leo man and gemini woman
Gemini Woman - Leo Man
A Leo may claim that he has no superiority complex and that he does not need everyone's respect; but he can fool anyone, but not a woman who loves him and who is also a Gemini. Thus, a woman I know once convinced her friends that her Leo husband did not have the characteristics of his sign. "He is not vain at all," she insisted, "he is a modest person and does not put himself above others."The modest Leo agreed. "I have no desire to dominate people," he murmured calmly, "I am just an average guy."
And his Gemini wife quickly added: "He is more than just an average guy.
He is very special.
I mean, there is no imperiousness or selfishness in him at all."
This fooled everyone present.
Of course, I could have enlightened the guests, but my Gemini friend had so cleverly led her Leo into a state of contented purring that I could not bring myself to upset the little Mercurial game.
What do you think this "average guy" does when he is not sitting back and accepting his wife's compliments with a modest air?
He is involved in a particularly tricky part of the law - leasing foreign oil developments.
He makes a lot of money by telling entire firms what they can and cannot do.
When you give advice to millionaires and sometimes flick the oil kings on the nose, do you need to indulge your vanity with anything else?
A Leo, who has room to exercise his vanity and demonstrate his wisdom, can afford to be modest in society.
Especially if he has a wife who knows exactly when and what to say so that he does not have to stoop to vulgar bragging.
Such a union is predetermined by fate, and it is impossible not to give in.
And not only in love or friendship, but also in business and family ties.
A Leo man may consider it his duty to teach a Gemini girl what can change her life for the better.
If he feels obliged to instruct others, she can expect more than the usual amount of leonine lectures! But the same memory that makes him constantly teach her brings an unconscious feeling of gratitude for past help, and a desire to offer her his protection.
She, too, wants to protect him from offenses and anything that hurts his pride. Something inside her sensitive heart tells her what and when to say so that his tenderness and generosity will come out.
Of course, it flatters him.
And what they both enjoy can become a mutual admiration.
In the main they are compatible, but this does not at all exclude rebellion on one side or the other.
Her "airy" indifference can inflame Leo's anger, and this flame flares up slowly, but it can be very difficult to calm it.
Then she can use a quarrel to practice her sarcasm, which hurts the lion's "ego". If hobbies and interests outside the home distract her from her daily veneration of Leo, like any monarch deprived of his usual attention, he may immediately suspect treason. The poor woman simply does not understand what she is risking!
Since Leo is more constant, and therefore more practical than the changeable sign of Gemini, many things can irritate him.
For example, the fact that she is capable of forgetting about lunch because of a new book, or borrowing the phone when he needs to call, or changing her mind about going to the theater when he has already bought tickets, or losing her keys... He would never allow such carelessness, and that is true.
But he is truly a real man, because he is the one who can treat all this with truly royal generosity!
Although the Gemini girl admires his persistence, integrity and intelligence, one day she may become bored and begin to distract him or make him feel inadequate.
For example, she is capable of insisting on expensive entertainment when he is unable to do so, but is too proud to admit it.
He will growl, but that is all that will end, because she will remember in time about the saving flattery and quickly switch from the frivolous, capricious Gemini to the sensitive, devoted and feminine one. And as for her interests, he will not object if she makes a career, does ballet, jogs, collects mummies or tattoos butterflies - the main thing is that she does not surpass him in anything. A Gemini girl should never tease her proud Leo by hinting that the real kings of nature allow their girlfriends to hunt in the jungle while they bask in the sun, because she can be called home from hunting and returned to the pride forever, that is, to the family, and what Gemini can limit himself to this? But they, thank God, are not in the jungle, and there is a truly royal nobility in him.
She should also have a real goal in life - for example, to make sure that he is happy and content.
Still, a woman who is loved by the King definitely has her advantages!
Leo is generous and strong, noble and magnanimous, and if you direct his “oh” in the right direction... He is also a wonderful lover, and he is not going to be a sexual conqueror —he is a loving monogamous monarch.
The Gemini woman has a light touch and an “airy” approach to sex, and this can fan the flames of his desire, at least in the beginning.
Over time, he may feel that he is missing something.
While he is making love to one of the twins, the other calmly watches, this.
Such a “particularity” can lead him to trauma!
For Leo with his hot heart, sex is a synonym for tenderness and passion, and in the love of Gemini there is something detached. He can seduce her and possess her, but her intelligence does not allow her to submit to him completely. The inability to conquer her completely may make him doubt his own masculinity.
Then she will begin to complain that he is losing interest in love, although the truth is that her cold detachment and duality hinder him. He is very afraid of being incompetent, but does not want to show it, because nothing hurts Leo more than even a hint that he may not be a perfect lover.
She must remember that in love this man is an idealist, and play along with him, using all her Mercurian imagination.
Their love needs romance and sentimentality - for example, quiet music during their physical intimacy.
And if sometimes he is too bossy or seems arrogant.
Gemini needs to remember their linguistic abilities in time and translate Leo's commands into the language of passion and love.
"You talk too much. Can't you be quiet sometimes?" - Here it's all about his wounded vanity, because his Gemini girlfriend with her quick, sharp mind again turned out to be brighter than him.
"No need to feed me. I'll go and eat somewhere" - this means that he lacks attention, and his pride needs consolation.
"Refuse the invitation on Saturday.
Tell them we can't come.
Make an excuse somehow and let's stay home" - which means he prefers to be with his Gemini - both of them.
And for Leo, this means love!
leo man
gemini woman
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