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cancer man and aries woman



Aries Woman - Cancer Man

Like all women born under a male Sun sign and ruled by a male planet (in this case, Mars), the Aries woman often doubts her own femininity. Even in dance school, she was reluctant to let her partner lead her.

Most of the young men she interacted with first panicked and then proudly ran away to find a girl more disposed to listen to their fantasies of superiority.

The Aries girl is too honest to imitate her submissive friends , pretending to let a man decide and act.

After several heartbreaking experiences , she understands that in matters of love, honesty is not the best thing if you want to achieve something.

In addition, she begins to develop a complex of her own unfemininity.

And then the Cancer man appears to court her with respectable, gallant courtesy, like a prince straight out of a fairy tale.

With him, she laughs a lot, and fun always makes any Aries more attractive.

From the very beginning, the Cancer man makes it clear that she excites and excites him, and it does not matter to him who walks through the door first, starts a conversation, or calls on the phone. Finally!

Finally, she can behave naturally with a man, and he still loves her.

No wonder she is intoxicated. Perhaps for the first time in her life, she feels like a real woman.

When he convinces her that she is not a witch but the sweet, desirable Snow White (which she has always suspected), it certainly pleases her - for a time.

If there is a harmonious aspect between their luminaries or other positive positions in their birth horoscopes, her dreams may come true.

Otherwise, Snow White will soon find herself living in the forest with one of the Seven Dwarfs, still waiting in vain for a prince.

The Aries woman will never achieve lasting peace with herself until she finds a man who wants her to love him freely and openly, without wondering who will kiss the other goodnight first, and without sulking if she accidentally interrupts him with a sudden burst of cheerful chatter.

She needs a man who will understand that if he will only let her be herself, she will give him all the love and adoration he needs to feel strong and masculine. A simple muttered "Whatever you say" or "Whatever you decide, dear," but with a hidden smirk is a romantic pretense, a parody of devotion.

Her love is frank.

She becomes worried when she is limited by petty arguments about the difference between masculinity and femininity. She loves with all her heart, and soul, and mind, and being.

Isn't that enough?

Yes. It should be enough, and it may well be for a Cancer man.

Both of them are very jealous. The main difference is that Cancer likes being jealous, while Aries, as a rule, does not.

For Cancer, jealousy is simply proof of how loved and needed he is, and with this woman he will get as much of this proof as he wants.

Jealousy can sometimes bring a sense of security in a relationship to Aries, too, a little bit and from time to time.

But when there is too much of it, it begins to interfere with her lifestyle, friendly, free and sociable, because the fact is that the Cancer man wants to hold her with an iron hand when the period of gallant courtship is over, and he is sure that she belongs to him.

It is true, of course, that the ability to "cling with claws" to his beloved is an indicator of his devotion.

But the last thing an Aries woman wants is for his devotion to slowly but surely turn into a death grip.

Not wanting to live in a cage, she will begin to desperately resist.

Each of these two Sun signs loves money, fame, and recognition, but Cancer is better at hiding their ambitions. Although they share the same basic desires for emotional security and financial success, their plans for achieving their goals diverge quite a bit.

They also have different approaches to money. She wants to spend it or invest it in a business to get a smooth cash flow, he dreams of saving it to build a larger capital .

Even before either of them achieves any level of material success, there may be frequent disagreements.

Aries is optimistic and confident of victory. Cancer is often pessimistic and fearful of the future (they call it prudent caution ), and here they may need a intermediary to communicate.

Aries cannot understand how Cancer expects to win while expecting to lose.

This mysterious state for Aries was perfectly expressed by the physician-philosopher Jean-Baptiste Bodin when he wrote: "To pretend to be well-off is to expect to be poor all the time; to doubt constantly one's ability to achieve what one desires is like trying to get to the East by moving to the West.

No philosophy can help a man when he constantly doubts his ability to do something and thus attracts failure." And yet Cancer often achieves his goal thanks to incredible persistence.

There is no point in trying to explain this to an Aries woman.

She is familiar with the word "certainty", but she does not understand the word "persistence", because it is diametrically opposed to her most obvious quality - impatience. Persistence implies waiting, and this woman hates waiting for anything - from a bus or a red light at a crosswalk to the arrival of her next lover or her husband's return from work, if she is married. If he is five minutes late, she is already calling the police or the hospitals or pacing the room, ready to pounce on him with reproaches as soon as he crosses the threshold.

