taurus man and gemini woman
Taurus Man - Gemini Woman
Someone once wrote a poem about a man whom nothing could hold back, "neither rain nor storm nor darkness of night could knock him off his appointed circle." It was dedicated to a postman. But of course it had to be a Taurus postman delivering "valentines."The slow, smoldering passion of Taurus does not awaken simply and not immediately. It creeps up on him unnoticed and grows within him, gradually gaining strength. Once his heart is caught in the trap, unless his Moon or Ascendant is in Gemini, Sagittarius, or Pisces, he will go through everything - through rain, slush, and snow, and even through the sudden storms of anger and hurricanes of emotions of the Gemini woman.
Nothing and no one - not a threat to his reputation, not a negative attitude from relatives or friends - will stop or even slightly slow down this always reasonable man when he is in love. At that moment, when the usually practical Taurus is caught in the romantic web, his common sense recedes before his newly discovered senses of hearing, smell, and touch, the ability to see a woman - an object of calm, but deep passion. Strong, devoted, and reliable, he is able to make promises of eternal fidelity and keep them. A Taurus who is truly in love is in love forever. If his love does not come to a fairy-tale ending.
Taurus can throw himself into other sensual experiments, becoming, for example, a gloomy alcoholic (one of the most terrible mistakes that Bulls can make) or an insatiable glutton. These are equally unnatural states for Taurus, because extremes are not for him.
He is like a dream come true for any girl. But not for Gemini girls. Geminis are frivolous. They are like a kite in free flight: they soar beautifully, catching the sunlight in the clouds and only reflecting it.
Comedian Oreon Vin once described quite accurately a Gemini girl he knew: "I asked her when her husband's birthday was. And she immediately exclaimed that, thank God, she didn't have a husband."
"You speak as if you don't like men," he told her, surprised. "No," she answered cheerfully, "I adore men! I just can't stand husbands." - "But why?" - Bean insisted. "What did they do wrong?" The girl thought for only a second: "Well, they are so possessive. As if they want to know who you are making a date with..."
The average person reading this, and, of course, the Taurus, may simply be shocked by the Gemini girl's answer. But not the astrologer. You see, a "date" for a Gemini can be an innocent arrangement with her hairdresser, a consultation with a beautician, or a visit to the dentist. This woman always makes dates to meet people, and then is late for them or forgets about them altogether. This does not mean that she is looking for adventure - she simply enjoys talking to people. At least, that is how it begins, and usually ends that way, if she is understood correctly, of course. Remember that there are always two Geminis, and one man can hardly make two girls happy at once . Taurus does not understand this.
Of course, this should not destroy the relationship, and the Gemini girl can be deeply attached to one man, even if she needs the whole company. But try to make the possessive Taurus understand this need! It would be better if she explained all this to him before the wedding. If she waits longer, until he begins to think that she belongs exclusively to him, and only then tells him that she simply needs to go and have fun because she is bored, or begins to lie, his reaction may be uncontrollable.
Of course, if his Moon or Ascendant is in Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Leo or Aries, or if he has Mars or Venus in Gemini, and in conjunction with her Sun, everything can be wonderful. Then he has the stability and calmness to "ground" her in time, enough Air to admire her enthusiasm, or enough Fire to support her flash of freedom. As for the girl, if her Moon or Ascendant is in the signs of Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces or Cancer (especially if she has Mars or Venus in Taurus), she will even enjoy sitting on his lap and purring while he strokes her head.
Otherwise, it will be difficult for them to communicate. For example, in terms of money: she loves to spend it, and he thinks that it should be saved. In terms of food: he loves to eat, and she can't stand cooking. She can still chop salads with one hand. She leaves anything more complicated to the chef of her favorite French restaurant. It will be very difficult for him to understand her Mercurian moods, because she changes them as often as some people in the tropics change shirts.
She goes from grief to joy, from generosity to stinginess. First she wants to be an actress, then get a degree in anthropology. It is understandable that Taurus can become irritable after one of these quick changes.
Their sexual relations can be just as changeable, and this requires nerves of steel. Taurus are sensual, with erotic inclinations and very passionate lovers. Geminis treat sex as another exciting adventure in the land of imagination.
The Taurus man wants to embrace a real woman, not a forest nymph or an astral body. Her mind is a world full of amazing images, but this is unbearable for Taurus, who stands firmly on the ground and lives in the real world. And there must be room for a compromise.
Everything that confuses the Taurus man about his beloved Gemini can be "put" in one very simple question. Who is she? Is she really his woman - the one he has been waiting for so long to possess, or is she just a figment of his imagination, born of desire? He wants so much to fly together with her high in the clouds, but he is not sure that he knows how... His melancholy confusion is described in this poem:
- Is it you?
- Or is it not you,
- Not a dream, but only that,
- What is in the clothes of a dream?
- The walls of our houses on the sand were strong...
- Is it you?
- I call out to you in melancholy:
- — Is it you?
- The walls were strong, but one day they were washed away by water.
- Who said that troubles do not hurt
- Our departed dreams?
- I'll climb to the top,
- To see everything to the end,
- — But from here you can't see your face.
- Is that you?
- ... I was always afraid of heights.
taurus man
gemini woman
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