cancer man and taurus woman
Taurus Woman - Cancer Man
Deep down, Cancer wants his woman to coddle him. Taurus woman loves to spoil her man. Put these two astrological facts together. Are you expecting love at first sight? That's not quite true...The Crab rarely throws himself into anything - even into love. It's not only against his nature. He simply cannot move forward in a straight line. First he deviates to the right, then to the left. Then he can back away until the object he is heading for disappears from sight. Then he lunges forward, grabs the object and does not let go of it until he loses a claw, but if this happens, he simply grows a new one, which is why Cancers are often called tenacious. And that's putting it mildly!
The Taurus girl is also not one of those who rushes into the abyss of passion with words about eternal love. She wants to be courted, and courted for real. She needs firm confidence that it is serious. So "love at first sight" is not exactly what happens when an Earth sign like Taurus meets a Water sign like Cancer. It takes time, often months or years, less often days or weeks... But when it happens, the Taurus woman knows exactly how to make her man happy. And the Cancer man who once decided to make a leap forward is a man with whom others have nothing to do.
The relationship between Cancer and Taurus may seem almost perfect, but this does not mean that there will be no cracks in it. There is, for example, the "mother complex" of Cancer.
He may be one of those lucky ones who manage to move from youth to adulthood considering his mother an ideal, but realizing that she is simply an amazing person in his life. If so, the Taurus girl will be happy, because his excessive admiration and respect for his mother will give him a special sense of devotion to all the women he loves.
But he could be one of those Crabs who never managed to solve the problem that should have been solved sometime in childhood. If you remember, the sign of Cancer symbolizes Motherhood. There is a special type of Cancer man: he carries a subconscious resentment for having once been weaned. So he resolves his secret dilemma either by refusing his mother or by remaining completely dependent on her. And the woman he marries will undoubtedly feel some consequences of this. Let's say he chose not refusal, but dependence, then he will simply test the poor woman's patience. Fortunately for the Taurus girl, patience is what she is strong in, and she is able to put the Crab in his place, unambiguously hinting that there should be a sense of proportion in everything.
It is difficult to be worthy of the ideal of perfect femininity. And yet, not all Crabs are so tightly attached to their mother's apron. In addition, the Taurus girl can cook a chicken herself and knows how to sew, she is thrifty, she smells delicious (Chicks adore scented soap and other feminine little things), and she is unusually sensual. Therefore, there is undoubtedly something in her that even his mother cannot replace...
The physical relationship between them will be ideal - as much as they want to make it so. She is a sexual nature , deeply loving, gentle and... uncomplicated. He is also deeply loving, gentle, although, perhaps, not so simple.
For the Taurus woman, the earthly reality of passion is important, while for the Cancer man, emotional release is more important, but these small differences in their needs do not necessarily lead to conflict. On the contrary, they can give the physical relationship a feeling of rare fullness! There is a warmth and reliability in the expression of physical love in Taurus, and it is as if a response to Cancer's quiet plea for him to be surrounded by a cloud of tenderness, to dry all his tears and destroy all his fears. When a Taurus woman is making love, this is how she expresses
her devotion. There is no play, no fantasy or false modesty, just a sense of giving! Despite his more creative approach to earthly love, this is exactly the reliability that the Cancer man has always secretly dreamed of.
Two people who love cannot help but hurt each other from time to time, but the Ox and the Crab can hold on to a grudge longer than other signs. They need to understand that it is a waste of time and energy. Instead of talking about it over and over again, like Gemini or Libra, burning with anger, like Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, or impartially rising above it, like Aquarius and Pisces, this man and woman can allow the grudge to take deep roots and grow into indifference. And that will be truly dangerous. When the Taurus woman is upset, she usually pouts, and then turns into a threatening rock of stubbornness. When Cancer is offended, he withdraws into his shell to cry alone. He is afraid to make any move, even a move forward - to apologize and forgive, lest it cause him even more pain. The stubborn Taurus woman, who refuses to say "sorry" when she is really at fault, wastes her precious time waiting for a timid peace offer from her partner. The upset Crab cautiously peeks out of his shell and is so eager to get rid of the pain that he is ready to accept even the fact that he has fallen out of love, albeit only for a while ... Such an atmosphere is hardly conducive to reconciliation!
But what if you look at it another way? Sulk in silence is impractical (and they both cannot stand impracticality!). It can only lead into a dark tunnel of even greater loneliness (they both can not stand dark tunnels!). What she should do is remember to be patient. If she waits for the next phase of the Moon (his planet), all she has to do is smile and whisper, "I love you," and he will jump out of his shell and into her arms.
What he should do is wait for the lunar vibrations that will help him understand that his woman is more sensitive to physical love than to eloquence. Instead of writing her notes and hiding them in a box of washing powder, hoping that she will find them when she does the laundry, he should simply hold her tightly in his arms... Then she will press herself right into his heart, where she belongs.
cancer man
taurus woman
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