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pisces man and sagittarius woman



Sagittarius Woman — Pisces Man

Sometimes a Sagittarius girl simply does not understand anything: maybe her Pisces lover is not a Pisces at all, because he behaves like some Gemini!

Her confusion is completely justified. Both Pisces and Gemini are double Sun signs, endowed with the ability to change something halfway, then turn aside, obeying some inexplicable impulse - in this they are surprisingly similar to each other (their difference is in another).

But she was also born under the influence of a double Sun sign, because the symbol of Sagittarius is a Centaur, half-horse, half-man. And anyway, who is she to ask about his changeable character? Sagittarius - that's who she is! And Sagittarius tends to ask questions about everything, and it is useless to fight it.

Besides, she cannot do without questions with this man.

Naturally, there are Pisces with a reliable profession, constant interests, but the majority of Pisces will always be tempted by the possibility of choice.

I will give the Sagittarius girl a few examples from life (where they should be taken from, as logic suggests).

Pisces Mike Thornton tried the professions of a gold prospector, cattle breeder, writer and artist.

Then he took up garden architecture and experimented with climbing plants.

Then he studied to be an electrician and became a specialist in replacing wiring in private homes and offices. Recently, he wondered whether his horoscope was favorable for opening a nightclub with a disco, billiards, checkers, and chess.

Another Pisces man, Mark, about whom the Sagittarius girl would do well to know, graduated from law school and was completely absorbed in his profession for five years - he was, in fact, a brilliant lawyer. And then Mark decided to give up his law practice, threw his sign in the attic, and flew to New York to devote all his time to working on the ATC show "Good Morning America."

Now he films special stories for the program, works as a producer, director, and screenwriter, and hosts his own reports.

If you are interested in what he looks like, you won't have any trouble catching this Fish on TV.

As you can see, the Sagittarius girl must prepare herself for all sorts of surprises.

At first, she will hardly object and may even find it exciting, especially if his adventurous quests are accompanied by their joint travels.


Well, later she may stop, look at him and say something "tactful" like: "Listen, I'm tired of playing these games with you. You've changed professions so many times that I don't even remember whether you wanted to run for Congress, or open a Japanese tea house, or sell nuts.

Are you out of your mind?"

After a few verbal outbursts of this kind, the sensitive Pisces may dematerialize from shock.

In short, he will simply disappear, and the next time she sees him in the newspaper in a picture, when he is elected as a congressman: he is next to his new girlfriend (a hidden hint for Sagittarius that it is time to file for divorce).

Naturally, not every Sagittarius woman is so straightforward. Some Archers are softer and calmer, but even they would never win first prize for tact.

But a Sagittarius woman who really loves a Pisces man must learn to be tactful, otherwise she may inadvertently hurt him and even lose his rare affection and devotion. And he shouldn't be so thin-skinned and wince every time this woman tells the truth: she can't help her desire for honesty, and it's all with the best of intentions.

He will have to carefully explain to her how much it hurts him.

Her remorse will be completely sincere, and she will really try to think before she speaks in the future (though she will have to remind him of this from time to time).

In general, if a Sagittarius girl is serious, she will, of course, want to understand what kind of Pisces he is, because there are two types of people born under this Sun sign.

There are those who swim upstream - to success, and those who swim downstream - their dreams drown in the pools of failures, and in the end they are thrown ashore.

This is not the same fish thrown ashore that she found somewhere at the edge of the surf.

A humiliated, self-respecting Fish thrown ashore on the city streets is a completely different case. And perhaps it is precisely this kind of Pisces that needs her loyalty and courage.

I am not saying that she should be wary of this: there is nothing more beautiful than a Jupiterian miracle capable of saving a lost soul. I am only saying that first of all it is necessary to figure out what kind of race the one, or rather the one with whom she is connecting her life, belongs to.

A Sagittarius woman and a Pisces man should be prepared for the fact that tension may arise in their relationship from time to time.

His self-pity and her stubbornness and willfulness will only exacerbate their problems.

But jealousy and possessiveness will not be a constant topic of their disagreements, because both of them are not possessive by nature and both value freedom too much (unless the Ascendant or Moon sign intervenes).

It is typical for these two signs to keep their personal space in their life together. Jealous Sagittarius women do meet (their temperament makes itself known).

But this is not possessiveness.

Pisces is a feminine sign, also ruled by the feminine planet Neptune, so if a Pisces man wants to achieve physical harmony with a Sagittarius woman, he must consciously abandon passivity and carelessness and become more active. Sagittarius is a masculine sign, and is also ruled by the masculine planet Jupiter, so a Sagittarius woman should be more careful with his feelings and less impulsive. Too much fire is also bad, because he may feel simply incompetent, afraid that he will not be able to respond to her with the same strength.

Although it is precisely the male vibrations in her aura that can increase his desire and awaken in him the hidden passion of the Water element.

If you help your partner to understand himself, he will respond to you not only with love, but also with gratitude. And then sex will not only be the satisfaction of two separate desires, but also a gift called wholeness.

If this is not so, after intimacy comes a feeling of distance, when each feels even more lonelier.

There are many connecting threads of tenderness and sympathy between Jupiter and Neptune.

Before Neptune was discovered, Jupiter astrologically ruled both Sagittarius and Pisces.

This "blood relationship" of the ruling planets makes the Pisces man and Sagittarius woman closer than they can imagine.

Both are sympathetic, and both are idealists. However, there are moments when the giant Jupiter and the illusory Neptune clash.

The essence of Jupiter despises any hint of Neptunian secrecy, doublethink, cunning, while Neptune people are deeply offended by Jupiter's ideologies of truth and virtue.

But if two people truly Love each other, they will find a way to resolve their differences.

She will try to become a little more tactful and gentle and stop constantly defending the independence of her Fire sign.

He will try to be more open, straightforward and natural in the expression of feelings and will try not to seek illusory peace in the depths of his Water element.
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