pisces man and aquarius woman
Aquarius Woman - Pisces Man
An Aquarius woman is not easily shocked or alarmed, and even more difficult to surprise.Shock, alarm, and surprise are usually her weapons.
This woman likes to keep her man in constant suspense with various buffoonish antics.
For example, appearing in front of him wearing brown-tinted contact lenses and kindly asking: "Honey, what makes you think I have blue eyes?" Calling him during his lunch break and leaving a cheerful message: "I got bored hanging around the house, so I decided to fly to Mexico and go surfing. You could catch a plane after work and join me." Use his hairbrush to comb the silk fringe of her oriental rug, or perhaps wake him up in the middle of the night with the sound of a man's sensual voice right next to his ear.
(It's just a small tape recorder under her pillow so she can learn Italian in her sleep, but she forgot to tell him about it.
Well, for heaven's sake, how could she tell him when he came home, ate dinner, and went straight to bed without even saying goodnight?)
Rule Number One. Don't let this girl get bored. And it doesn't take much for her to get bored.
Of course, Pisces, although they do not have the habit of shocking people themselves, are almost as difficult to surprise as she is, so perhaps her antics will not affect him as strongly as, for example, a Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn man.
Pisces understand human nature with all its quirks. This is part of their worldview. They generally resign themselves to the fact of their birth in a world of misunderstandings, which includes not only Aquarians, but the entire population of the planet.
Ruled by Neptune, they are unusually tolerant of oddities behavior.
All Pisces men have the traits of a priest-confessor or a contemplative monk.
And somewhere deep inside them, there is a capacity for abstract reasoning and... a playful dolphin. They may be real geniuses in mathematics and mechanics, but they also love to walk in the rain and pick yellow daffodils, sleep in the open air and watch the stars of the Milky Way wink at Regulus on a summer night, and... weave dandelion wreaths.
It seems to me that if you think it over carefully, a Pisces man is unlikely to let an Aquarius girl get bored.
Most Pisces men, if you except for some rare whims (always for a serious reason), are generally caring and helpful people with a rather timid, gentle and friendly character. A Pisces man usually gives his family or the woman he loves everything he has.
Of course, if he belongs to a certain type of Pisces, then he can give almost nothing materially. Firstly, others may have already managed to take almost everything from him permanently or on credit. Secondly, he tends to put everything off, postponing his dreams for tomorrow, which can stretch out for years.
Pisces often refuse to come face to face with those harsh, tough demands that life makes on those who try to achieve tangible, earthly, material success.
If he belongs to the opposite type of Pisces, he is endowed with sufficient talents and knowledge to achieve both recognition and financial gain in almost any undertaking he wishes to undertake.
He will enjoy all the pleasures of life and will be well suited to persistently pursue the material conditions necessary to obtain them.
Such Pisces are called Whales in astrology.
They are just as gentle, playful, sensitive, and benevolent, but possess much more strength and aggressive drive than the Neptunian dreamers.
But no matter what kind of Pisces man the Aquarius girl loves, she will not count the cost of what he gives her, because he also willingly gives her something intangible: his thoughts and dreams, ideas and ideals, visions and feelings, his vulnerable heart.
For the Aquarius woman, whose intuition is usually tuned to everything true and real, all this is worth much more than a stereo system, Haviland china, carports, expensive gifts and household trinkets.
Unless she was born with a more materialistic Moon sign or Ascendant, the typical Aquarius woman is able to distinguish the real from the fake without the slightest effort. She understands that the intangible is often the real.
A Pisces man who loves her must always be prepared for any surprises.
Unconventional behavior, even if only a little unconventional, is her natural form, in which she was born.
Aquarius women can be surprisingly practical in everyday affairs (some of them are brilliant mathematicians and can add columns of numbers in their heads). However, they are always different from everyone else in some way.
If you meet a nice, quiet, conservative bank teller who was born in February, don't form your judgment about her until you have asked a few delicate questions of her colleagues, husband, or relatives. You are likely to be in for a shock.
She may well ride a tractor to work on snowy days, carry her breakfast in a duffel bag, wear snowshoes, check (as a hobby) Russian train schedules to find out how often their trains are late, write out a wire transfer with a real old goose quill, and so on.
