leo man and cancer woman
Cancer Woman - Leo Man
Leo and the "moon" girl want their relationship to last a lifetime. Their romance can have three different plots.-
After a few years, he will arrogantly dominate her.
She will have to depend on his royal whims and, in connection with this, on her own moods, fears, and tears. - After some time, she will extinguish his self-confidence with her gentle but persistent nagging and force him to retreat in sullen and sad silence.
- They will adapt to each other, learn to compromise and live happily - loving, laughing, crying and learning.
She will have to turn a blind eye to his pride, which sometimes borders on selfishness, and not feel constant self-pity for his occasional disregard for her feelings.
Does he know that half of her possessiveness will disappear when they have children to whom she can sing a lullaby, melting with tenderness?
And when he slowly calms her fears and gives her a sense of security, the other half of her possessiveness will disappear.
Does she know that much of his arrogance comes from an inner doubt and lack of confidence in his own abilities (which, oddly enough, grows in direct proportion to his success) and that she will achieve nothing by suppressing his pride?
However, she can give him a lot by sincerely appreciating his virtues and recognizing his right to initiative in almost everything. But she must be very careful to preserve her own dignity and individuality.
If all this looks to you like a path to holiness, you are right: this is exactly what we are talking about.
It takes a lot of holy love and patience, and sometimes humility, so that each of them gradually learns to trust the other's heart, because their dreams are different. But do not let this frighten you. There are reliable astrological plans for turning such a union into something eternal, with a solid foundation of happiness, illuminated by her lunar influence and warmed by his Sun.
The Cancer girl combines a strong manifestation of her feminine Zodiac sign and her also feminine ruler — the changeable Moon.
Consequently, she embodies the Mystery of Woman, all the confused desires and inexplicable behavior of Eve herself.
The Leo man experiences the powerful influence of his masculine Zodiac sign and his also masculine patron — the Sun.
Consequently, he embodies the karma of the Conqueror Man, the wisdom and strength, the self-will and pride of Adam. Now do you see why she is able to seduce him and why he is so tempted by her homemade pies? However, she is a Cardinal sign, which makes her quite a bossy Eve.
He is a Fixed sign, which makes him a stubborn Adam.
They will have a much easier time if she gives up trying to compete with his strong personality, but allows all her gentle and calm qualities to come through.
It is natural for the Moon (Cancer) to absorb the bright rays of the Sun (Leo) and reflect them in the form of a softer, gentle moonlight. Imitating Mother Nature never leads astray, they just need to avoid exaggerating their Solar and Lunar roles and not fall into the trap of exaggerating them. Too many Leo-Cancer couples are unconsciously exposed to this danger. A subtle but constant mutual exchange will help to avoid excessive dominance on his part, as well as excessive submissiveness on her part.
The Moon or Ascendant of at least one of them, if they are in the signs of Gemini and Libra, will help to maintain this balance.
The natural attraction of love that they feel for each other may wane with time.
Their physical magnetism is very strong, but a skillful blending of their essences is necessary. He may be too impulsive, demanding, and careless in love, and she may be too sensitive, passive, and evasive. But when the physical intimacy between them is harmonious, it is wonderful, because she is amazingly receptive, and he is undeniably tender and affectionate.
Because her softness and tenderness in sexual relations are complemented by his strength and energy, the passion between them can be very deep. True, he may mistake her mood swings and her restlessness for a lack of reciprocity, and his aloofness when he is heavy-hearted may sometimes seem like indifference to her.
Tears are also a part of their life together, but tears can also heal, and for Leo and Cancer they will turn into tears of joy when all her fears are behind her, because the most important thing in the world is their love. Her dreams are always beautiful when she falls asleep in his arms, because this means that her heart, even if not for long, is free from subconscious childhood fears of loneliness.
It is at this moment that he understands how she needs him, and then he cries... but she, sleeping, does not know about it, and he will never tell her. She has many secrets, he has only one - his vulnerability.
The Leo, who was bewitched by the Cancer girl one summer night, never ceases to be amazed by her.
She seemed so helpless, seeking his strength... so timid... so in need of guidance.
And he felt a surge of tenderness.
Later he learned that she was not just female - she was feminine.
Femaleness is seductive, but femininity is deeper. She is cozy and motherly, covering him with lavender-scented blankets of safety... and she is so sensitive to his thoughts and feelings, even when he has not said a word. Much later he will discover something else, vague, difficult to define.
This worries him, because he was sure that he was the master of the situation, and suddenly she avoids him, makes him feel that he is not really the master at all. She never shows him open disobedience, he suspects that in her soul there may be a secret place where she releases it if he has offended her.
He would like to follow her there and apologize, but he does not know the way.
And so he must wait for her to return from her secret hiding place, because she cannot be rushed and it is useless to persuade her. He is so glad when she returns to their reality, again becoming cheerful, bright and alive.
And she will hum again, cooking apple pie, and excite him with the aroma of her hair when she kisses him on the cheek. It is high time to suggest going somewhere.
A thirst for travel awakens in her, and she says: "Let's go!"
And he confidently begins to develop a travel plan. Will they leave right tomorrow? Why not?
A trip somewhere together is a breath of fresh air in the love between these man and woman.
Then she alone will possess him and at the same time become his diligent student, and he will be able to give her all sorts of new lessons.
No matter where they go - he will be an expert on people, language, shops, geography, and she will listen... And while she listens, she remembers why she fell in love with him.
He knew so much about so many things, and he talked about them in such a way that they all excited her. He had such confidence that she had never had before.
But something in his confidence bothered her. She did not understand what for a long time, until one day she guessed.
"If he is so self-confident," she thought, "and knows so much and thinks that he is always right... why does he need my constant approval?"
Suddenly she understood: "He only pretends to be brave, strong and wise. Except when he knows that I believe it.
Then he himself believes it!"
What she understood caused her a sharp pain of love. And she cried the same tears that Eve herself cried when she first learned the secret of the paradise tree of Wisdom.
leo man
cancer woman
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