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pisces man and libra woman



Libra Woman - Pisces Man

Since the Pisces man is not known for his tough, aggressive actions in solving problems, we will tell him how to deal with the indecision of the Libra woman, who has lured him into her net (he did not resist much). It is quite easy, you just need to acquire the skill.

You see, Libra is a Cardinal sign, and if there is one thing Libra women do not tolerate, it is an attack on their personal authority. This makes them make decisions with exceptional speed.

The strategy in brief is as follows: 1) replace one subject of indecision with another, since the second decision often nullifies the importance of the first; 2) make only one assumption, no more, to help Libra make the second decision; 3) give Libra a reasonable time, because once their decisions are made, it is always the best option, thanks to the wisdom, decency, fairness, logic and refined taste of Venus; and, finally, 4) if a decision is not made within a reasonable time, do it yourself and firmly pretend that you are going to do it immediately.

Four simple steps.

The only point in which Pisces may have difficulties is the fourth. Pisces find it difficult to show firmness, to act actively or to do anything immediately.

Although, as far as pretending is concerned, for a typical Neptunian it is a piece of cake.

He is an excellent master of the art of invention. Every Pisces is a failed actor or a character who escaped from the pages of the Brothers Grimm fairy tales to see what is going on in this world of illusions that everyone except Pisces calls reality.

Pisces know what's what.

A real Pisces will never become so confused as to believe that dreams are unreal, that this is a fantasy world created by the imagination.

This person knows that everything is just the opposite. He knows that the truth is that this is a dream, and the dream is where everything really happens.

Well, we have given these two a topic so fraught with contradictions and so devoid of the possibility of a final conclusion that it will quickly replace all their controversial questions.

Dreams, of course, are closely connected with Neptune, and Venus adores everything unearthly, everything where there is at least a hint of imagination.

Libra with its logic will firmly stand on the side of the "real", and Pisces, perhaps, will not refuse to defend the esoteric.

But it will be interesting for him to watch how she tries to find a balance between logic on the side of reality and the softness of Venus - on the side of the ephemeral and romantic.

In fact, it is precisely this that attracted his absent-minded attention, that lured him, helpless, into the net of her charm.

Irresistible male logic in combination with the tenderness of Venus and romantic imagination - a seductive mixture of practicality and compassion that distinguishes Libra. She is endowed with the gift of compassion almost to the same extent as he is, and practicality can be learned from her.

There is something elusively oriental in the Libra woman.

Sometimes, it is as if you can smell incense or hear the echo of temple bells next to her, which brings to mind Tibet, China, and even Japan. That's right: the sign of Libra astrologically rules the East.

Since she was born under the masculine (initiative) Cardinal sign, and he was born under the feminine (passive) Movable sign, then no matter how refined and sweet she is and how strong and wise he is, when it comes to leadership in their relationship, the last word will remain with the Libra woman.

But when it comes to the real last word "goodbye", perhaps it will be said by a Pisces. The Pisces man is capable of quietly swimming away to a peaceful pond of tranquility (perhaps with one of those fish - "crimson velvet butterflies" mentioned at the beginning of the chapter) if his Libra beloved becomes too domineering and demanding, overzealous in her cardinal role instead of maintaining an equal partnership.

He will be more patient with her than with any other woman.

He is very attached to her both spiritually and physically - just as she is to him.

The fluctuations of Venus in her soul yearn for that magical delight that his drawn-out sea songs of Neptune promise.

In his eyes she sees a reflection of old memories... It seems she was about four years old, when she trustingly searched in the damp, sweet-smelling grass for diamond necklaces, carelessly forgotten there by elves and fairies while she was fast asleep. She still remembers how her heart sank when the boring voice of an adult told her that it was only dew, and nothing more. And then suddenly the rain poured down and soaked her favorite pink striped apron...

Now she has grown up and become smarter, but why does the pain of that morning return to her every time it rains?

Her Pisces lover believes that he may have his own secrets, explaining this as a sacred right of privacy of the inner world.

And this "almost deception" angers her.

But he would never lie to her about the dew. He knows that the druid diamonds exist.

She found out about it on the very first night...

He even tried to pick them up from the grass with her, and when they disappeared from human touch, he simply kissed her hair and whispered that in fact they had not disappeared at all - they simply exist in another dimension. "See?" he gently touched the tears on her cheeks. "They haven't gone anywhere."

Oh, she will miss him if they part.

Just as he will miss her smile, her voice, as if singing an old lullaby, even when she says the most ordinary words. Or not so ordinary?..

Despite her sometimes commanding manners and mood swings, he knows that she really believes in him, and she alone knows the cherished word that can unexpectedly give him the strength to believe in himself. No one else will be able to so gently lead him away from endless disappointments. In addition, his own mood often changes...

As for his beloved Libra, she knows that he, perhaps, is the only person who knows the way to that secret distant place where she can rest, take a cool star shower and return renewed.

After all, only he could explain to her where the druids' diamonds disappear to and return them with a kiss.
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