gemini man and aquarius woman
Gemini Man - Aquarius Woman
She looked at him with the most sincere admiration, and he thought it was because he ran away, but in fact it was because he knew fairies.These two will certainly notice each other in a crowd, and there are many reasons for this.
But the main thing is the music that they both hear, and sometimes only they. The Aquarius girl has always felt that no one really understands her. Most often, people judge her wrongly, thinking that her head is full of wild inventions and that she is a crazy girl, born several centuries prematurely. He does not think so.
But no one has ever really understood him either.
People generally misjudge him, considering him unreliable, too talkative, and utterly irresponsible.
Almost everyone, that is, except her.
The first recognition of the kinship between Gemini and Aquarius always reminds one of the meeting of the Little Prince and the pilot in Saint-Exupéry. As a child, the pilot drew a picture of a boa constrictor that had swallowed an elephant.
Whoever he showed the picture to, people never guessed that it was a boa constrictor that had swallowed an elephant, and they always said: "Yes, this hat is very well drawn."
And when others don't understand you, you feel so lonely...
One day, when he was already an adult, the pilot met a strange little boy in the desert who asked him to draw him a sheep.
The irritated pilot drew the same picture from his childhood - the one that everyone took for a hat. But the Little Prince (and it was he) shaked his head and said: "No, no; I don't need a boa constrictor that swallowed an elephant. I asked you to draw me a sheep."
This is the music I have in mind.
You don't need to explain anything... but you are understood!
Only music, not ordinary words, can convey that part of the joy that boils up in the soul when, after long years of lonely, fruitless searching, you find a person who really (not almost, but really) understands and acknowledges all your secret aspirations and attempts at communication - everything that others laughed at.
Later, it may turn out that this music from other spheres contains a couple of unpleasant notes somewhere in the middle of the symphony of love between Aquarius and Gemini. But this is such a trifle compared to those inharmonious melodies and ragged rhythms that they both had to endure before they finally found each other!
Although there is no such thing as a perfect relationship, this Sun Sign pattern comes closer to this state than any other combination. If the Sun and Moon of this pair are in conjunction or in favorable trine or sextile aspects, these two can achieve harmony in life and in love. Even without such planetary help, they are more compatible with each other than many others, and usually remain friends if they are destined to separate.
But one of them is always ahead of the other on the Zodiac wheel - both in spiritual level and in karmic experience. In this case, it is the Aquarius woman, who in a subconscious, spiritual sense is wiser than the Gemini man she loves.
Therefore, it is she who will have to both give more and be more tolerant. Most Aquarians understand well what patience is.
Uranus, who taught them humanism, gives birth to the spirit of brotherhood in the Aquarius woman.
Perhaps she has too many friends - at least in the opinion of men born under other signs.
The Gemini man may not find time to be indignant at the strange surroundings she gathers, because he himself is too busy socializing.
If they are both typical of their signs, their home will be filled with people rather than empty.
These two can make many mistakes, but they will always be interesting mistakes, and very rarely boring ones.
His mistake is most likely to be the hope that she will put up with his petty deceptions. Aquarius women claim to be absolutely honest and open in all relationships.
They do what they want and never hide it, regardless of whether society approves of it or not. But the Gemini man is insightful and smart enough to see a special kind of her dishonesty, which consists in omitting some details. True, she tells the truth, but sometimes not all of it, but only part of it, only what she wants to talk about, never revealing all of her cards.
When he accuses her of this, she feigns surprise and offense. He may point out to her that she has other ways of not being entirely truthful - sometimes she expresses her true feelings in a way that only someone as crazy as she is could understand them correctly.
The game of honesty between Gemini and Aquarius is very complex, and they are the only ones who can unravel all the knots.
Sometimes they do it, sometimes they don't, but they never stop trying - both of them love intellectual games, both are amateur detectives who instinctively do not miss a single detail.
In Gemini, this talent is obvious, while in Aquarius it is sometimes hidden under a mask of innocence and indifference.
She is mistaken in thinking that he means exactly what he says. A Gemini man never means what he says.
He uses words as bait to charm, cajole, persuade and cajole, and sometimes as weapons to mockingly tease and hurt.
Another mistake is to cry in front of a Gemini man. Too emotional scenes frighten him like a child, and in response he often says words that seem cold and indifferent. And this is just a weapon - this is how he protects himself from the pain that sympathy brings.
He does not want any pain if it can be avoided.
The Gemini man weaves words into sentences like a skilled magician, pulling out strings of colored beads, taking out another rabbit or a fluttering scarf from his hat, making the audience sigh and gasp with admiration.
Today he is happy, tomorrow he is unhappy, the day after tomorrow he is cheerful and full of energy.
His emotions are sincere, they are real.
They just don't last long.
The Aquarius girl usually tolerates his mood swings better than most women, and do you know why?
Most often, she simply doesn't notice anything - nothing at all.
See that foggy, distant expression in her eyes? This is because she flew away somewhere into the clouds or into the future, instantly losing touch with the Earth and everything on it, including his moods.
In her youth, an Aquarius girl surrounds her lover (sometimes imaginary) with an aura that would never stay over the head of an average man with the usual set of flaws.
She learns to hide her vulnerability under the mask of a calm, friendly attitude like "let's be friends", and if she agrees to less, she still keeps in her soul the sentimental illusions of her youth.
Therefore, the older she is when she meets a Gemini, the less she will be upset by his easy attitude to love.
By that time, she will learn this herself.
Aquarius almost always has this strange turn.
If she marries more than once, the last marriage is quite late, when she finds someone who needs the wisdom of Uranus.
Then she will turn this person into the star dream of her youth, usually achieving the realization of her ideal of love-friendship.
The last love can also be a Gemini, who also seeks a combination of love and friendship and mixes these two feelings as often as she does.
Both the Aquarius woman and the Gemini man have inner fears and doubts about their sexual attractiveness.
At some point in their past, they both could have had some problems related to their sexuality. Perhaps someone reproached them for failure or insensitivity, but this "someone!" could simply be a person of the Fire, Earth or Water sign.
Together, they will be able to prove to each other the falsity of such accusations.
Gemini and Aquarius know how to give as much as is expected of them, and rarely demand more than they are given, and isn't this how you can achieve a happy balance in a sexual union?
Unless either of them has an inharmonious Venus or Mars, they should get more sexual satisfaction from their physical union than with any partners they have ever had or may have in the future.
Sometimes they have to separate, but these two almost always remain close people, finding in each other the same kinship as in the beginning.
When Gemini or Aquarius is hurt, they both retreat back to a safe, emotionally undemanding friendship.
Friendship is a wonderful thing, but sometimes Gemini and Aquarius sacrifice love for it, because love requires more faith and courage than mere friendship.
There is some obvious secret between this man and this woman, a shining thread that connects them,
if they are true soulmates, like Aries and Leo, Taurus and Capricorn... If they want, they can pull on this thread and attract each other again. Of course, not every union is a necessary soulmate, but it always allows these two to get to know each other more easily than lovers under the influence of other Sun sign patterns.
If only he understands that when she laughs, she can sob inside, and when she cries, she can rejoice inside...
And if only she understands that he can fly away today and come back tomorrow (or next week, next month, or year, but sooner or later - for sure), there will be more pleasure in their love than pain.
Together, Gemini and Aquarius can work miracles - for example, fuse several realities into one enchanted one.
And they would never take a drawing of a boa constrictor swallowing an elephant for a picture of an ordinary hat.
gemini man
aquarius woman
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