gemini man and scorpio woman
Gemini Man - Scorpio Woman
Gemini has an unusual and attractive quality: this man seems to remain forever young. I suppose this is not uncommon for someone who is born anew every day, and yet the usually self-controlled and prudent Scorpio woman would like to know how it is...And now nothing will stop her until she completely satisfies her curiosity. And to do this, she will come closer and closer...
Suddenly she will find herself between two people, different as day and night. Which one is the man she is so interested in?
She cannot understand.
The twin syndrome, you know!
This will ruin her carefully laid plans. What should she do now?
Can she cope with this little boy full of joy and sadness, with this cold and tender man? He is a mixture of inconsistencies, contradictions, denials and affirmations.
Of course she can. She is a Scorpio, and she is able to understand any soul, surpass it, defeat it, conquer it.
Can she?
I am not sure, but I am sure.
And the Gemini man does not care at all. The very thought that he is interesting to this sweet and strong, sensual and mysterious creature is already exciting enough to lift his spirits.
And why should he know what is really going on?
For a Gemini, to know is to lose the meaning of life, while for a Scorpio it is the other way around. To paraphrase poor suffering Hamlet, "to know or not to know - that is the question!"
For these two, this is certainly a question for all time, and it must finally be answered.
A Gemini man, by nature, is incapable of comprehending that love is eternal. There are Gemini men who love one woman all their lives (in fact, I knew one myself), but there are very few of them. The typical Gemini man gets pleasure from the pleasant excitement of choosing which of several women to prefer, and is amazed when one of these harmless, little larks suddenly turns out to be an eagle, especially if she turns out to be an Eagle-Scorpio. And the eagle is a monogamous creature of nature.
The planet of love is Venus, and Gemini is ruled by Mercury, whose influence on Venus leads to the fact that feelings become scattered and frivolous. Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio, acts on Venus in such a way that its influence becomes strong and secret.
You see more contradictions here. Venus also notices this and is perplexed when the two vibrating forces of Mercury and Pluto cross their rays. The Gemini man and the Scorpio woman cannot notice this right away - they are so busy with each other.
The only thing that will attract attention is such a form of Pluto manifestation as jealousy. This passion in Scorpio is sometimes more ardent than the love that gave birth to it.
It is difficult for the Gemini to understand this. Of course, he also has experiences associated with the fear of losing his woman, who can leave him for some man, but the crushing storms of jealousy of the Scorpio woman are incomprehensible to him.
When she is hurt or she simply suspects that she can be hurt, her sting is capable of delivering a fatal blow. And whether the man is guilty of what he is accused of, or not - it does not matter. For most women ruled by Pluto, revenge is indeed pleasant, especially if her Sun was in an unfavorable planetary environment at birth.
Knowing this, the Gemini man, who cannot help but be a little flighty and capricious , must understand that for this girl there is no such thing as an affair, but only an all-consuming eternal passion.
No one (except perhaps the Aries woman) can be as jealous as the Scorpio woman.
Taurus or Cancer?
No, the word "possessive" is more suitable for these signs.
They often cry and suffer deep down, but they do not often make stormy scenes.
Possessive and jealous women are not quite the same thing. Any man who has once tested this on himself understands the difference well.
This is a combination of signs, where Scorpio represents the sixth astrological house for Gemini, and Gemini is the eighth house for Scorpio, so in this relationship there will be mutual favors, selfless devotion and respect, plus a strong sexual attraction (if we are talking about lovers or spouses.
When relatives, friends, business partners are involved, then other things will be important to them, not sex).
Business proposals here will come from Scorpio, and the sexual vibration from Gemini. This may surprise you, because sex is not the main interest for this man, unless it is accompanied by poetry, experiments free from conventions, or complex games.
He can surprise with his beauty, charm, masculinity, intelligence and romanticism, but not with excessive sexuality, and this will be the case with anyone except Scorpio.
That is why it seems strange that she finds him so physically irresistible, as he does her (although it is not so difficult to understand).
Or maybe it is this elusive atmosphere of childishness, the countless tricks of his reflection in the mirror, the transitions from one mood to another that increase her desire? He seems to keep a secret, albeit a small one, but at least a secret or a mystery that cannot be solved, and this attracts Scorpio like a flame attracts a moth. She must know him to satisfy her mind and her heart, and this may attract her for many years, until eventually she will understand that no one will ever know all the facets of this man, not even Scorpio. Around the same time, he will understand that it is better not to play his favorite game of "guess who I am" with her.
He will simply be scared, thinking that he will slowly, probably, be found out more than he would like. And this may become the denouement of their romance, unless, of course, each of them is ready to honestly face their common difficulties and be sincere.
He may engage in analysis and criticism of what she is silent about - after all, he sees that she is thinking about something.
However, by doing this, he may get into more trouble than he expects: personal inviolability is sacred to her, and he should have understood this. It is better not to touch on some things in relationship with each other, because the resulting resentment may grow into a high and thick wall of alienation.
In order to break down the wall, he uses his entire arsenal: charm, jokes, numerous romantic techniques, as well as a vigorous imagination in lovemaking. She will use the most exquisite manners, cold aloofness and soothing tenderness.
They will both try all the aces that are hidden up their sleeves, and these two (or three, counting his twin) have quite a few tricks in store.
And the surest way is sometimes the only one they haven't tried: leave more space between their hearts so that love can breathe freely.
He agrees, but she may be scared, as she would be afraid of a black and unknown abyss.
This new and unfamiliar space consists of Air, and, in fact, it is his element.
But her element is Water, and so that she can breathe, they need unity.
It is always sad when a Gemini man and a Scorpio woman realize that they have lost the path to happiness, because he has always believed in everything magical and amazing... as she does. She believes in even stranger magical powers.
But the mysterious, indomitable Pluto makes her silent.
And she, submitting to these inexplicable forces, cannot express in words her most secret dreams with such ease as Gemini.
And this is sad...
If only he will not be so intolerant of her strong passions, her deep feelings...
If only she can find a way to make his restless spirit understand that she, too, wants to unravel all the secrets lying there, among the stars and comets, and she, too, wants to breathe freely, to compete in speed with the wind and to seek the wonders of childhood, half-forgotten, but half-preserved in memory... The cold night wind is undoubtedly more refreshing than the darkness of the damp caves of anxiety, where Scorpios are ruled by Pluto.
Too often this woman and man stretch out their hands - and cannot touch each other.
They shout something, but he hears only the music of the wind, and she hears only the sound of the waves running onto the shore. If they stop and hear each other's secret call, they can fly so high that they will see everything differently. Even their relationship.
gemini man
scorpio woman
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