leo man and aquarius woman
Leo Man - Aquarius Woman
This is not a mistake. Leo will be just as startled and confused by the Aquarius girl's unique manner of speech and inimitable behavior as the "ordinary" man.But such a response is typical of Leo.
He will pretend not to have noticed. By openly showing embarrassment, he will show weakness , so he will act as if he considers her eccentricity natural, calmly and unperturbed, even benevolently (if not slightly patronizingly).
If she prefers to call a kiss a thimble, so be it. Leo will never allow himself to be caught off guard.
If she says that she wants to plant some cherimoya in the yard, he will yawn, say that he will think about it, and then say his opinion.
But all the next day he will read about cherimoya. When she asks him to be sure to buy some yogurt on the way home because she has to go to a photographer tomorrow, he may be dying of curiosity about why a photographer needs yogurt, but he will not ask. The next day, before he drives her to the photographer, she will consult with him: "Should I use yogurt before the trip?" His answer will be neutral. "Why not?" he will say softly, not revealing his extreme bewilderment.
(Use yogurt?!) And he will slowly breathe a sigh of relief when he learns that she needs the yogurt for a cosmetic mask.
He will also not raise an eyebrow when he finds an oriental vase in the freezer, filled with freshly sharpened pencils.
By this time, he has already partially found the key to her complex thought process, and it is quite easy for him to solve the problem.
She thinks that pencils will write better if the lead is frozen, and he understands this. He begins to recognize her. That is right.
This way, their relationship becomes more clear and understandable.
He will never allow himself to turn pale when she, sobbing, falls into his arms and screams: "He is dead! Joe is dead!"
He will comfort her as best he can, hoping that she does not feel the loud beating of his heart, and will gently find out that "he" is the lizard from the garden, whom she has named Joe and has grown very fond of. It does not matter that she glues the hem of her skirt with glue, rinses her hair with beer to make it shine, enjoys the feeling of the unknown, taking a shower without the light and a lit candle on the sink, or runs to the kitchen to grab a jar of vanilla and puts a cotton ball with vanilla in it to her ears before going out to a dinner party because it is her favorite smell. He does not pay attention to her antics.
Showing her surprise is beneath him. This would mean that he does not know something, and since Leos know everything, no one can surprise them.
This girl does surprise him, whether he shows it or not. She even confuses him. He has never met anyone like her before.
She does not play by any rules, does not follow any accepted patterns, and almost constantly makes him solve riddles. Of course, his reaction only makes her more persistent in finding a way to shock him, to see how he will look if his balance is shaken.
She is amazed that he can be so unperturbed, so lazily self-confident, that he cannot be caught off guard.
No wonder astrology calls him a "big cat," she muses.
That describes his character well.
Always on guard, always alert.
He senses even the slightest hint of a threat to his well-being and his pride, and is ready to rush into danger before it falls upon him.
She can't help but admire him, but she keeps trying to disturb his peace, to excite him and make him change his royal demeanor. She has heard that he is a Fire sign and that under his smooth self-control and graceful movements there is a carefully contained fire.
She would like to kindle the flame more strongly.
She thinks that it would be funny.
But it might also be stupid.
He is not a kitten, but a cat, and that is a huge difference. Judging by how cheerful, warm, sunny and loving this man can be, he will always survive.
Whoever attempts to make fun of him will receive a quick and impressive lesson from Leo about his own law of the jungle, brought into human society.
Proud, generous and gentle, always noble, he will not assert his authority when he is threatened.
And he will never agree to defend himself or to be defeated. He will certainly win. Leo is not cruel, but he is not soft either.
He never yields. He does not waste his enormous reserve of energy without a reason, but if only a reason arises, he has willpower, and in such cases he becomes decisive. Leo never retreats, although he may disdainfully conceal his emotions concerning matters too small and trivial for his mind.
He basically organizes his emotions as skillfully as he organizes everything around him.
These man and woman are under the influence of a polar vibration, so their views are often diametrically opposed, and they end up at different ends of the emotional thermometer. However, this opposition of their Sun signs on the astrological wheel can help to balance the two opposing masculine strong personalities.
They were both born under Fixed (stubborn) and masculine signs. And he is ruled by the Sun, and she by Uranus, both masculine planets.
This creates a lot of aggressive stable vibrations around them and requires that both try to add a little of the so-called feminine qualities, such as submissiveness, tenderness, patience and tolerance, into their relationship.
She cannot understand why he is so self-absorbed, while she is interested in the whole world around her, as befits her Air element.
She is baffled by his vanity and the way he sulks when he does not receive the respect he thinks he deserves. She is more careless about her appearance, and as for the opinions of others, she rarely cares about it at all.
She does not need to be respected.
She respects herself.
Isn't what you think of yourself more important than what others think of you?
This is one of the priceless lessons she can teach her Leo, if he will forget his pride for a while and realize how much happier he could be if he agreed with the wisdom of her Uranian philosophy.
She can also learn several important things from him.
The main one is self-control.
Her sudden outbursts of feelings can bring his inner fiery essence to the surface, and then they will not be able to discuss anything calmly.
Air can fan the fire into a universal conflagration, or it can simply make it burn brighter.
There is no doubt that she also has a positive effect on him. From the outside, it seems that the typical Aquarius woman seeks only calm, peace and silence.
Many Aquarius women are quite nice and have good manners.
Then suddenly, without any warning or even without a real reason, they explode, making a noisy scene: they break plates, throw something out of the window. And if nothing like that happens, they slam the door, lock it, draw the curtains and pretend to be hermits for a few hours to a few days. But she should not do this: she still cannot surpass Leo in the ability to take offense. In this, the Leo man is an unsurpassed master.
Since the Leo man often subconsciously associates strong emotions (positive or negative) with sexual desire, the most surprising thing in their relationship can be a quarrel, even a big one, which then throws them into each other's arms.
There is something wild and primitive in lovemaking, which requires the subordination of reason and the feeling of passion of the body.
No matter how much they struggle in various areas of their life together, harmony in their relationship is restored again when sexual rapture turns the Leo man into a lion, and the Aquarius woman becomes no longer his opponent, but his spouse.
The sexual intimacy between them is so beautiful that it usually resists the destruction of their relationship (unless the Ascendants and Moon signs in their birth charts cause them grief). Of course, in some cases his pride will be deeply wounded by her occasional inability to be as submissive as he would like. Leo requires a lot of warmth and tenderness during lovemaking, and she can sometimes be indifferent, cold and distant.
But he must console himself with the fact that she is probably more affectionate with him than she could be with anyone else, since the vibrations of the 7-7 type give her as much heartfelt warmth as she can bring to the physical union.
These lovers are capable of showering each other with lavish gifts and crazy surprises at the most unexpected times. This will refresh, inspire, excite them.
They can also plan a trip or something else together.
But she needs to be careful, lest her manner of falling into the arms of friends of both sexes in the family circle offend her Leo. Leo's jealousy is hidden for a long time, until one day it breaks out in rage. He will never be able to curb her desire to belong to herself.
In this woman, it is necessary to encourage and support the urges to follow her impulses, otherwise her usually cheerful disposition will fade away.
She has an unpredictable free spirit, like all Aquariuses, and the suppression of this Uranian quality can result in serious neurosis.
Leo can also become nervous and gloomy if he does not get the attention he needs.
Her mind is occupied with so many things at once that she can sometimes forget about him, but it would be better to remember! To neglect Leo too often is to surely lose him. Then he will turn into ice, and there will always be someone willing to melt him with their true affection.
leo man
aquarius woman
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