taurus man and leo woman
Taurus Man - Leo Woman
Most Bulls behave at home more like they are in a china shop than in a queen's chambers.They are irritated by the very atmosphere when there are constantly "palace receptions" in the house; for the sensible Taurus man, this is too much!
It's not that he underestimates beauty - most Taurus men have hidden or overt talents in art.
It's just that his greatest talent is to look at the world through practical glasses.
He saves his money and feelings for a worthy cause, and crowns and red carpets, from his point of view, are not worth it.
A Leo girl is looking for a man who will recognize her as a queen and will be able (in addition to adoring and worshiping her) to provide her with the life she feels she deserves.
So you can understand how she feels if the Taurus man she loves expects her to huddle with him in a small apartment and bring him beer while he sits in his socks watching TV or reading the newspaper.
How mundane and plebeian!
So one evening she will surprise him: she will bring him a Perrier water with ice and a slice of lemon and a dainty china plate with cookies spread with caviar, she will hand him a New York magazine open to a catalog of houses worth two hundred thousand dollars and up, and she will lovingly put on his feet a pair of cozy, comfortable slippers.
He will quietly murmur words of gratitude and smile tenderly at her.
The next evening, when she comes back from the hairdresser, he will again be sitting with his beer, grumbling at her for being late and watching the news on TV - in his socks... Obviously, one of them has to sacrifice something.
But it will not be the Bull.
Bulls don't back down. They either hold their ground or they attack.
Believe me, she'd better admit it.
However, if she's willing to wait and not rush him, perhaps someday...
Of course, it won't be soon, but she simply won't find a man of greater ability (considering her invaluable help) who could actually give her a kingdom to rule.
Just give him time and don't nag him!
In 1971, I visited a castle in California, the property of the late William Randolph Hearst, a Taurus.
In everything , one could feel the Bull, creating from the most cherished dream a fairy-tale castle, real in every sense of the word.
This strange house of several hundred rooms was massively furnished.
Everything in the estate was larger than necessary (typical of the Bull's admiration for everything solid: the more , the better).
Wherever I looked, I could see Venus's taste for the "essential luxuries" such as gold fixtures in the bathroom, pure silk wallpaper and thick Persian rugs.
Any Bull man would be smitten after visiting Hearst Castle and seeing what a Taurus's dreams look like when they finally come true.
If he is in love with a Lioness, he should definitely take her with him.
On the way back, she will purr like a kitten.
Perhaps, then it will dawn on her that his feet in socks are leading him in the right direction.
And if she helps him, and does not become an obstacle on his difficult path, he may well become the very man who will one day give her a yacht for her birthday.
When the Ox finally achieves his goal, the Lioness will add her own touches to his wealth. She will find him comfortable and cozy, and he will walk softly in his socks on thick carpets to the sound of stereo violins, enveloped in a cloud of constant attention. And he will be happy.
But he will be offended if he is expected to go to dinner parties, play politics with her friends, fulfill her royal whims and dust her throne.
All this seems to him a shameful waste of time, and Oxen dislike wasting time even more than they dislike wasting money.
Although these two signs of the Zodiac are in a tense aspect , if they have the patience to wait out the hard times, everything will be fine.
If they are patient (and Taurus is generally patient), at least half of the problems will be solved. However, she is a Fire sign, and all Fire signs lack a little patience.
This creates additional difficulties such as constant irritability and tension.
When a Leo woman, proud, arrogant and even cold with strangers, falls into the arms of a man she truly loves, she stops being a fierce Lioness.
And the Bull will not resist when she starts to run her gentle hands through his hair, stroke his skin, massage his back, kiss his ear or stroke his hand.
The Taurus man is extremely sensitive to touch, voice and smell, and since almost all Leo women love to use perfume, he will be plunged into a state of complete ecstasy.
However, this man has always been afraid of becoming Samson in the power of the sensual Lioness-Delilah...
But if the energy between the Sun and Moon at the moment of their birth was tense (square or opposition), it will not be easy for them to achieve harmony in sexual relations. He may eventually get tired of trying to please her if she turns her back on him in bed and considers that he has not earned her royal favor at night because he was not attentive enough during the day. Or the Ox's overly grounded, unimaginative love may leave her lying sleepless next to him, yearning for a prince who will never come to conquer her love-hungry heart.
She may shed silent tears, but she is too proud to let him notice them or ever say anything about it.
And eventually, the sincere, sensual and loving Lioness may become completely frigid.
Frigidity is the secret fear of the naturally passionate Leo woman. If she, her fiery fantasies and ardent heart are constantly neglected, she may become cold and distant - this is her defensive reaction.
But it is so unnatural and so sad...
His bullish stubbornness and her false pride hinder them both. Their relationship lacks openness.
That is why they never discuss their personal disappointments, until their love turns into a comfortable friendship or ends in divorce. Sometimes one of them begins to seek oblivion in alcohol, drugs or casual relationships. Luckily, both of them are too noble to be treacherous, and too care about their reputation to expose themselves to ridicule.
But it is never too late to admit your guilt in order to work a miracle and solve the problem with affection and tenderness.
They both need to remember how their love began: this will make them softer and kinder and help change their relationship.
She will forgive him for the fact that sometimes he is a little uncouth and almost always stubborn (that is, the way he is).
And he will forgive her for the fact that she is sometimes arrogant and haughty (that is, the way she is, in essence). Maybe it is worth trying to forgive each other for their offenses?
She just needs to understand that his clumsiness is part of his down-to-earth, but quite reliable nature, and his contempt for everything frivolous and insincere is something she should sometimes learn from.
She will have to understand that his stubbornness shows his strength and that it is better not to provoke him.
And stubbornness is so easy to get around: you just need to hug and kiss your Taurus, returning him to a good mood.
He must understand that her arrogance is only a defense. Wouldn't it be better to simply recognize her true superiority as a woman who needs compliments so much?
He will always be able to outwit her, letting her know that he considers himself lucky because he married an exceptional woman in all respects.
And his Leo knows how to love like no one else, if only she is properly appreciated and... loved.
taurus man
leo woman
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