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leo man and scorpio woman



Leo Man - Scorpio Woman

She lies, as Scorpios sometimes lie in a desperate attempt to hide their deepest feelings.

No experience?

She has experience of endless incarnations of Pluto's wisdom. Ignore her careful attempts to suppress her feelings.

His self-confidence, which he so easily and casually shows, makes the Scorpio girl become infatuated with Leo from the very start.

She also has self-confidence (let's be honest, much more than he does), but she does not know how to show it with such brilliance.

So, the Scorpio woman sees in Leo much that is worthy of admiration and even respect.

Unlike her, he has found a way to express himself.

Her confidence in her own inner knowledge, which always lives within her, seems to her to be securely locked.

Perhaps he has the key, and if so, what a wonderful freedom he could give her!

He is drawn to her for almost the same reasons.

Usually she is unaware of the impression of cool composure and inner wisdom that she makes on others simply by her deep, deep look. Most people at whom she looks like that immediately turn away, to avoid who knows what.

Only they are absolutely sure that they would like to avoid it.

But not so the courageous and steadfast Leo.

Her gaze fascinates him.

Sometimes he feels like he is drowning in the calm, cold pool of her eyes, sometimes - that she is silently transmitting knowledge to him, revealing mystical secrets, and sometimes - that he has come dangerously close to the large and foaming waves raging in the depths of her Scorpio gaze, and this is very exciting to Leo, unless he was frightened by ghosts in childhood.

She envies his ability to spread warmth around him. No matter how much she wants something else, her own warmth, which she feels, turns into a certain detached coldness even with those she loves most, since she belongs to the sign of Water.

But the Leo man is ruled by the fiery Sun, even when he is angry or sulking.

It is impossible to be near a Leo and not feel the heat of the sun's rays penetrating your entire being.

When he is happy, you feel as if you are basking in the warmth of a cozy fireplace; when he is neither hot nor cold, you feel as if you are warming yourself by hot coals; and when he is excited, you remember a terrible forest fire.

If only she could lavish her own, much deeper emotions with such generous carelessness! She is always trying to show her feelings more openly, and it is so difficult, and then along comes a man who can show his pride and prejudices so gracefully and effortlessly.

He even walks gracefully, like a "big cat" making its way through the jungle. And his gait certainly speaks of royal dignity.

No wonder she falls passionately in love with him.

No wonder she adores him.

And no wonder the Scorpio girl attracts the Leo man.

There is nothing in the world that he loves more than adoration. Except perhaps reverence. When the Serpent sneaks into their fresh, green Eden, they are both surprised, offended, and disappointed.

What could have happened?

So much remains beautiful... what could have gone wrong?

These questions are not difficult to answer.

Recently I was visiting two friends in Cripple Creek, Colorado (they own a restaurant there), Carol (he is a Leo) and his wife Barbara (she is a Scorpio).

Just for fun, I suggested that they play an astrological telegram game.

I asked Barbara, "Can you identify what you dislike most about Carol, and what irritates you most?

In a word, what is the most friction in your relationship?"

She thought for a moment, and, looking at her Leo husband with one of those cold and hard looks, loudly announced, "Arrogance."

(They had been having some minor difficulties the last few days, as all couples do from time to time.) Not wanting to find myself in the middle of a Fire and Water conflict, I tried not to look Leo intently in the eyes and cheerfully asked him the same question.

Without a moment's hesitation, he scowled at her and angrily growled, "Silence!"

"Excellent!" I exclaimed. "Simply excellent!"

They turned to me in bewilderment. Then I hastened to explain: "I mean, your answers are a magnificent example of the disharmony between Leo and Scorpio... That is, between all Leos and all Scorpios," I quickly corrected myself. Then I asked Leo Carol a second question: "Now, how can you define in one word the quality of Barbara that attracts you most, that you most admire?"

His barely restrained anger suddenly melted, like ice melting on a sunny afternoon, he looked at her with genuine tenderness and softly said something absolutely wonderful: "Perhaps devotion. — He paused, and then went on: — When I was in the hospital a month ago, in a cast from my toes to my hip, drunk on sedatives, I saw her every time I opened my eyes. She was just sitting there in case I needed anything. It's a long way from Cripple Creek to St. Francis Hospital in Colorado Springs, and she has so many things to do at the restaurant, and with the kids, and at home, and all that, that I don't know how she found the time and energy to be there.

But she was always there.

She's always there... when I need her... — Then he blushed and finished haltingly: — I think she... Well, as I said...

I can't think of any other word but "loyalty."

As he spoke, the Scorpio woman's eyes filled with tears, and she fought to hold them back.

The tension that had existed between them before miraculously disappeared, and they briefly but meaningfully looked at each other as Leo's eyes also began to glisten with tears. Although I did not want to disturb this wonderful moment, I nevertheless continued the game and asked Barbara, "And you? What one word would you choose to describe all the positive qualities of Carol that make you love him?"

She was silent.

For a very long time.

Finally, startled and obviously frustrated by her inability to express what she was thinking, she apologetically mumbled to both of us, "I'm sorry, you see, it's... but I...

