Someone, somewhere
is made for you...

leo man and virgo woman



Leo Man - Virgo Woman

When Leo meets Virgo, he is overcome with a strong desire to protect this sweet, graceful creature from rough and sad experiences with all the force of his huge loving heart.

But after a while, he begins to feel a little out of his element.

Looking in the mirror, he realizes: it's time for a haircut. Then he notices a few spots on his best jacket that he hadn't seen before, and hurries to take it to the cleaners.

His shoes will suddenly seem shamefully sloppy to him, and he will decide to buy a few new pairs.

In the store, it will strike him that he might need a couple of new shirts in more subdued colors than he usually wears (or perhaps in livelier ones). Gradually, a vague suspicion will arise in him that his speech may not be a model of perfection (which he has hitherto firmly believed), and he will become silent at times (Leo - silent?).

He will begin to look in the dictionary, when he is sure that she does not see it, to make sure that the word he has just used means what he has always thought.

You see, it is not that she says something.

She is too polite to criticize him directly (at least until she knows him better), but she looks at him that way...

That cold look of her clear, beautiful eyes, the slightest disapproval reflected on her calm, restrained face...

Not exactly disgust, but too close to him for his vanity to remain calm.

The lion is on the verge of submission.

And yet she does not even carry a whip or a pistol with blank cartridges.

They say that wild animals are subdued by music.

The soft music of Virgo's refined nature, insight and keen sense of beauty, together with her noble manners and exquisite ability to show her respect and admiration for his virtues, can turn the most egocentric, growling Leo into an obedient, playful Kitty, contentedly purring and enthusiastically chasing a ball of yarn.

If she is careful, she will be able to do wonders with him.

He will adore her for the fact that she respects him so much, not suspecting that through her efforts he is gradually changing his lifestyle.

After a while, his anxiety will pass, and he will feel freer, content with his new image, and will be more self-confident than ever.

There is no doubt that by persuading Leo to become better and at the same time not diminishing his self-esteem, but raising it, Virgo achieves a rare and valuable success thanks to her graceful head.

But as soon as she gets carried away by success and starts to criticize more seriously, she will cross the line of safety. It is a fine line, and it is difficult to define, but since Virgos know a lot about drawing and defining fine lines, then, using common sense (of which she has in abundance), she can always retreat in time and switch to praise, noting all those wonderful new changes that he has made.

He is so inclined to introspection, and has such incredible self-discipline! Simply amazing!

Yes, it's amazing how you can turn something that could so easily anger him into another reason to tell him how strong and wonderful he is.

Lady Virgo, you are amazing!

Just please, don't screw anything up now. Curb your criticality once and for all, considering your Leo to be something akin to your ideal of masculine perfection. Let him keep his few flaws, and then he will remain a man. Otherwise, he will soon realize what you have done, and then you risk being left alone.

It is better to allow him to make mistakes sometimes, to wear a tasteless sports shirt from time to time, and to overestimate his bank balance.

It's better to smile when he talks too long about a trifle, to believe that he is as good a driver as he thinks, and never remind him that he sometimes takes the wrong road when he finds himself without a map...

And all that other stuff.

Why tell him that the food he cooks in the kitchen is always too salty and that he sings out of tune in the shower?

What will you gain by this?


But you can lose a lot.

Him, for example.

In a favorable case, this couple can expect a very calm, wonderful relationship. Despite the Virgo woman's tendency to over-criticize others (and even more so herself), the vibrations that arise between Virgo and Leo allow her to be exceptionally gentle and tolerant in her judgments about this person.

Her sympathy for his views, however alien they may be to her, comes from the karmic memory of the soul about recently experienced Leo impulses (Leo represents the twelfth house of Karma for Virgo). True, there is always a possibility (especially if there is a negative relationship between the Sun and Moon in the birth charts of both) that from time to time she will break down and nag him a little, but he will endure all this quite calmly.

If she steps too hard on the sensitive Lion's tail, he will let out a warning roar, but not too loudly, and she will apologise sweetly.

And yet the slightest misunderstanding can easily ruin their harmony.

In any case, Leo will always go his own way.

