gemini man and libra woman
Gemini Man — Libra Woman
This combination is an astrological factor, which is beyond dispute.The Gemini man is irresistible.
And the poor Libra girl, so balanced yesterday, loses her head and gives her heart to a man who does not promise her a definite future.
She is ready, she agrees, although he has a hundred moods and a thousand plans! But if you look at it from the other side...
Duality is so natural for Gemini and Libra!
Let's watch how the Libra woman, so irresistible in her helpless femininity, convinces the poor Gemini man that it was his own idea to do the only sensible and logical thing after falling in love - to get married, and also to find a job and settle down in one place, with one person...
Who will win this romantic game?
Often it depends on who has the stronger Moon sign, and yet it is usually not he, but she. It is so funny when the wizard Gemini is fooled by his own magic tricks, with a few new tricks added to them!
But there is a certain fairness in it.
He has been charming girls all his life.
In these love stories, he managed to never be found guilty, possessing an enviable ability to cope with any situation. For this, so little is needed: the ability to play with words with the innocent look of a little boy.
Now he meets a woman, who in a game of "deception" not only hits his balls, but sends them back to him. After he was made to think that he had charmed and conquered her, after he allowed her to tie his free spirit in marriage (Libra girls agree only to a wedding ring), after all this, he discovers that behind her softness, tenderness, persuasively friendly manners, there is a bright mind, a strong will and steely determination.
This is not a soft kitten - this is an infantry general of the Women's Army Auxiliary Service!
Under the guise of justice, femininity and helplessness, Libra women always get their way.
Ultimately, Libra is a masculine sign, and I remind you of this again. But no one, not even Libra, can fool Gemini with their brilliant intellect for long.
True, she did not intend to deceive anyone.
It's just that love is a war between the sexes, and a woman who wants to defeat a man must be good at wielding her weapon.
Her intelligence, which so attracted him at the beginning of their love, will make him wary.
She takes away his advantage, making him show his temper, lose his calm and balance.
Thus, he feels defeated, while she tearfully declares that he is a tyrant, and the fact that he is angry only shows that he is wrong.
So again and again she leads him around her finger, using his own trick.
And he cannot prick her with any flaw in her arguments, because she is capable of doing things with such subtlety that it generally seems that everything she does is only to defend her fairly.
The Libra woman cannot tolerate coercion, although perhaps not as much as the Gemini, Pisces, Aries or Sagittarius. Her Gemini husband had better not put pressure on her.
Just remember: Libra in astrology rules China, and even if you are a master in solving Chinese riddles, you cannot guess how to behave with Eastern people.
They seem soft and patient and do not seem to resist, but they can nevertheless always find some subtle way to disarm the opposite side.
A Gemini man will never achieve complete victory over a Libra woman.
As soon as he thinks that he has achieved success, she already uses another tactic or emotional strategy and will catch him off guard again. She will try to win, but if this does not work, she can analyze the reasons of failures so calmly, as if nothing special had happened.
And in this they are similar.
They are generally similar in many ways and often complement each other even in those areas where they differ. In essence, Gemini and Libra are surprisingly compatible and possess many virtues (as well as vices, common to both).
They respect what the other says and thinks. True, sometimes he can hurt her.
But he himself will be upset. He did not mean it at all, it is just that his verbal explosions can be too harsh for the Libra girl, who covers every opinion with gentle tact and politeness. And yet, with his amazing Mercury charm, he will make her believe that he did not mean what he said (which, perhaps, was so: Geminis never hold on to what they said).
Their physical connection can be incomprehensible to those born under the signs of Fire and Earth.
The love of this couple will always be more poetic and ghostly than sensual. But thanks to their initial compatibility, these men and women are as attached to each other as those lovers or spouses whose union is based on ardent passion. Love is always more important to these two than sex - this will connect their intimacy with beauty.
These two do not look at love as a hunger that needs to be satisfied. Their mutual pleasure is like a pure drink that must be slowly savoured, and not swallowed greedily or blindly. The Libra woman knows how to create a special atmosphere of purification around passion. Rudeness, vulgarity, vulgarity and obscenity offend her.
Of course, the Moon or Ascendant in an Earth sign or tensity between Venus and Mars in her birth chart can weaken these qualities, but we are, as always, talking about a typical Sun sign.
There is little chance that a Gemini man will insult her in this way. After all, they feel the same, although he sometimes thinks that a little variety is not so bad ...
She believes that their union must definitely become a marriage.
And she will become his wife or leave him (Libra in astrology is known to rule marriage). A typical Libra girl, who usually makes decisions so difficult, may catch herself on the fact that she is ready to marry a Gemini without even weighing all the pros and cons.
You know, the mark of a good salesman is his ability to make people fight over the product he is trying to sell, and Gemini is the Supreme salesman. When the thing he is selling is himself, the Libra girl is as fooled by the brilliance and charm of Mercury as the entire admiring audience.
She is sensible, intelligent, perceptive and all that, but it seems that these qualities will not save her if she gives her heart to this gentle man with the lively eyes, the easy gestures and the unclear future...
Collectoring money and concerning about financial problems are not the life's work of Libra and Gemini, with the exception of the rare representatives of these signs who almost accidentally wander into banking. For Gemini, money becomes something essential when it is not there, and it is very needed.
For Libra, money is important because of the beautiful, comfortable things that can be bought with it.
If the Gemini man does not throw money down the drain and does not engage in risky speculation, his spending is most often associated with a new idea, a vacation or a change of residence.
The Libra woman is more likely to spend money on clothes, dancing, sculpture, music and yoga lessons, on decorating the house or a beautiful living room (the Moon sign or Ascendant in both birth charts can slightly change the picture).
Their home will probably be filled with music, books - and children, which will not prevent them from traveling a lot.
If you add a harmonious Solar-Moon aspect between their horoscopes to their 5-9 union, they will be so easy together!
And if over time the air between them becomes damp and foggy for some reason, they will still have a chance to return to each other's arms.
As a sign of apology, he will send her flowers, and she will remember that he is so similar to a little boy, and will not pay attention to his shortcomings.
She will fall in love with him again and start all over again, analyzing why she loves him. But she will not solve the riddle until she realizes that he is a Gemini - two people in one.
And she herself needs, having gone through duality, to find harmony, because this is what Venus expects from her.
gemini man
libra woman
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