I just can't think about it...

I just don't know."

There followed a few more minutes of silence, which I'm sure seemed like an eternity to Carol.

However, being a Leo, he was seldom at a loss for words, so he quickly intervened, "Come on, Barbara, don't be shy.

Why don't you just admit that the word is 'cute'?"

Barbara still said nothing.

"You're looking for that word, aren't you?

"Sweet"? Or maybe "perfect" would suit me better?"

We laughed nervously. That is, Leo and I laughed, his Scorpio wife made a weak attempt to smile, then excused herself and went into the kitchen to get more coffee.

Even Leo fell silent now.

I felt that it would be better for me to say nothing either. The state of discomfort became almost tangible.

But suddenly Barbara jumped out of the kitchen with a towel in her hand and smiled happily.

"I just found a word!" she announced with obvious relief. "The word is "reliability."

He is so... Trustworthy!

I can always count on him to keep his word. He never lets me or anyone else down.

If he promises, I know he will do everything to keep his promise.

He is the most reliable person I have ever met in my life. I think... well, I think the word "reliable" would be the one I would choose.

Such a cascade of words from a woman who two minutes ago seemed speechless!

And such a happy look on her face from the satisfaction that she could finally express her true feelings.

The lion smiled, as Leos do when they are pleased but embarrassed, and playfully remarked, "Don't you want to add the words 'sweet' and 'perfect'?"

His wife had finally treated him to a royal compliment.

The next half hour was so tender that I apologized and left early, convinced once again that astrology can work wonders when used correctly.

It is true that the silence of a Scorpio woman can irritate and anger a Leo man.

He is more frank in expressing his pleasures and displeasures, he needs to talk about his happiness and his sorrows.

It never occurs to a Leo man that a Pluto-ruled woman is silent because of his constant pressure.

A Scorpio woman is deeply hurt and enraged by Leo's unbearable arrogance, but at the same time she rarely realizes that all she needs to do is praise him in time, completely sincerely (Scorpios are not capable of lying), and he will purr with delight, completely forgetting why he was growling.

This requires a little introspection. And although Scorpio is more capable of introspection than Leo, Leo forgives more easily than Scorpio, so it is a wonderful balance...

Or it could be, if both tried.

Sexual relations between a Leo man and a Scorpio woman can be somewhat uneven - sometimes cold, sometimes hot.

His warm strength seems to her erotic, but at the same time cozy and tender. He finds in her hidden, silent power of passion a sensual challenge to his impulsive romantic nature. With some mutual concessions (for example, a little more affectionate words on her part and a little more sensitive attention on his part), the desire they felt when they first met will remain. But if she keeps silent too much, and he is too arrogant, then the initial passion can turn into moderate boring tenderness, and they will, less and less really make love... The Scorpio woman already knows what every Leo man should know: good sex does not start with a physiological need, it starts in the mind and heart and gradually develops into physical desire, which leads to emotional peace and harmony.

One of the reasons that often causes sexual coldness between them is her sometimes sharp indignation at his admiring admirers, who often follow Leo everywhere, like lovesick puppies, and his refusal to give them an icy rebuff.

And in general, he is delighted about it, can you imagine? Yes, I can.

A Leo sometimes needs the valerian of adoration, but this rarely leads to infidelity, in fact never, if his wife fights this threat with the most powerful weapon in the world - love.

A Leo man who receives enough adoration and admiration at home, in his own domain, will never stray far from the pride he shares with his girlfriend.

A Leo's deepest instinct is fidelity. It takes a lot of unreasonable jealousy to make him change his nature. Logic can convince a Scorpio woman that if the female entourage of her Leo admires and desires him, then he must admire or desire them too. But logic sometimes turns out to be the most deceptive of all systems of lies. Out of resentment or anger, justified or not, a Scorpio woman herself may well change.

She should be very careful with her emotions, because Leo does not forgive physical infidelity, no matter what he said or did to deserve it.

Yes, I know it's selfish, but that's how Leos are.

With extremely rare exceptions, if a Leo discovers that his girlfriend has cheated on him with another man, it's the end.

A Leo should know that it will take a lot of effort to push this woman into the arms of someone else. If this is ever to happen, a Leo should ask himself what it was that she needed so badly and that he may have unconsciously denied her.

It could have been a child, a job, or just a little more attention, sometimes a little more tenderness.

When the gulf of pride and resentment widens so that neither dares to jump over it, it is almost always the woman who must make the first move.

No matter how much he longs for reconciliation. Leo considers it too humiliating to apologize.

He is afraid that, if he backs down one day, he will lose his throne.

He will often undeservedly shift the blame onto her shoulders, desperately hoping that she will accept it, and then he will be able to generously forgive, and everything will become sunny and warm again.

Unfortunately, many Leo men will learn another way to restore harmony.

For Leo, any manifestation of tenderness is preferable to the silence of loneliness.

But the Scorpio woman would rather be alone than to receive only half of his heart.

And here lies the deepest ocean of differences between those, an ocean that can only be crossed with the help of the ship of love.
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