She can make subtle hints, and sometimes he will allow himself to agree with her, but only if these proposals suit him. He decides everything himself. He is an indisputable authority, and his wise word must be the last in all serious matters.

The good thing about their relationship is that, since she is generally gentle and willing, he will feel free to reciprocate with the sunny warmth of the Leo nature, treating this intelligent, polite, clear-eyed woman with almost tangible benevolence.

More than any other woman, she will recognize the true nobility and generosity of Leo, and then her obvious admiration for him will come from the very heart.

All Leos in the world "love love," and this quality makes the typical Leo an unsurpassed lover.

He is, undoubtedly sensual, but at the same time so sentimental.

There is something very cozy and comfortable in the sexual behavior of a Leo man.

He has the ability to turn a physical expression of love into a gesture of tenderness, creating a sense of emotional security that makes sex both an expression of passion and something warm and comforting.

On a subconscious level, this appeals to everything virgin and pure in Virgo's nature, and she responds with passion and a strict faith in his nobility.

Leo has an open mind and an open heart, which is why he is so likable and lovable (and why it is so easy to forgive him for his unbearable pride and arrogance).

In turn, the attractive simplicity of her attitude to sex awakens in him the best side of his talents for love, which are quite significant.

The only thing that can shake their physical harmony is the ever-present possibility that she can interrupt his romantic dreams with a sudden conversation about some trifles.

Then, throwing an offended glance at her. Leo can even take a pillow and a blanket and retire to sleep on the sofa in the living room, where he will sulk alone like an exiled monarch.

But in the morning, when his feet are cold, he will return.

His romantic mood, too.

They both like to sleep a lot. They both have a metabolism that requires more than eight hours of sleep (if they are typical representatives of their Sun signs).

They will usually go to bed early and rise early. Leo needs a whole night of sleep to replenish his extraordinary physical strength, she needs even more to replenish the mental energy she spends in such large quantities, worrying all day and trying not to show it.

Leo may even lie down during the day, which may at first seem to Virgo that he is lazy. But the Leo man, like the lion of the jungle, only seems lazy.

Soon he will yawn, stretch languidly like a cat, and get busy with active work, nailing, planing, redoing something, excitedly suggesting a trip or some other adventure - in short, he will get busy.

The Virgo woman will be absolutely admiring her Leo man's ability to fix everything that is broken (even small cracks in her heart when she is offended), and the fact that he usually will not calm down while there is something requiring his attention.

And he admires her fastidiousness, neatness with that reserved and attractive look with which she invariably appears in public. Leos love it when they can present their ladies (as well as their achievements) with pride.

In particular, he will be proud of her subtle mind. Many Leo men seek to marry women who are neither their intellectual superior nor their intellectual equal, so that the King will have an enthusiastic subject to instruct, teach, and lead.

But the happiest Leo is the one whose girl or wife offers him a stimulating intellectual challenge.

The Virgo woman will certainly provide him with this.

His personality is ruled by the mighty Sun itself, and that is why she often feels so warm in his presence (sometimes even hot).

Her personality is shaped by two planets - her temporary ruler Mercury and her real ruler Vulcan.

Mercury gives her quickness of mind, alertness, versatility and almost constant activity.

On a deeper level, stormy Vulcan has almost awakened in her heart a strange music that promises to free her spirit from old limitations, hinting that someday she will become as bold and daring, as independent as Leo himself.

The anticipation of such a transformation (and perhaps soon) is an intoxicating thought, and it may be the song of Tomorrow to his solar "ego", the promise of that Future when they will rise together to even higher peaks!

But meanwhile, in the comfortable Present, he is grateful to her for her calm presence, for her practical thoughts, and is pleased when she rewards him with cool tenderness and a charming mixture of Earth and Heaven, the blessing of her laughter, like the ringing of silver bells.

His present each new morning, when they wake up in each other's arms, is a piece of sunlight, entwined with the golden ribbons of his unshakable optimism, and his confidence that the day will be beautiful.

How always is he right, is it so?

Whatever the weather, the day will be beautiful, because even a soft and clear rain is a blessing, a sparkling cold snow is a miracle when you love and know that you are loved.
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