Maybe one or even two children.
And she would like to give them her father's surname.
The burden of experiences oppresses Capricorns, who, under the influence of Saturn, periodically fall into depression, plunge into unreasonable thoughtfulness. When inexplicable melancholy falls upon them, nothing will make Capricorn smile.
Let the Virgo man think about this.
Be that as it may, the relationship of this couple will be based on mutual feelings.
Thanks to the fact that they are built on harmony, love will be strong and long-lasting. Although Virgo's intolerance and Capricorn's stubbornness often lead to quarrels.
They probably won't argue about money (unless one of them has the Moon or Ascendant in a Fire or Air sign).
Let's face it: both Virgo and Capricorn value money highly.
This is partly good.
He won't object to her working, he won't interfere with her career.
Double profit. Double savings. Double investments. Double interest.
Half less time to buy a house in the country, where both most often prefer to live.
True, a craving for nature may appear only with age.
At first, she will be too busy establishing herself in society, with work. And he is absorbed in the search for himself: a quick mind and critical talent push him to try a little of this, a little of that.
It will be easier for them to understand each other at night than during the day, even with a hostile position of the luminaries in their horoscopes. And if the stars favor them, their passion will be like a mighty river, deep and outwardly calm, but with powerful underwater currents and whirlpools.
Like all unions of the Earth signs, their closeness grows stronger with time.
It is permeated with languid sensuality, which leaves a seal of silence on the lips of lovers.
Their bodies speak for them.
These two have no need to explain anything to each other. From the first minute, a spark of understanding runs between them.
They painfully experience separation and, although they hide despair behind alienation and silence, they heal their wounds for a long time.
Their breakup is most often caused not by the death of love or the intrusion of a third party. It is always their wounded pride, career (for example, when a promotion of one leaves the other far behind) that separates them.
They do not know how to make peace. Both are unyielding and respond with blow for blow.
However, neither of them will humiliate the other.
The threads that connect them are much stronger than they themselves suppose.
And what they consider the end may be only a prelude.
virgo man
capricorn woman
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