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gemini man and capricorn woman



Gemini Man - Capricorn Woman

The Capricorn woman can't help it that she is wise beyond her years, just as the Gemini man can't help it if he sometimes acts like an irresponsible little boy.

In our society, until very recently, it was believed that a man should be strong, mature, and practical. And a woman - something ethereal, helpless, and unpredictable.

It is fortunate for Capricorn and Gemini that we have finally realized her right to be practical and smart, along with his right to occasionally dream, be sensitive, and be frivolous.

This is fortunate for all of us, but especially for these two. They have enough problems with their differences, why force them to conform to someone else's prejudiced ideas of Man and Woman? Them, the Gemini man and the Capricorn woman?

The genders of these two Sun Signs appear to be what they should be. Her sign is feminine, his is masculine.

However, it's not that simple.

True, the sign of Capricorn is a feminine sign, but it is ruled by old Saturn, which is definitely a masculine planet.

And the sign of Gemini is a feminine sign, but it is ruled by wily Mercury, the Great Pretender, a planet known for its deceptive propensity , capable of instantly changing its gender from male to female, and back again.

So there will be problems here.

Of course, they are surmountable, but they make life somehow uncomfortable.

Situations may arise when he accuses her of callousness and insensitivity, and she accuses him of inconstancy and emotional immaturity.

And in a sense, both of them really are like that. However, a loving and faithful woman with a brilliant sense of humor is also her. She just needs to feel that she stands on solid ground, and not on the shaky ground of constant change, which can disappear from under her feet at any moment (all Capricorns have a subconscious fear of earthquakes).

In the same way, a Gemini man is capable of showing a deeper sincerity than is expected of him, if he is not constantly cornered with suspicions, gloomy predictions for the future... and "naggling".

There is such a strange insect — a praying mantis, the female of which during mating often bites off the head of the male — he has read about this somewhere (Gemini has read about everything). And he begins to feel like a male praying mantis when the woman he loves literally "eats" him, depriving him of self-confidence and believing that her constant disapproval is an expression of her devotion. But criticism and severity do not help Gemini show their best qualities.

And yet, they may well have a family.

Her intentions regarding the future are always clearly defined, and it is probably better for her to manage the family's money. It is not that he is not clever with numbers - most Geminis can make a computer turn green with envy.

She will simply be able to spend it more wisely and invest it more successfully in a business.

However, if his Moon or Ascendant is in Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn or Cancer, Gemini will not take money frivolously.

Oddly enough, both of these signs are often called cold by astrologers (not to mention friends and relatives). Hers - because of Saturn's severity and its stern influence on her behavior, his - because he belongs to the element of Air, always a little detached and distant. Nevertheless, she is capable of earthly, even fiery love, although Saturn's iron control over her emotions helps her to remain reasonable.

She understands that she should not give free rein to her feelings until she is sure that it is serious.

As for Gemini, this sign has yet to experience (in the spiritual sense, of course) the true rapture of love (or its torment).

He, from a secret, karmic side , does not yet know its true depth, but is not the premonition beautiful? Of course it is; and his rapturous dreams can make her rise above reality, while her quiet love is the steady flame of a candle that lights his way and promises peace in his periods of doubt.

Sometimes the Capricorn woman can be too good, too perfect, too reliable for the Gemini man to cope with.

All these “too”s highlight his own imperfections.

Even her devotion suddenly becomes offensive to him... but only because he suspects that he himself cannot do it.

This both frightens and upsets him, and he is even capable of... running away for a while, and then returning again - another facet of Gemini confusion in matters of the heart.

As you have already understood, their sexual relations will not always be a smoking volcano of passion.

However, oddly enough, this may well suit both of them.

Even in the most intimate moments, he needs to feel his independence and freedom.

And she, too, surprisingly.

A Capricorn woman (remember the harsh power of Saturn!) is unlikely to be able to completely lose her head in a fit of passion. Nor is a Gemini man capable of this, whose dual nature consists of two "I".

