taurus man and sagittarius woman
Taurus Man - Sagittarius Woman
Trying to combine the calmness of Taurus with the emotionality of Sagittarius is like trying to pull a camel through the eye of a needle, their relationship resembles a tug-of-war, although if you make up for the shortcomings of one with what the other has in abundance, together you can get a whole person or something like that.The "rose-colored glasses" of the Sagittarius girl help her not to notice most troubles.
She sees only the good in everything, and this makes the Bull smile indulgently at her naivety and idealism. When troubles do happen, her heart wounds heal more slowly than her hurt pride.
Unrequited love, or rather, love for a man who has not lived up to her trust, plunges her into a depressed state for a long time.
But the understanding participation of the patient Bull can convince her that not all men are worthless, who cannot be trusted.
Often, when he plays the Big Brother and wipes away her tears, everything ends in love.
She likes his reliability, and his stubborn faith calms the storm in her soul.
So she can decide that he is the man of her dreams.
Maybe so... Or maybe not. If the Sun and Moon in their horoscopes are favorably located, they will never be bored together, but with negative aspects of the luminaries, they will need a certain amount of courage.
She loves to argue, and she loves to cross swords with a worthy opponent.
The trouble is that the Taurus man does not like to argue.
He does not even like too long explanations. So for this she can invite her friends.
But this will only make things worse: the Bull does not like it when noisy strangers crowd in his domain! It takes a long time to smooth out the rough edges.
The plot of many of their tragicomedies is often centered on the same thing: his stubbornness and her extravagance.
She usually quickly forgets her anger, but the Bull can be offended for a very long time.
So it would be good for her to know that just one gentle kiss can make the Bull forget about all his troubles!
Their mutual physical attraction is extremely strong and can soften all the contradictions of their relationship.
Her directness and selflessness help Taurus not to be afraid of his own feelings, and she feels with him not just passionately desired , but truly loved. But it may still happen that he will be completely happy, and she...
The Sagittarius woman sometimes sees an imaginary lover, a long-standing ideal of her romantic dreams, so that at times the Taurus man is overcome by a strange feeling that he is not involved here.
Of course, it is better for him to remain silent, so that everything does not end in one of the Sagittarius disputes, because the target at the most inopportune moment may be his male pride.
And yet, despite her visions in dreams and reality and other antics, lovers exist only in her restless thoughts, and not when she has a living, warm, kind "teddy bear" that she can take with her to bed.
The Sagittarius woman willingly lets herself fall in love if the hand that is extended to her, and which she does not want to let go, is the hand of a friend.
True, he believes that a woman's place is at home, and closer to the kitchen and bedroom.
If she believes that her life has meaning only next to her lover and does not object, their relationship can last a long time. If not... they will still find a way out of the situation.
True love will always find a way.
taurus man
sagittarius woman
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