gemini man and sagittarius woman
Gemini Man - Sagittarius Woman
When a Sagittarius girl falls in love, her soul is like a trusting puppy, waiting for love and ready to respond in kind. But someday, having counted all her mistakes, she can put on the mask of a skeptic and a cynic, which she will cover with bright clown makeup. Her innate honesty and sincerity would touch the most severe male heart.But sometimes this only tempts a Gemini man of a certain type to test her mind, to deceive her honesty, ideals and even love with the help of clever games. Usually this ends badly. It is Sagittarius who takes a long time to heal the scars of such offensive tactics of Mercury.
Of course, she can also go to extremes, such as several stormy scenes of wild passion.
This girl, warm-hearted and open, needs love and emotional stability.
If the aspect of the Sun-Moon in their horoscopes is unfavorable, she may turn for them to the wrong address, since the Gemini man can be cruel and merciless, cold and indifferent when he allows the negative twin of his “I” to come to the fore.
What happened to the carefree, cheerful, gentle and loving man who wrote her such touching poems, dried her tears with kisses and conquered her with the smile of a little boy?
He was as if playing an unkind game of hide-and-seek somewhere among the repeatedly reflected images of himself...
He can leave her in tears, indifferently shrugging his shoulders, not turning around or casting a farewell glance of regret... and the next day return with a bouquet of violets, new poems and with the same meekness asking for forgiveness and swearing his love again.
Is this what she needs? The Sagittarius girl is very vulnerable, all this can make her feel unsure of herself as a woman or even as a person.
Around the same time, he can engage in his pseudo-psychoanalysis: it is not he who needs therapy, but she.
He can even convince her of this!
Gemini can convince anyone of anything, as long as their trusting victims fall for the trick. A Mercury-ruled man can do the most unacceptable things, and then expect the woman who loves him to apologize to him as if the misdeeds were her own.
Do you understand why these men are excellent salesmen?
They can sell anything to anyone.
Moreover, they are rarely caught when they skip the Letter of the Law or the Letter of Love.
Of course, we are talking about those Geminis whose Sun at birth was deprived of harmony.
Such Geminis deserve to be put on display in front of Sagittarius girls.
The vast majority of Gemini men, fortunately, have intelligence and other virtues to a greater degree than vices.
Nevertheless, one should not forget that the negative type of Gemini has broken more hearts and lives than could be glued together with a whole sea of universal glue.
Unfortunately, even this type of Gemini is irresistible, especially when he asks with such innocent (at first glance) eyes: "Who, me?"
This type of Gemini man can be recognized by the large number of nicknames or aliases that he uses.
Many Mercury people like to play around with different names, but this guy has other intentions...
The harmonious, bright and charming Gemini man almost magically attracts the typical Sagittarius woman, by the way, as she does him.
Opposites don't always attract, but when they are representatives of the opposite sexes ("opposite" man and woman), it often works like a magnet.
Gemini and Sagittarius are signs that are opposite in their horoscope, and a powerful attraction begins with the feeling that each has qualities that the other lacks.
This is true.
Each has something that the other does not.
Consequently, they can teach each other many wonderful lessons.
The physical magnetism between them is almost irresistible - such are their vibrations.
They have eternally young souls and inquisitive minds, and both love nature.
They need freedom and space, because without it, there is no forward movement.
And they both love to dream alone, and then return to each other's arms. But being alone is not the same as being lonely.
Both the Gemini man and the Sagittarius woman constantly surround themselves with people because of a secret fear of loneliness.
She will almost certainly get a cat or a dog (and give them strange names). He also loves pets, but without a particularly ardent devotion and until they begin to interfere with his pleasures. But the Sagittarius girl can sacrifice her own comforts for the sake of her beloved dog.
There are other differences, more subtle ones.
Gemini needs new horizons and new heights. She does too.
Mine also needs a faithful and reliable hand that would support her.
He also likes to hold her hand.
If she lets him go, he will only wave her goodbye, but if he lets her go, she might get lost.
They often forget about their conflicts when they remember about love.
Their attraction to each other even increases over time. It seems to always exist, it just sometimes waits to be remembered so that they can return to their previous understanding.
They have a kinship of souls, which already promises harmony.
They don't have to wait until night to love. They can call each other silently - with just their eyes, or with a romantic note left where it will definitely be found, with an intimate smile or a special nickname, and all this means: "I love you. I need you. I want you."
But sex is also a trap for them.
And the Gemini man sometimes uses a little deception: he starts a quarrel. Anger strangely awakens passion in both.
Then they make peace with the help of love.
Will they really make peace?
He is capable of having a long conversation about it after their intimacy, when it should be forgotten!
To be fair to him, we must admit that she has a habit of doing the same.
They should both learn to forget about a quarrel after intimacy.
Why use sex as a weapon against each other?
But Gemini and Sagittarius do it often.
Jealousy is the cause of many quarrels between them.
And not without reason, because we will not talk about their impeccable devotion. They are both too inquisitive, hot-tempered and too fond of variety to be spotlessly pure.
If they do not have inharmonious Sun or Moon, but have the influence of Capricorn, Taurus or Scorpio, they will probably manage to remain faithful to each other.
Otherwise, they can stray from the true path, even if it is just casual light flirtation.
He is capable of this more than she is.
But Sagittarius girls quickly pick up on the various games that the light-winged "birds of Mercury" teach them.
And then the feathers fly...
He can be so changeable!
He is Mercury himself and mercury himself. A quick happy glance, a bright range of feelings, wings of delight. Then a frown - without warning.
A glance to the side.
Sadness turning into depression...
And again a smile and a cheerful offer to throw pebbles into the lake or listen to frogs singing love songs on the edge of a magical land.
Sagittarius is also a dual sign, and she can have such different moods! But if one is on the rise when the other is on the decline, and vice versa, then together they can overcome the hardest times. It would be great to fly together, but then they will have to fall together... The best thing they can do is order charts of their biorhythms.
And she will also have to avoid tactless remarks, because he needs something completely different - her tenderness and her understanding. He had better learn to restrain his sarcasm, because it hurts her so much! The Sagittarius girl, with all her naive sincerity, has no idea about this word.
Sarcasm is when they say something completely opposite to what they think, exaggerating the falsehood in order to emphasize the truth.
Why can't he say it directly?
Because, my dear girl, he is a poet and a dreamer and also a Gemini.
And you need to learn to understand that the truth is not always what you hear from him, but what you can read in his eyes.
But how can you do this if the expression of these eyes is constantly changing?
It seems time to remember that when two dual signs meet, there is always another, brighter side to their relationship.
It may be better or worse, but it
can be better.
The Gemini man loves to look at the Milky Way, because he is not created for constancy.
If the Sagittarius woman wants to keep him, she needs to simply join him in his search, trying not to offend that third personality that always follows him on his heels - his shadow. She can try, like Wendy with Peter Pan, carefully and gently sew his shadow to him so that he does not lose the other half of his “I”.
How to do all this?
Jupiter will whisper it into her heart if she learns to listen.
gemini man
sagittarius woman
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