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is made for you...

taurus man and aries woman



Aries Woman — Taurus Man

A romantic infatuation with a Taurus man will certainly be an instructive experience for the Aries woman.

She believes that stationary obstacles can be simply thrown aside, jumped over, or swept away by the all-conquering force of Mars's fire.

But not in this case.

She pushes him, and he sits. She pulls, and he resists. She demands, and he withdraws into himself. Then, however, he cautiously looks out.

To save the relationship, you have to part for a while. But everything can be different. If she smiles, he will soften, she will flatter him - he will open his arms to her, she will hug him - he will beam.

It is not difficult to make sure that in this couple it is she who always makes the first move.

In any direction.

They can quarrel over money (her extravagance, his thriftiness) or lock horns because of the thirst for new sensations, characteristic of Aries, and the craving for peace and quiet, characteristic of Taurus.

But, having made some effort and having adapted to each other, these two can achieve a rare complete mutual understanding.

Since she needs unlimited freedom, it is best if the Bull is not very jealous.

True, his sense of ownership is quite developed.

The Taurus man is stubborn, no one denies it.

His sometimes blind and reckless ability to dig his heels in will show itself in all its glory if the Aries girl drags him to pick daisies with her when he wants to take a nap, or wants to introduce him to her friends when he was going to read quietly (another time he will be happy to entertain them with his wonderful humor), or demands that he spend more than he earns.

And yet, the Bull who is loved is capable of enduring a lot.

He will calmly and evenly react to her clashes with his boss or relatives, to howls from a toothache. He won't even scold her when she loses her engagement ring, dropping it in the mashed potatoes at a restaurant, and discovers it is missing after they have left, the restaurant has closed, and the ring can no longer be returned.

The calm Taurus will patiently endure most of the not always attractive outbursts of enthusiasm of the Ram, if you do not push him too hard and too often. Otherwise, his wrath cannot be avoided.

Rams, who do not know what an angry Ox is, should not test his patience.

This is, perhaps, the most serious astrological warning, which should not be treated with irony.

If he is treated kindly, with sympathy for his feelings, this man will calmly survive the darkest days with the Ramess woman he loves, supporting her in the misfortunes caused by her own mistakes, surrounding her with warmth and care, giving her unconditional devotion.

She will rest in his strong arms, as if in the evening by the fireplace after long wanderings along the cold and wet streets.

Not fully understanding her emotional trauma, he will always take care of her, provide her with a reliable bank account and a leak-proof roof, not to mention a stocked refrigerator, trying with all his might, slowly, probably, to build a foundation for a more reliable and even luxurious future.

The Aries woman will bring ideas and energy to their union, the Taurus man - stability and security.

This applies equally to the financial and sexual aspects of their not risk-free relationship.

Although Taurus is as practical in love as in everything else, they are deeply impressionable, romantic and sentimental.

The Aries woman who mistakenly believes that her usually lukewarm lover or husband Taurus does not love her will be periodically surprised, receiving unexpected signs of attention, eloquently and touchingly speaking of the timid feelings of Taurus.

However, they may have difficulties concerning the physiological side of love, after the initial magnetic attraction of the positive male pole and the negative female pole has lost its novelty.

Sex for the Aries woman serves as a form of mental, emotional, physical and spiritual release.

For her, sexual activity justifies itself as a quivering fantasy that is capable of miraculously, known only to her, turning any dream into reality.

For the Taurus man, sex is a normal and natural function aimed at achieving quite tangible results: satisfaction, erotic needs of the flesh and the birth of children.

The Aries woman is forced to give an outlet to the sexual energy of Mars, even if she does not manage to achieve much, and imaginary romance is very important to her. The Taurus man does not see much point in giving an outlet for energy if he does not expect to receive some practical use: the typical Taurus does not like to dream. Therefore, Aries can gradually cool off to the not at all romantic love with Taurus, and he (of course, not so quickly) will begin to frankly marvel at the flights to the stars, which seem to her the embodiment of passion, deep down thinking with longing that he could take her to the stars, but for this it is necessary to solve so many specific problems, and he does not even have a map...