The Aquarius girl's natural kindness and love for people shines through in everything she does and says. However, her love for people does not prevent her from being completely slavish about what people think of her.
Her Pisces lover or husband will have more than one reason to blush for her unwillingness to live the way that is customary.
It's not like she'd do anything really awful, but she could easily put a chicken cage by the front door, chant ancient Incan incantations in the yard at night, or turn on an electric lawn mower at five in the morning. Wouldn't the neighbors understand?
The Aquarius woman and the Pisces man have the same attitude toward promises. They don't trust them and don't like to make them - not to each other, not to anyone. Pisces may sometimes break their own rule and promise something, but that doesn't mean they'll keep their word. The Aquarius woman will tell you right away that she doesn't want to make promises because she might have to break them. This is a unique form of Uranian honesty.
No one should make promises and swear, Aquarius believes, for the very reasonable reason that no one can predict with certainty what might happen.
Promises are for those who like to deceive themselves and others, imagining that they have complete control over their own feelings.
The first thing a Uranus-ruled woman will most likely do when she falls in love with a Pisces man is to tell him all of her difficulties, ideas, thoughts, and theories, and see what he thinks about them. She will not use him as a shoulder to cry on or as a test bed for her projects. Oddly enough, she will listen to many of his advice.
But in some matters she will definitely go her own way, despite his wise hints. And when she stumbles, he will gently lift her and console her.
She looks for his hand and always finds it.
Even for the unpredictable Aquarius woman, this is a very pleasant, cozy feeling.
True, sometimes he may not be there.
He is capable of suddenly disappearing, or perhaps not suddenly, but gradually.
As a rule, Pisces are emotionally reliable. He can endure a lot before his patience runs out.
But when he can no longer tolerate resentment and pain, in whatever form they are expressed, he will rather quietly swim away.
The Aquarius woman is also capable of disappearing, only her departure will be like a magician's trick: you just saw her - and now she is gone.
She turns into a memory, like the illusionist's colorful silk scarves and fluffy white rabbits. Like the Pisces man, her patience is not limitless.
The sexual relationship between Pisces and Aquarius is often more like an experiment than a feeling, at least at first. Both are slightly unsure of the wisdom of completely surrendering themselves to the other. Bodies are not so important. These lovers will go through all the usual lovemaking movements, but they will not be sure that this is complete intimacy until the spirit catches up with the desires and demands of the flesh. When this happens, the physical fulfillment of their love will be for him the fulfillment of a long-cherished dream, for her - another one of life's delightful joys. Not the only one, but a special, magical one.
Because in fact she loves life itself with all its various surprises too much to place all her hopes on just one of its miracles.
Still, these two can find more poetry in the naturalness of their physical intimacy than most couples can simply imagine.
But before this woman will finally commit herself to the man she loves, he must prove to her that he is her friend, a true friend, that he does not just want to possess her heart and body, but also wants intellectual intimacy.
The slightest hint of infidelity in friendship - and it will become cold as the first winter frost.
Friendship for Aquarius is above all, love - then, and only in third place - sex. This does not mean that she is not passionate.
It all depends on your definition of passion.
Intellectual kinship, intellectual closeness, if you will, always makes passion deeper and more manageable.
People ruled by Uranus sense this truth long before others know it.
The Pisces man's greatest weakness is his ability to neglect his personal well-being and ignore his own needs because of his tendency to give his time and money to those who need his help.
But for his Aquarius woman, self-sacrifice is not a weakness.
It is a strength without which a man is not a real man and certainly not fit to be her friend.
The Aquarius woman's greatest character flaw is her refusal to adapt, her thirst for change and her passion for adventure.
But for her Pisces man, her disregard for convention is not a flaw.
It's what made him fall in love with her in the first place, because it's so much like him. Going a little crazy together is where their magic comes from.
Yes, they will argue, even often.
But how unusual are the arguments between a man and a woman who love each other!
All quarrels, no matter how fierce they may be, end in passionate embraces.
And after her Uranian games of riddles have run their course, after his Neptunian evasiveness has disappeared, in the end only love matters.
pisces man
aquarius woman
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