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leo man and taurus woman



Taurus Woman - Leo Man

The Taurus woman is very musical.

And it doesn't matter whether she sings Carmen's aria at the Metropolitan Opera or simply says to the milkman, "I think I'll have some more Cream." You can sing, compose music, or simply enjoy it: its soothing sounds have a beneficial effect on Bulls.

So can there be a conflict when a Leo, married to a Taurus woman, wants to listen to music? It can. And this is exactly what astrology means when it says that these signs are incompatible. These signs have difficult and tense relationships, but if they face their problems boldly and solve them, fate rewards them more generously than anyone else.

What would never be a cause for trouble between two people of other signs, can result in a volcanic eruption between Leo and Taurus (unless there is a favorable Sun-Moon aspect between them).

Leo cannot stand doing anything halfway, and this trait of his has nothing to do with his character.

If it is a house, it should be large and luxurious. If it is a ring, it should be shiny and noticeable from any end of the room.

If Leo listens to music, he needs it to fill his heart, soul, and ears.

And this, as one Taurus woman said, "is not music, but an outrage over it.

But it is impossible to explain this to him!"

Another Taurus woman was at the height of bliss when her Leo with a Hawaiian guitar courted her. Then they got married, and she missed him every time he played and sang for her. But did these two women show an aversion to music?

It was simply music that was the pretext for conflicts between them and their Leo spouses.

The Leo man, even if he does not deserve an astrological comparison with a king, really wants to rule everyone around him, and above all his own wife The Taurus girl instinctively wants to obey her man, hold on to him and love him faithfully and devotedly - always.

But “being controlled” sounds suspicious to her: it looks like coercion, and no Bull can stand being pushed. Although Taurus women are capable of deep and long-lasting affection, they are stingy with compliments, see no point in flattery, and generally believe that worship is for the feeble-minded. And since all Leos demand compliments, flattery, and worship, you yourself understand what is missing in this relationship.

Leos are painfully proud, hot-tempered people, who refuse to play second fiddle — for anyone. Even Leo the Shy Cat (there is such a type) harbors a grudge when he is denied his place in the sun.

After all, the Sun is its ruler! For him, the Sun is not the center of the Universe, around which all the planets revolve. He himself is the center of the Universe, around which his family revolves (and most likely, his friends).

And maybe it is better for them to admit it, if they do not want to be ignored, because his coldness and arrogance can simply freeze you.

Although this man has a character that is undoubtedly domineering and sometimes a little despotic, he knows how to be a gentle and generous lover, especially after a quarrel. Kissing and making up is so natural!

Verbal apologies are more difficult.

They hurt his painful pride. It is better for him to show that he sincerely regrets it, with the help of various romantic attempts at reconciliation. This is why these two are more capable of empathy and harmony in sexual relationships than when they, for example, make music together.

Earthly, tangible expressions of love are sometimes the only way to settle an argument with a Taurus woman.

She will accept all convincing arguments with a stony face, but long conversations will only tire her out. She understands the language of feelings better, and she wants action, not words.

They often make peace this way, and the proud Leo does not think that he loses his dignity in doing so. Making love never humiliates his dignity!

His woman is able to accept the full depth of his love and passion.

She gives him the opportunity to "feel like a king" (this expression is used by many Leos).

And what happens outside the bedroom?

When it is so important to him to be listened to, she can be indifferently calm.

She is even capable of yawning in the middle of one of his dramatic speeches. Nothing can hurt the pride of a Leo man so cruelly as a clear sign of boredom not just of a disobedient subject, but of the woman he loves!

And if she wants to keep him (and every Taurus woman strives for constancy in love), she had better drink several mugs of black coffee and make sure that she is completely awake before Leo comes on "stage".

The most common complaint of Leo about a Taurus girl is that she lacks enthusiasm.

He often wants to shake her and shout: "Well, say something! Do something! Anything! Just don't sit like that."

Her most common complaint about him can be expressed by the well-known phrase of Shakespeare: "Much ado about nothing."

Her jokes can sometimes hurt his dignity, and he will have to "patch up" his egoism again...

She will not always be absolutely happy either, because from time to time he needs a review of troops and additional applause from the crowd.

They will have periodic explosions.

But in the end, they are both Fixed signs.

And besides, they respect each other.

And this, despite their differences of opinion, calms and reconciles.

The Taurus woman is patient, good-natured and does not allow herself to turn the little things of life into a tragedy.

But when something has upset her, it is better to get out of the way. Perhaps to the other end of the street or even to another city, until she cools down and calms down.

When the outburst of anger passes, the Taurus woman is painfully ashamed of her weakness (during which her soft, velvety, Venus voice is more like the voice of a drill sergeant), and therefore she will try to be unusually affectionate and submissive, trying to make amends for her guilt. But Leo should not know that the tenderness that follows a quarrel is deceptive. His girlfriend remembers what he did to bring her to a rage, and she will remember it for many, long years!

Taurus gets angry very rarely - sometimes once or twice in a lifetime.

It is not so much the quality of Taurus that matters, but its quantity, and it is like a volcanic eruption.

Taurus shows her temper if she is constantly egged on to it by that uncompromising tone with which her Leo lectures her, and then, if she does not indulge all his whims, turns away from her and sulks for a long time.

Such behavior, if it is constant, can drive any Earth sign into a rage!

But this woman consists of more than temper and stubbornness. She also consists of constancy, courage, warmth, unwavering devotion, calm, endurance and very deep feelings.

She loves passionately and gives herself without looking back, and her innate, with rare exceptions, ability to laugh at herself is one of her most valuable qualities.

She is not characterized by recklessness.

She is practical and prudent and never pretends that in fact she is not like that...

In general, she is worthy of being appreciated.

As for the Leo man, he consists of more than his pride, vain egoism.

He is made up of love of life, confidence and optimism. If he feels that he is really needed, his wisdom and benevolence are unmatched. A lion will fight a whole army alone to protect what is dear to his heart, and he will fight any force that can threaten his beloved, no matter how unequal the battle.

He must win to prove that he is worthy of her. It is very similar to the knights in the time of King Arthur.

Only Leo is both a knight and a king.

He is as if from another time, from another era... when there were still dreams and kingdoms to conquer.

And he lives in a time and a life where no one needs his superiority and where no one welcomes his ideals.

Leo, with his lion's heart, is more vulnerable and lonely in soul than those who see only the outer armor of arrogance could imagine.

No matter how many obstacles this man and woman will overcome in search of spiritual harmony.

If necessary, they will be together against the whole world and both will stand the test of loyalty. And perhaps this will be one of the best love songs.
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