The harmonious combination of their Sun, Moon signs and Ascendants will magically erase the differences between their natures and allow them to achieve deep satisfaction in sex, as well as in other areas of their life together.

However, if there is a certain tension between their luminaries and Ascendants, the Aries woman will have a hard time keeping the Bull in her pasture, unless she puts in a lot of effort to constantly please him, which, however, is completely unnatural for the typical egoistic Aries.

For Taurus, having to leave the woman he once loved causes great pain and annoyance (leaving or allowing her to leave his control), but once he decides to leave, he leaves forever.

There are no exceptions to this rule.

A little tenderness today can prevent a sea of ​​​​tears tomorrow.

Despite many disputes, they completely agree on one thing: they need to clearly know everything about general and personal finances. Therefore, the Taurus man's attitude to money, which is so different from her own, will soon cease to be a secret to her.

At first, she will decide that he is a rare miser, and he will think that she is a spender, like all women (Taurus is sure that they are all more or less made of the same stuff). Gradually, however, the generous Bull will understand that her carefree attitude to money is almost always explained by spiritual impulses.

Although she will spend a lot of money on herself (Aries represents the first astrological house and is therefore exclusively concerned with her appearance), but much greater expenses will be entailed by her desire to give, almost the same way that children give: with delight at the opportunity to please others and the joy of their happy smiles.

He will likely change his attitude towards her unrestrained and carefree spending, and as their relationship grows stronger, her impulsive generosity may even increase his love for her.

The Aries woman will also gradually understand that he is not as mercantile as she thought at first, and that his thriftiness arises from a strongly developed need in him to be sure of the future, from a deep-seated fear of suddenly finding himself on the street and dependent on someone's charity.

She will also understand that the natural nobility of her stubborn, but kind, unwavering and law-abiding Bull consists in the desire to be sure that their future is reasonably provided for.

The opportunity to make gifts to friends and relatives and to lend money to those who need it, without rushing to repay the debt, will tickle his vanity as well as hers. However, the Bull must be sure that he has an emergency reserve for a rainy day.

A typical Taurus man will not take any great risks with his well-being. If an Aries woman tries to convince him that they should move to a more comfortable apartment or house, to trust someone with their money in the hope of future dividends, commissions or bonuses, to play on the difference between rent and mortgage payments, she is doomed to scandals that will end in nothing.

The Bull will not move an inch until he is sure that the burden is within his reach. Taurus never believes in promises.

They are just words to him. And what can be created from words? But if Taurus nevertheless decides to act, he generously shares with those who need it, especially if we are talking about his family, friends or the woman he loves.

Sometimes the stubbornness of the Bull seems to the Aries girl to be a manifestation of real cruelty.

For example, he may say something mean to her in front of everyone if she hurts him too much.

She, of course, will immediately try to make him openly ask for forgiveness or at least admit that he did not want to do this (which she is already sure of), but, of course, she will achieve nothing. Attempts to insist and even demand this, stamping his foot, will only lead to the fact that he will finally withdraw into himself and it will be impossible to get a word out of him.

A classic quarrel will break out.

The girl, sobbing with anger, will suddenly run out into the night street. "He is the coldest and cruelest man I have ever known! It is all over between us!" After running a few houses (it all depends on the amount of adrenaline that was produced in her blood when she, like a fury, rushed to run), she will see a cafe, stop and enter it to be alone with herself, wetting her donuts with tears and cursing her lover... until their favorite song flows from the speakers, which will remind her of the happy past so recently.

Then she will pay the bill, hurry out and stand on the street corner, miserable and lonely. Then, trying to catch a taxi to get home, she will finally realize her guilt and become truly scared.

It's late, there are no taxis, and she will walk along the unusually quiet and deserted streets, pondering the events of the evening. But who is that standing there on the corner, patiently waiting for her?

It's him!

Overflowing with happiness, she throws herself into his safe arms. After all, he hasn't left and hasn't abandoned her! Everything is good again.

Yes, he hasn't left this time.

Perhaps, a similar scene will repeat itself. But one day his patience will snap...

If the Aries woman is wise, she will be able to save their relationship from breaking up.
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