taurus man and virgo woman
Taurus Man - Virgo Woman
Virgo girls cannot stand clutter.Most of them are extremely neat.
Sometimes you come across Virgos who tolerate a little clutter around them.
But in their heads, everything is always tidy, all thoughts are neatly laid out on the shelves, and you will never find tobacco crumbs in their purses.
But Taurus men have a tendency to be a little sloppy. Some of them are frankly careless.
Some of them are just slobs.
They are too busy earning their daily bread to carefully comb their hair, remove crumbs and ashes, hang shirts on hangers or polish their shoes until they shine.
The practical Ox may treat money with reverence, but not to the extent of, for example, washing and ironing bills.
For him, even a crumpled banknote is money, no worse than gold. In the same way, a person in a crumpled shirt is also a person, and also no worse than gold. Sometimes, some Taurus may pay increased attention to his appearance, but will not make a cult out of it.
There is an opinion regarding Virgo girls that can shock the Ox.
Her love of order and critical mindset create the impression of conservatism, verging on puritanism.
In fact, Virgo's puritanical morality is an astrological myth.
She simply examines facts, studies actions, and processes this data with her mathematical mind.
She has a clear opinion, although she does not express it, regarding what is best for whom. Her insightful observations lead her to the idea that this "best" can be anything - from building monasteries to encouraging the nudist movement. To each his own.
Emotions rarely get mixed in (unless she has an overly "sensitive" Moon). That is why Virgo girls are sometimes accused of having overly strict morals, which is not really their nature. Virgos are even curious. Indeed, is it possible to fix a crack in a vase without examining it?
The Bull is not inclined to talk about ethics and morals.
He simply feels what is right and what is not, and then acts with blind determination, and does not think too much about possible difficulties. When different paths of searching for truth lead them to the same conclusions, everything is fine.
But this is not always the case.
Over time, the Taurus man begins to appreciate the peculiar honesty of his girlfriend and understands that her love of analysis and dislike of labeling are not a disadvantage, but an absolute advantage. But before that, the loving Virgo girl will have to convince her conservatively stubborn Bull that her views on public morality do not at all reflect her own personal principles.
The Taurus man, like Caesar, believes that his woman should be above reproaches and suspicions.
Perhaps this is so, but she may not be above reproaches against him if he turns sex into a subject for jokes.
For her, it is a beautiful, pure feeling, worthy of respect and requiring concentration and experience.
Her analytical approach may at first cool his ardor somewhat, but most likely they will overcome this temporary difficulty.
Romantic love and sentimental affection in their relationship will play no less important a role than passion. In most cases, this couple will have an amazing ability to satisfy each other's inner needs, because they have a rare gift of mutual understanding.
The word "practicality" does not sound very romantic.
However, love with such a foundation is the most durable. Neither Virgo nor Taurus will give in to emotions or anger if it does not make sense.
He may grumble at times, or she may have indigestion from worry, but they both want the same thing: "Give me the strength to change what I can change, or accept what I cannot change. And give me the wisdom to distinguish one from the other."
Only next to him does she feel safe, and he values the protection of her embrace, the refreshing quiet flow of her controlled emotions.
He will say something very witty, she will laugh with her quiet silvery laugh... and then the word "practicality" can sound romantic.
She is capable of being petty, but never unreasonable.
Virgo's passion for small things and the pleasure that Taurus gets from ordinary sensations want to be combined into one whole. He likes the smell of cedar new pencils, and she likes to sharpen them.
He likes the sharp, clean, cold touch of snow falling on his face... and she is delighted with the tiny sparkling stars that the snow is made of.
He likes to chew pine needles, feeling their fresh, sharp Christmas aroma.
She likes to collect them and fold them neatly.
Virgo and Ox can spend their whole lives together, delighted by the little ordinary miracles around them.
If only they don't ruin everything by expecting too much!
The eternal perfection she seeks is a mirage.
The eternal peace he seeks is too. They both strive for something real.
But the most real thing they can find is each other.
taurus man
virgo woman
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