There are several possible solutions.

She may despair of his dreary bouts of depression and decide to flee, so as not to see how her every ardent aspiration drowns in the watery pessimism of Cancer. Or she may try to cheer him up and bring him out of his periodic melancholy with her own strong confidence of Mars, supporting his spirit with courage and humor. And he will either raise his hands in defeat before her impulsive emotions and extravagantness and remain alone with his stamp collection, or he will gently, patiently try to teach her that caution is sometimes necessary.

Another stumbling block may be the Cancer man's penchant for secrets.

The Aries woman, in contrast, is far from the image of the Sphinx.

When he refuses to say what is on his mind, she can imagine anything and work herself into a fit of Mars hysteria. He will soon learn (let us hope) that it is much more peaceful in the long run to be frank with her.

To a certain extent.

If he keeps quiet, she will pester him until she is convinced that it is useless, then decide that it is not worth the energy and heartache, and maybe leave him alone.


Without warning. Remember, Aries will not waste time on a situation that, in his opinion, cannot be changed.

But the main difficulty is Mom.

If his mother is alive, an Aries girl who loves a Cancer man will have to enter into a difficult struggle with her for his devotion and attention.

If his holy mother has already died, her qualities may acquire an additional shine through the prism of memory.

His mother never burned her shirt with an iron, baked unsuccessful pies, sang out of tune, squandered money and lost her temper? Yes.

Never. Not a single time.

His mother always saved money because she sewed clothes and strung beads herself, used exactly as much cosmetics as needed, and knew exactly what to say to cheer him up? Yes.

Exactly. Always.

In a strange way, all this can serve them well.

Such a brilliant example is, of course, a challenge, and Aries simply cannot help but accept the challenge.

She will strive to achieve the ideal, only to prove to him that no one can compare with her.

In their intimate life, they will also have to adapt.

At the beginning of their love, the Cancer man's tender attention to his beloved's desires and needs will allow her to feel cherished and therefore emotionally calm. (They both have an incredible need for emotional calm.)

He will be a fabulous lover at first. The Cancer man is capable of displaying a vivid imagination, subtlety and intelligence in the bedroom. Her honesty and simplicity in sex, some unconscious vulnerability will deeply touch him.

Regardless of her past experience, the Aries woman always brings some fresh innocence to lovemaking, and in addition, when she loves, she loves passionately and passionately, giving all of herself.

But his ardor can suddenly change to sullenness and discontent with everything, an unexpected refusal of lovemaking.

The way his refusal looks (but is not) can greatly cool her erotic ardor. And the Moon is to blame for everything. You just need to stop pulling his feelings like toffee and wait until the Moon's phase changes.

In no case should you get angry and say words that will hurt him and which she will later regret. He will hide in his shell and will not come out from there, because this man is incredibly sensitive.

No matter how much he jokes about it, it is true, and the offense will make him fall into a painful passivity for a long time. Or, worse, he will try to find comfort in a bottle.

On the happy side of this relationship, Cancer can be very sweet and funny and do all his business with a happy smile.

His beautiful sensitivity and gentlemanly reliability will bring out all the femininity of his Aries lady. He will secretly be proud of her bold mind and bright soul, and although he will not stop nagging about her immaturity, he will learn to accept her emotional support when the Moon sends scraps of old childhood fears at him.

The difficulty lies in the fact that she may sometimes consider him too stern, too stingy and nervous, and he may feel that she is not able to take care of herself.

A very real danger for Water signs is an attempt to drown their disappointments in drink or drugs. In addition, his chosen one can sometimes lose patience (which is already small with her fiery character), so that later it will take a long time to heal the wounds inflicted.

This man is not shy of sensitivity, he is not indifferent to music, art and poetry, and when it touches his heart, his eyes fill with tears. The same is true for this woman, whose heart needs a lot of tender, reverent care, because emotionally she is a child, no matter how old she is. If they combine his Cancer tenacity with her Aries initiative, they can work wonders.

There is a square aspect between their Sun signs, and this means great patience, but also great love.

But that is how it always happens, right?
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