gemini man and aries woman
Aries Woman — Gemini Man
Aries woman and Gemini man can, holding hands tightly, skip through life like children. But an invariant is just as possible, when their relationship will be full of sarcastic, furious squabbles that do not stop from morning to evening.Often the emotional combination of Mars and Mercury in love experience gives rise to obsessive tenderness, interspersed with sharp grievances, which makes both delight and unhappiness equally possible.
Gemini is to blame for this, unlike other Air signs, expressing both admiration and contempt so clearly and unmistakably, and Aries, unlike other Fire signs, captured by the instantaneous passion of love or hate, never thinking about possible consequences.
Without a doubt, they can expect frequent and stormy arguments, but these skirmishes are devoid of anger. They speak frankly, fiercely, but somehow not too seriously, as if they know that in the midst of the wildest quarrel they can throw themselves into each other's arms. It is said about them:
Someone loves cautiously - As if hatred is possible.
We gently hate - We see love in this...
There is always a little restraint in the love of an Aries woman and a Gemini man.
When they fall in love with each other, neither one thinks how the romance will end or what the marriage will be like. The initial mutual attraction, the magnetic attraction of these carefree natures makes both trustingly reach out to each other, not caring about the possible end. If it comes (in any form: separation, divorce or death), the memories of love are so naive, exciting and full of blind faith, like a child's heart on Christmas Eve, that they soften the memory of any offense or grief experienced.
Their seemingly cloudless relationship can be overshadowed by jealousy. A typical Aries woman is insanely jealous and is rarely able to soberly realize this.
This is not a matter of a highly developed sense of possessiveness, but of the symbolic fear of the "terrible child" of being abandoned (which would mean a catastrophe for him) and the urgent need to constantly hear words of love.
This is explained by the fact that Aries is often childishly helpless and completely dependent on long-term and continuous affection, although he carefully hides this under the guise of freedom, independence and complete independence, thus protecting himself from the outside world.
The typical Gemini man is not very jealous, and this is precisely why, oddly enough, the Aries woman may have significant difficulties. You see, she secretly wants him to be jealous. It looks like he will have to pretend.
Whether she realizes it or not, she, Aries, simply needs to arouse jealousy in her man.
This confirms her importance to him, and she needs so much of this evidence that no one can overdo it. The Gemini man can satisfy her desire if she starts to behave too provocatively, but more often than not he is too busy changing his wardrobe, moods, ideals, dreams and inclinations to pay attention to her innocent flirtation, with the help of which she hopes to tease him.
He, on the other hand, will not have to try hard to arouse her mad jealousy.
It is enough to gently greet the saleswoman from the newsstand on the corner.
And since he has a strong love of freedom and a fear of emotional shackles, this cannot continue for long. She will have to somehow learn to control or hide her fears, but he, too, must understand that her behavior is caused by an inner fear that she lacks femininity.
The type of a smooth, sexually seductive, soft cat with a chicken brain, which every man desires, has been promoted for so long that it is impossible to judge the Aries woman harshly for the neurosis she has developed about her quick mind, straightforwardness and lack of insinuating feminine cunning.
She has courage and initiative, she is energetic and ambitious, and these are all supposedly masculine traits.
Men believe that they have an exclusive right to these qualities.
What should an Aries woman do to be considered feminine?
Rub her cheek on her lover's shoulder, purr: "Darling, you are delightful" - and never do anything herself?
A bit too pathetic, isn't it?
Oh, I suppose there are other ways to prove your femininity, such as: washing, ironing, cooking, diapering babies, chatting, ironing, washing, cooking, giving birth to children...
Am I repeating myself?
I'm sorry, I started to get angry.
As an Aries myself, I've never understood why a girl should be called impudent just because she's smart and doesn't hide it.
If most men prefer a robot housewife to a real woman, that's their problem.
Aries women, like Sagittarius and Leo women, are great at doing men's things, and they do some things much better.
They can endure more pain than men, have the common sense and special logic to understand that war has never solved anything, and be able to sense danger and evil long before they appear - these are just some of our advantages.
We are also more sensitive, intuitive and physical, certainly more compassionate and yet far more realistic than men. But not so sentimental. (Didn't you know that men are sentimental?
So much so that women have been taught to see the poetry and beauty of Life!)
Feminists would do well to know the limits of their equality and superiority to men, but they too must "become aware of the limits of male equality and superiority to women. Then we can talk about true femininity and masculinity.
The Aries woman, with her innocent belief in miracles, is destined one day to meet a man who is looking for a real woman, and he may turn out to be a representative of the sign of Gemini.
He may have, if not two heads , then dual desires, and he feels an urgent need to play mental games with the woman he loves. A serene siren looking at him with quiet, trembling passion is not for the Gemini man, because it is easier than trying to compete with him in barbs. He definitely falls in love first with his mind, then with his heart, and only then does physical desire arise.
This is the order in which a romance with a Gemini develops.
As for Aries, the order is almost the same.
She falls in love first with her heart, then quickly turns on her mind, and finally physical desire. The initial patterns do not coincide, but this is not so important, since both first need mental and emotional attraction.
This is a wonderfully successful formula.
Since he cannot help but appreciate the constant intellectual challenge of the Aries girl, she will eventually believe that he loves her for who she is. Then she can be truly affectionate and tender with a man who proves his superiority in some things, but at the same time clearly admires her own qualities.
This is a difficult trick, but the Gemini man can pull it off. His natural charm and brio (some call it flattery) will help to appease her Mars vanity.
She may have a hard time accommodating his typical Gemini habit of being late. She herself is often not entirely perfect in this respect, but Aries are prone to losing their temper when their own weapons are turned against them.
As for physical compatibility, he is one of the few men capable of creating the magical spectacle that this woman must associate with sex.
The ideal of sexual expression of love for her is a multi-colored multi-layered structure woven from all the books she has read, all the films she has cried over, from all the bright hopes that have ever lived in the depths of her heart. She is literally convinced that the moment they become one, the bells must ring.
With him, she can hear them, because his imagination is capable of supporting all the fantasies she needs to make her Cinderella dreams come true.
It is this type of empathy that makes them fall in love, sometimes at first sight (they cannot be accused of being slow).
But later, it will take more than fantasy to keep their love burning brightly when his Gemini-like detachment begins to interfere, because for her, sex does not exist only in the imagination.
She needs something tangible, too.
She may feel that he never gives himself to her completely, and she will probably be right. She keeps nothing for herself, and he may not be able to arouse in her the physical impulses that are so natural to Aries. She will then decide that magical stories are nothing without a fire to kindle them, and she will become irritable or, even worse, frigid.
This is a delicate matter, but the relationship will have a better chance of success if the Moon and (or) Ascendant in his birth chart are in a Fire sign.
Otherwise he will not be able to teach her what she will feel capable of after his idealistic preparations have overcome her initial slowness.
The Gemini Prince may wake the Aries Princess with a kiss, but she will fall asleep again unless she experiences all-encompassing passion , never knowing what was to happen.
Then the Fire of the Aries sign may turn into Ice, and this will be a great loss, for she has so much to give when her fiery nature is helped to develop.
gemini man
aries woman
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