Someone, somewhere
is made for you...

cancer man and sagittarius woman



Cancer Man - Sagittarius Woman

Although in astrology Sagittarius symbolically rules religion (along with Pisces and Scorpio, because religion contains more than one level of knowledge) and although every person of the sign of Sagittarius thinks about it one way or another, an Archer girl who falls in love with a Crab can forget the most important spiritual advice: "Consider yourself happy, and you will be."

Of course, one can admit that her Jupiterian faith and idealism have slightly faded because of those men who treated her love carelessly, and her carelessly or even cruelly.

But she still remembers that special boy with gentle eyes, who always gave her a pencil and who fought with hooligans because of her. That was in the sixth grade. But since then she had not met anyone who would come close to her secret image of a prince or a knight.

Who would treat her nobly, as his "lady of the heart", who would tell her that she was the only one, that he loved her devotedly and faithfully and that his love was eternal. She already wanted to give up this dream and remain an old maid or find a rich Arab who, perhaps, would be far from the ideal, but he would take her away on his own plane to the land of oil gushers, where they would feed the camels at sunset. And then this crazy miracle arose.

He was without a helmet or armor, and he was not riding a white horse, nor was he wearing a turban, nor was he wearing a long robe, for, being a conservative Crab, he would never appear in public in such an indecent manner. He was not the embodiment of her ideal in appearance, but he had the gentle eyes of that special boy from the sixth form, and she clearly understood that he would protect her from bullies both in the schoolyard and anywhere. As for appearance, does it matter about such trifles as eyelashes or hair color when it comes to the ideal?

Heaven knows that behind his timid smile and calm behavior the most impossible dreams are hidden.

And so she forgot about caution and immediately lost her head - Sagittarius always fall in love like that...

The first thing she understood after she surprised herself was that she was not mistaken.

This man has sufficient means to support not only her, but the entire British Commonwealth.

Soon she discovered that she would be even happier if he forgot his caution.

But not entirely - she even likes that he, with his caution, holds her back when she sometimes becomes too careless. It's great when you are saved from yourself by someone who really cares about you!

But too much caution can make her not feel free, and she will begin to worry. You can imagine how it looks when the horse part of the Centaur begins to get nervous because it has been deprived of freedom.

Since their relationship is influenced by the combination of Sun signs, the Cancer man will fall under her inexpressible charm, which has everything - both a hint of mystery and the attraction of sexuality. She is curious, but his way of keeping her in the dark about his feelings and changeable moods excites her more than irritates her.

The charm of the "lunar" man makes her unusually obedient.

But sometimes, when, for example, he compares her with his mother, or scolds her for extravagance, or accuses her of talking a lot and never listening at all, she loses patience.

Since Jupiter magnifies everything, the Sagittarius girl, although she has a lot of patience, will eventually lose her temper and say something.

As a rule, Sagittarius is not at a loss for words, so it will be something sharp and very precise, capable of really touching this hypersensitive man. He will snap back, she will fire another arrow of tactless truth in response, and then he will withdraw into himself.

He will begin one of his long periods of silence, and even her words will fly wide of the mark.

Do you know what she should do then?

Go to the forest (nature always clarifies something in the heads of Sagittarius) and mentally return her astral "I" to the time when he had not yet appeared, and her soul was full of loneliness and such a vague desire ...

But it seems that everything changed at that very moment when he first smiled at her with the eyes of her hero from the sixth grade, resurrecting memories of the time when life was simple and pleasant.

Yes, he has his shortcomings, but there is so much sensitivity and tenderness in him, and he is more often cheerful than grumpy. He is undoubtedly faithful and honest. He has never offended her deliberately and always tried to be true to his word. And he even becomes more generous, because he wants her to be pleased. He didn't say a word to her when she bought a purebred collie for $900 last week, which means he won't get the camera he's been dreaming about for over a year. And most importantly, he's not a hypocrite, because she simply can't stand hypocrites.

When she's counted all his merits , she'll run home and ask for forgiveness.

What can she do for him?

Maybe he wants pickled mushrooms - just like his mother used to make them?

And he'll crawl out of his shell of grievances and smile at her again with his beautiful smile.

Of course, she has more fire and passion, but it only teases him, because he's the boss after all.

He is a Cardinal sign, and she is a Mutable sign, which means he will lead.

And then there is the eternal mystery of his Element, in the depths of which she increasingly learns how little she knows herself.

It is incomprehensible, endless, beautiful, and she understands that there is no need to rush here.

He leads her to a place where sensuality looks like a promise of a miracle, where trembling magic lasts much longer than the fiery impulse of immediate fusion, which dies instantly, leaving behind no tender memories.

Fire disturbs, hinting at an outbreak.

Water caresses and soothes.

Both together turn the intimacy between Cancer and Sagittarius into a strong and deep experience.

But physical love is only one level of human relations, so the Crab and his Sagittarius girlfriend must learn to carefully combine their Fire and Water elements in other areas of life.

And over time, he will begin to highly value her courage and even her blind honesty. He can believe that she means only what she says, and there is no need to be afraid of a trick with her.

Over time, she will understand that she is grateful to him for his careful hand, holding her in time and saving her from mistakes.

They, so different, will learn to trust each other, and this is the most important thing.

Everything else is unimportant.
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