When one "I"-twin worries, the other calmly observes his emotions.

This is how the Sun sign of Gemini learns - at the level of Mercurian sensitivity. But a Capricorn woman can somehow inexplicably make him forget about everything except desire.

For him, Capricorn represents the eighth astrological house of sexual mystery (as well as the deeper secrets of life and death).

The typical Capricorn girl lives in a calm, traditional and very real world, guided by wisdom in everything. The Gemini man lives in a vaguely defined space, full of fantasies and seething mental activity, and is guided by curiosity.

From time to time, it would be very useful for them to change places, or rather, worlds - not for the purpose of criticism, but as they travel to a distant fairy-tale land to enjoy the unusual and beautiful and then return with joy.

By the way, if they really travel a lot, he will be happy.

She - hardly, unless her Moon or Ascendant is in the constellation of Gemini or Aries, Leo, Sagittarius or Pisces.

This woman is not one of those who can pitch a tent and call it home.

True, with age, strangely enough, she is able to become more easy-going, and the thought of traveling will soften her look and lift her spirits, but from any trip she is so glad to return home! Although there are plenty of career-Capricorns, initially she is a woman who is very happy to sit, like a cricket, by her hearth.

The Gemini man has nothing against the hearth and can play the role of a perfect family man for months and even years, and then - vzh-zh-zh! - the wind blew and carried him away to a new adventure, even if it is just a trip to a neighboring city, where he can get lost for a few days in order to find himself again.

As is the case with many Sun signs, they were probably introduced by someone, because Gemini and Capricorn rarely come together on their own (unless her Sun was trine his Moon at birth, or vice versa). However, once they notice each other, mutual interest makes itself known.

The Gemini man may joke all the time, but often it is just a disguise. He feels that people will not believe the naked truth anyway, because it is too obvious.

So he disguises it. The fickle truth of Gemini always has two completely opposite sides.

But Capricorn believes that honesty must be absolute, and there is no room for two-sided truth. Gemini may find this attitude too harsh, because his free flow of ideas allows for options and freedom of expression.

He doesn't know where ideas come from, but they never end!

She will want him to find a job with a future and a reasonable paycheck in the present, and will probably decide to get a house.

Capricorns are not very fond of living in multi-apartment anthills.

And he does not really need this kind of security, since Geminis, as a rule, do not need roots. He will be much happier with a million dollars in his head (in the form of ideas) and a hundred in the bank than vice versa.

He believes that the first option has much more possibilities. She, as you understand, is sure of the opposite.

He does not understand her and, maybe, he never will. It seems to him that his ideas and his imagination are the most valuable thing.

Even a Gemini man with a strong Virgo, Cancer or Capricorn influence is capable of suddenly forgetting about caution for the sake of some new goal or project that has come into his head (into one of his heads!).

If their relationship starts to fall apart, it will not be easy for the Capricorn woman. After she has given her destiny to one man, she cannot so easily take back her gift. She cannot take it as easy as he does.

When she loves, she assumes that it is forever. But when she decides that her "forever" has reached a dead end, there will be no hysterical scenes with sobs and accusations. She will simply leave - and not return.

No Sun sign can be so unsentimental when no other solution is possible.

But... you see what you see, and her tender heart is torn apart by grief, which is also painful because she is experiencing it alone.

A Gemini man may exclaim something like: "How little I have achieved - how enormous is what has not yet been achieved!" Then he will cry over the missed opportunities and lost chances... over the love that was unrequited or wasted...

Yes, of course...

But tomorrow will be a day - a bright, new, promising day! Who knows what magic is hidden in it?

Perhaps... yes, perhaps even reconciliation and a chance to start all over again. And this time he will be more tender with the timid Capricorn girl.

Capricorn, if their romance or marriage ends, will not smile so soon, and as for a bright tomorrow - it will not seem so to her.

That is why she will try to save their relationship. Her love is able to withstand a hurricane of temporary discord, because Saturn is on her side.
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